
uceed 2024 exam date (Updated) Syllabus and Exam Pattern

UCEED 2024 Revised Syllabus

UCEED 2024 exam date(Updated)

Exam will be held on 21st Jan 2024(Sunday) timing will be 09:00AM to 12:00PM Revised Syllabus and Exam Pattern. Admission process will start this month. The UCEED 2024 will have revised syllabus which is mentioned at the bottom of this article. We have given here the exam pattern and syllabus so that the candidates who are planning to appear they can prepare accordingly.

Part-A (Total marks: 240; Maximum time: 2 hours 30 minutes)

UCEED 2024 Revised Syllabus
  • This part will be administered through a computer-based test.
  • This part will consist of three sections. Section 1: NAT (Numerical Answer Type): 18 questions (4 marks each; no negative marks). For these questions, the answer is a number that needs to be entered using a virtual keyboard in the computer screen. No choices will be shown for these questions.


UCEED 2024 Application Opening Dates

What are the B.Design Course?

Section 2:

MSQ (Multiple Select Question): 18 questions. Each MSQ may have one or more than one correct choice(s) out of the four given. The following is the marking scheme:

  • Full Marks: + 4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is(are) chosen and NONE of the incorrect options is chosen.
  • Partial Marks: + 3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen and NONE of the incorrect options is chosen.
  • Partial Marks: + 2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct and NONE of the incorrect options is chosen.
  • Partial Marks: + 1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option and NONE of the incorrect options is chosen.
  • Zero Marks: 0 If NONE of the options is chosen (i.e., the question is unanswered).
  • Negative Marks: -1 In all other cases.


Section 3:

  • MCQ (Multiple Choice Question):
  • 32 questions (3 marks each for the correct answer;
  • 71 negative marks for incorrect answers).
  • Each MCQ will have four choices, out of which only one is the correct answer


Part-B (Total marks: 60; Maximum time: 30 minutes)

  • Part-B consists of ONE question that is aimed at testing the candidate’s drawing skills, which will require subjective evaluation. The question in Part-B will be displayed on the computer screen and the answer has to be written/drawn in the answer book provided by the invigilator only. In case of PwD candidates availing the use of a scribe, assistance in attempting Part-B is not permitted, as the question is aimed to evaluate the candidate’s drawing skill.
  • Part-B answer booklets will be collected at the end of the examination.
  • Part-B question is mandatory.
  • The entire paper (both Part-A and Part-B) must be finished within the time stipulated for each part.

Part A

QuestionNo. of QuestionsMarks for Correct AnswerNegative MarksMarks for Unattempted questionTotal Marks
Numerical Answer Type (NAT)1840072
Multiple Select Question (MSQ)18Partial Marking-1072
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)3230.71096



Part B

Question TypeNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Alloted
Sketching16030 Minutes


UCEED 2023 Old Syllabus 

UCEED  will have two parts.

Part-A will have questions from the following topics:

  • Visualization and spatial ability: Pictorial and diagrammatic questions to test understanding of transformation and/or manipulation of 2D shapes and 3D objects and their spatial relationships, knowledge of practical and everyday mechanical and scientific concepts.
  • Observation and design sensitivity: Ability to detect concealed properties in ordinary things, people, situations, and events, and thinking critically about them. Applying attention to certain details, analysing, reasoning, classifying, inferring and predicting. Ability to discern subtle differences in visual properties and aesthetic outcomes.
  • Environmental and social awareness: General awareness of environmental factors such as climate, population, water, vegetation, pollution, weather, natural resources etc., and their implications on the design of products, images, infrastructure and environment.

Awareness of social and cultural connection with design, history of the designed artefact, and socially responsible and environmentally sustainable design responses. History of art, sculpture and literature.

  • Analytical and logical reasoning:

Ability to look at information, be it qualitative or quantitative in nature, and discern patterns within the information. Ability to weigh opinions, arguments or solutions against appropriate criteria. Ability to check for hidden bias or hidden assumptions and whether evidence and argument support conclusions. Ability to use logic and structured thinking to deduce from a short passage, which of a number of statements is the most accurate response to a posed question. Data interpretation, brainteasers, and patterns.

  • Language and creativity: Ability to understand and use Standard English. Reading comprehension, knowledge of English grammar. Ability to think creatively in terms of alternatives, ability to distinguish innovative options and to think out- of-the-box.
  • Design thinking and problem solving: Ability to use visual analogies, metaphors, signs and symbols. Ability to understand complexity, identify problems, generate alternatives, evaluate options and select solutions.

Part-B will have ONE question from the following topic:

  • Drawing: Ability to draw products, people or scenes in proportion with good line quality, composition, proportion, perspective and shading.

Note: The topics given above are exhaustive and indicative of the nature of questions. However, the UCEED 2023 may not cover all the topics


Revised Syllabus 2024

UCEED syllabus (Effective from the year 2024 onwards) UCEED will test candidates for open, creative and inquisitive disposition, ability to think critically, capacity to comprehend and communicate, and breadth of worldview.

As earlier this will have two parts also .

Part-A will have questions from the following topics:

Visualization and spatial reasoning-Ability to visualize and transform 2D shapes and 3D objects and their spatial relationships. Practical and scientific knowledge: Know-how of scientific principles and everyday objects.

Observation and design sensitivity-Capacity to detect concealed properties in day to-day life and think critically about them. Attention to details, classification, analysis, inference and prediction. Environment and society:

General awareness of environmental, social and cultural connections with design.

Analytical and logical reasoning-Ability to analyse qualitative and quantitative information. Language: Proficiency in reading and comprehending Standard English. Creativity: Grasp of verbal and non-verbal analogies, metaphors, signs and symbols.

Part-B will have questions from the following topics:

Drawing: Ability to draw products, people or scenes in proportion with good line quality, composition, proportion, perspective and shading.

Design aptitude: Capability to practically and appropriately respond to problems/situations with ingenuity and empathy.

Note: The topics given above are exhaustive and indicative of the nature of the questions. However, the UCEED may not cover all the topics.



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