Tripura PSC Special Medical Officer 2024 – Registration last date is 4 February 2025. Candidates hurry up to apply for this post. There are 172 Vacancies to be filled. What is basis of Selection.It is mention here as follows-
API Score-85
Personal Interview-15

API Score for Specialist Sub cadre recruitment Total Marks: 85
Also Read :- Tripura PSC Special Medical Officers
Distribution of Marks
MBBS Degree: Total Score – 40 marks I.
1st Professional Examination- 04 marks (Passed in First attempt)
11. 2nd Professional Examination – 06marks (Passed in First attempt)
III. 3rd Professional Examination – 14 marks (Passed in First attempt)
IV. 4th Professional Examination – 16 marks (Passed in First attempt)
V Full marks will be awarded who passed all professional exams in 1st (first) attempt
VI. 2(two) marks will be deducted from total marks for each additional attempt to pass the professional examination.
VII. *5 or more additional attempt to pass the professional examinațion will invite zero (0) marking the obtained marks of a candidate from the concerned professional exam (From total marks of 10).
PG (MD/MS/Diploma) Degree:
Total Score-35 marks
Full marks will be awarded who passed his/her Post Graduate examination (MD/MS/Diploma/DNB) In 1″ (first) attempt (Total marks 35).
II. 5(five) marks will be deducted for each additional attempt (more than one) to pass the Post Graduate professional examination (From total marks of 35).
3) Publications:
Total Score- 10 marks
- Single Research publication/ case report – 5 marks
- 2 or more Research publications/ case report- total 10 marks
- Publication must comprise with the latest NMC/MCI approved indexed Journal.
- No marks will be added for Non Index Journal or publication not comprising with latest NMC/MCI guideline for publication of Journal.
- Research paper/Case Report must be published during PG Study period & post PG period.
- VL. Candidate must be first, second or Correspondence Author of publications, otherwise the marks of publications will not be added.
- Total Score= 40+35+10=85
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