AP ADCET 2024 Cancelled: The AP Art and Design Common Entrance Test (ADCET 2024) has been cancelled. Organizers have decided to admit students based on merit due to the lower-than-expected number of applications received. Consequently, the previously conducted ADCET entrance exam has also been annulled. This information was disclosed by the ADSET-2024 Chairman, Prof. Banothu Anjaneyaprasad, and Convener, Prof. EC Surendranath Reddy.
They mentioned that the decision to cancel AP ADCET 2024
which was intended for admissions to Dr. YSR Architecture and Fine Arts University and its affiliated colleges in Kadapa, was made in the interest of all students. A notification for admissions in Painting, Animation, Applied Arts, Photography, and B.Design (Interior Design) courses had been released on April 22. Despite giving candidates ample time to apply, the number of applications received was not as expected in some departments.
For the benefit of all applicants, ADSET-2024 has been cancelled and direct admissions will be conducted based on eligibility marks (intermediate/diploma), roster, and merit. The AP Higher Education Council has approved this decision. The schedule for the admission process will be released next week, and the process is expected to start within ten days.

Candidates who have applied for ADCET-2024 need not worry as relevant information will be communicated to them via phone and newspapers.