UPSC Mains Syllabus 2025 – The syllabus consists of four general studies papers, two optional papers, and one essay paper. The general studies papers cover a wide range of subjects, including history, geography, governance, social justice, and international relations. The Optional Papers allow candidates to showcase their expertise in a specific subject. Understanding the syllabus is essential for effective preparation and strategy Formulation.
Also Read :- Syllabus for UPSC Civil Service exam 2025
UPSC CSE mains 2025 Paper-I (Essay)

Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fashion, and to write concisely, Credit will be given for effect and exact expression. The essay paper carries 250 marks and consists of two sections, each containing four essay topics. Candidates must choose one topic from each section and write two essays within a three-hour time frame.
UPSC CSE Mains 2025 Qualifying Marks
Qualifying papers | Topics | Marks |
Paper-A | One of the Indian Language to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution. | 300 Marks |
Paper-B | English | 300 Marks |
UPSC CSE Mains 2025 Papers to be counted for meritPapers Exam Topics Total Marks Paper -I Essay 250 marks Paper-II General Studies-I 250 marks Paper-III General Studies -II 250 marks Paper-IV General Studies -III 250 marks Paper-V General Studies -IV 250 marks Paper-VI Optional Subject – Paper 1 250 marks Paper-VII Optional Subjects – Paper 2 250 marks
UPSC CSE 2025 Marks for Personality Test
- 275 marks will be given for personality Test.
UPSC CSE Mains Syllabus 2025 – Optional Mains Subjects List
- Agriculture
- Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
- Anthropology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Commerce and Accountancy
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Geography
- Geology
- History
- Law
- Management
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Science
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science and International Relations
- ) Psychology
- Public Administration
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Zoology
- Literature of any one of the following language.
UPSC CSE Mains 2025 Optional Languages
Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskriti, Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Urdu and English.
UPSC CSE Mains Exam Topics 2025Number of Paper Paper Name Topics Paper-2 General Studies – I Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society Paper-3 General Studies- II Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations Paper-4 General Studies-III Technology, Economic Development, Bio diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management Paper-5 General Studies- IV Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude Paper 6 & 7 Optional Subject Papers I & II Note – Candidates may chose any optional subject from amongst the list of Optional Subjects given in Below Information.
UPSC CSE Mains 2025 Optional Subjects & Topics Papper wise Paper Subjects Paper Number Topics Agriculture Paper -I Check syllabus Paper-II Check Syllabus ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND VETERINARY SCIENCE Paper -I Animal Nutrition, Animal Physiology, Animal Reproduction, Livestock Production and Management, Genetics and Animal Breeding, Extension. Paper-II Anatomy, Pharmacology and Hygiene, Animal Diseases, Veterinary Public Health, Milk and Milk Products Technology, Meat Hygiene and Technology, ANTHROPOLOGY Paper -I Meaning, Scope and development of Anthropology, Relationships with other disciplines, Main branches of Anthropology, their scope and relevance, Human Evolution and emergence of Man, Characteristics of Primates, Phylogenetic status, characteristics and geographical distribution, The biological basis of Life, The Nature of Culture, The Nature of Society, Marriage, Family, Kinship, Economic Organization, Political Organization and Social Control, Religion, Anthropological theories, Culture, Language and Communication, Research methods in Anthropology, Human Genetics, Age, sex and population variation as genetic marker, Concepts and methods of Ecological Anthropology, Epidemiological Anthropology, Concept of human growth and Development, Applications of Anthropology. Paper-II Evolution of the Indian Culture and Civilization, Palaeo, Ethno-archaeology in India, Demographic profile of India, Caste system in India, Indian Village, Tribal situation in India, Problems of the tribal Communities, BOTANY Paper-I Microbiology and Plant Pathology, Cryptogams, Phanerogams, Plant Resource Development, Morphogenesis, Paper – II Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Biostatistics, Physiology and Biochemistry, Ecology and Plant Geography, CHEMISTRY Paper- I Atomic Structure, Chemical bonding, Solid state, The gaseous state and Transport Phenomenon, Liquid State, Thermodynamics, Phase equilibria and solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical kinetics, Photochemistry, Surface phenomena and catalysis, Bio-inorganic chemistry, Coordination chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, General Chemistry of ‘f’ Block Element. Paper-II Delocalised covalent bonding, Reaction mechanisms, Reactive intermediates, Substitution reactions, Elimination reactions, Addition reactions, Reactions and Rearrangements, Pericyclic reactions, Preparation and Properties of Polymers, Synthetic Uses of Reagent, Photochemistry, Spectroscopy, CIVIL ENGINEERING Paper- I Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis, Design of Structures : Steel, concrete and masonry structures, Fluid Mechanics, open channel flow and Hydraulic Machines, Geotechnical Engineering, Paper-II Construction Technology, Equipment, Planning and Management, Surveying and Transportation Engineering, Hydrology, Water Resources and Engineering, Environmental Engineering, COMMERCE AND ACCOUNTANCY Paper- I Financing Accounting, Cost Accounting, Taxation, Auditing, Financial Management, Financial Institutions and Markets. Paper-II Organisation Theory and Behaviours, Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations Organisation Theory and Behaviour, ECONOMICS Paper- I Advanced Micro Economics, Advance Macro Economics, Money-Banking and Finance, International Economics, Growth and Development, Paper-II Indian Economy in Pre-Independence Era, Indian Economy after Independence, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Paper- I Circuits—Theory, Signals and Systems, E.M. Theory, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Energy Conversion, Power Electronics and Electric Drives, Analog Communication. Paper-II Control Systems, Microprocessors and Microcomputers, Measurement and Instrumentation, Power Systems: Analysis and Control, Power System Protection, Digital Communication. GEOGRAPHY Paper- I Physical Geography, Human Geography, Paper-II Geography of India GEOLOGY Paper- I General Geology, Geomorphology and Remote Sensing, Structural Geology, Paleontology, Indian Stratigraphy, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Paper-II Mineralogy, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Sedimenary Petrology, Economic Geology, Mining Geology, Geochemistry and Environmental Geology, HISTORY Paper- I Sources, Pre-history and Proto-history, Indus Valley Civilization, Megalithic Cultures, Aryans and Vedic Period, Period of Mahajanapadas, Mauryan Empire, Post-Mauryan Period (Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushanas, Western Kshatrapas), Early State and Society in Eastern India, Deccan and South India, Guptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas, Regional States during Gupta Era, Themes in Early Indian Cultural History, Early Medieval India, 750-1200, Cultural Traditions in India, 750-1200, The Thirteenth Century, The Fourteenth Century, Society, Culture and Economy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century-Political Developments and Economy, The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century- Society and culture, Akbar, Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century, Economy and society, in the 16th and 17th Centuries, Culture during Mughal Empire, The Eighteenth Century, Paper-II European Penetration into India, British Expansion in India, Early Structure of the British Raj, Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule, Social and Cultural Developments, Social and Religious Reform Movements in Bengal and Other Areas, Indian Response to British Rule, Enlightenment and Modern ideas, Origins of Modern Politics, Industrialization, . Nation-State System, Imperialism and Colonialism, Revolution and Counter-Revolution, World Wars, The World after World War II, Liberation from Colonial Rule, Decolonization and Underdevelopment, Unification of Europe, Disintegration of Soviet Union and the Rise of the Unipolar World. LAW Paper-I Constitutional and administrative Law, International Law, Paper -II Law of Crimes, Law of Torts, Law of Contracts and Mercantile Law, Contemporary Legal Developments,
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