UPPSC RO and ARO 2024 paper leaked. The exam was conducted on 12 February 2024.
UPPSC has formed the three-member internal probe committee to start an investigation into the allegation of a paper leak during the Preliminary exam of RO and ARO.
The main objective of the internal investigation committee is to determine whether the said paper leaked if so its immediate impact on the upcoming Main exam that is taking place on 28 July. The committee is also probing the source of this leak.
This happened when the answer key of the RO/ARO examination 2023 circulated on social media. The UPPSC recommended that the government should involve UP STF in this investigation and should form an internal committee for the same.
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The exam was conducted on 12 February at 2387 centres across 58 districts.
So one question remains how does this leak happen when the government takes full measures to protect the paper? As the fate of such a large number of candidates is at stake. These candidates prepare in advance and dedicate their time. Above all, they have the ambition of getting a secured job.
We hope that this matter is resolved quickly and the candidates should not be suffering from this misconduct.