
Only 5 percent need jobs IIT Delhi survey

Only 5 percent need jobs IIT Delhi survey

Only 5 percent need jobs IIT Delhi survey-IIT Delhi exit survey says that only 5 percent of total students are looking for jobs.The students who pass out are exploring multiple and diverse career opportunities such as startups, entrepreneurship, higher studies, post-doctoral research, civil services and many more.

IIT Delhi has commissioned the exit survey amongst the students graduated in August 2024. The survey says that not all students are availing on campus

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Only 5 percent need jobs IIT Delhi survey

In the annual convocation which took place  on 10th August 2024, 2656 students were awarded degrees. This includes 481 Ph.D. & joint Ph.D., 113 M.B.A., 91 M.S. (Research), 25 M. Des., 529 M.Tech., 24 M.P.P., 129 Dual Degree (B. Tech. + M. Tech.), 1001 B. Tech., 51 PG Diploma, 212 M.Sc. students.

Let us look out finding by IIT Delhi survey

The important findings of the exit survey for the set of 2656 graduates are as below:

  1. 224 (8.4%) students responded that they were self-employed, whereas 45 (1.7%) students informed that they are      working for a start-up and 66 (2.5%) students were involved in entrepreneurship.
  2. 359 (13.5%) students responded that they are going for higher studies, 47 (1.8%) PhD students informed that            they are waiting for a post-doctoral research opportunity or for a faculty position.
  3. 321 (~ 12.1%) students informed that they are preparing for different examinations, for example, civil services,           engineering services, and examinations required for different government jobs
  4.  Finally, only 134 students (~ 5%) reported in August 2024 that they were still looking for appropriate career   

We will wait for the final number of engineering students are placed this year. As the placement season has not been good for the last few years.

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