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Vaidya,Nursing Officers and others jobs at NIA Jaipur

Vaidya,Nursing Officers and others jobs at NIA Jaipur

Vaidya Nursing Officers and others jobs at NIA Jaipur

Vaidya, Nursing Officers and others jobs at NIA Jaipur-National Institute of Ayurveda recruitment 2024 is open. The NIA, a deemed to-be University based in Jaipur, is recruiting specialists for its various positions. The application is open and interested candidates can apply for these post till December 4

PostNumber of Vacancies
Vaidy(Medical Officer)1
Clinical Registrar2
Nursing Officer Ayurveda1
Accounts Officer(Deputation)1

Check RPSC Jobs Calender for 2024-26


Vaidy(Medical Officer)MD/MS (Ayurved) in the Subject of Kayachikitsa/Panchakarma/Shalya Tantra/Shalakya Tantra/Prasuti Tantra & Stri Rog/Balaroga from arecognized University and duly recognized by CCIM/NCISM
Clinical Registrar(KayaChiktsa)MD(Ayurveda) in the Subject of Kayachikitsa from a recognized University and duly recognized by CCIM/NCISM.
Clinial Registrar Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga(Tenure for 3 Years)MS(Ayurveda) in the Subject of Prasuti Tantra & Stri Roga from a recognized University and duly recognized by CCIM/NCISM.
Nursing Officer (Ayurved)B.Sc.(Nursing)(Ayush) from an Ayush recognised Institute/ University,Diploma in Nursing & Pharmacy of Ayush and Registered in the respective State/Indian Ayush Nursing  Council-Experience 2 years
Pharmacist(ayurveda)Pass in 12th Standard from a Central/State Board of Education,Diploma in Ayush Nursing & Pharmacy of not less than 3 Years Duration including Internship from a recognised University.
B. Pharma(Ayurved) from a recognised University
MultitaskingPass in 10th Standard from a Central/State Board of Education
Accounts Officer(Deputation)At least 8 years experience in a responsible capacity in a Group- B post in government/Semi govt Department or Audit Department (Civil, Posts & Telegraphs and Railways Adequate experience in work relating to internal Audit, Govt. Procedures or Budgetary Control and Accounts, knowledge of
Rules and Regulations of Central Govt. etc Post in Govt./Semi Govt. Department or Audit Department (Civil, Posts & Telegraphs and Railways).
Matron2 Years Service on the Post of Assistant Matron or an equivalent Post in Pay Level-7 (Grade Pay Rs. 4600) in a State or Central Govt. Hospital
Administrative Officer (On Deputation)Officers of Central Govt./State Govt. or UTs/Govt. Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies holding analogous Post with Administrative Experience OR Office Superintendent/Assistant Section Officer with 5 Years Regular Service or Section Officer with 2 Years Regular Service on the Post.

Registration Fee

Name of PostFor General & OBC ApplicantsFor SC, ST, EWS Applicants
Vaidya(Medical Officer)Rs. 3,500Rs. 3,000
Clinical RegistrarRs. 2,500Rs. 2,000
Nursing OfficerRs. 2,500Rs. 2,000
PharmacistRs. 2,000Rs. 1,800
Administrative OfficerRs. 2,500Rs. 2,000
Accounts OfficerRs. 2,500Rs. 2,000
MatronRs. 2,500Rs. 2,000
Multi Tasking Staff(MTS)Rs. 2,000Rs. 1,800

Age Limit

For Vaidya,Clinical Registration- 40 years

Nursing Office and Pharmicist -30 years

Accounts Officer,Administration officer and Matron 56 years

Apply through this link

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