EPFO PA 2024 result out- candidates who are selected for skill test. candidates can their result according their roll number.
The Authority has Released Admit Card for UPSC EPFO PA Exam on June 29, 2024 at the official website. Exam will be held on July 07, 2024. Successfully registered candidates Now Can download their from the official website by filling their application number and date of birth.

EPFO PA Exam Schedule
Date of Exam 07th JULY, 2024
Timing 09.30 A.M to 11.30 A.M.
Candidates reporting time is one and hours before the exam. The entry to the examination hall will be closed 30 minutes before the exam time. The entry will be closed at 9 AM. The candidates must carry the hard copy of the E admit card without this they will not be allowed inside the examination hall.
Test Scheme:
(i) The test will be of two hours duration.
(ii) All questions will carry equal marks.
(iii) The test will be objective type questions with multiple choices of answer.
(iv) The medium of Question Paper is in English and Hindi except for those questions in English Language.
(v) There will be penalty for wrong answers. Every wrong answer will carry a deduction of one-third of the marks assigned to that question. If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question.
UPSC EPFO PA Syllabus:
The syllabus of the Test broadly comprises the following topics:
- English Language.
- General Awareness.
- Quantitative Aptitude.
- Reasoning & Computer Aptitude.
300 marks (100% weightage) will be accorded for the Recruitment Test.
Based on the marks scored in the Recruitment test, candidates will be shortlisted, category-wise to appear in the Skill Test(s) for the post(s) they have applied for.
Skill Test is mandatory but qualifying in nature. The candidates who qualify the Skill Test will be considered for final selection on the basis of merit in the recruitment test.