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Top Engineering Courses in India

Top Engineering courses in India

Top Engineering Courses in India

Top Engineering courses in India – Engineering has been the topmost choice for Science professionals and even today its importance is no less. Thanks to the modern disciplines of engineering courses! From control engineering to Aeronautical engineering to Biomedical Engineering to Industrial engineering, this professional course is simply amplifying its parameters and helps businesses choose the top engineering courses based on the current industry demands. 

Engineering is a science that involves designing, building and usage of machines, engines and structures. In today’s fast-paced World, the importance of technology is huge. The engineering sector offers various job opportunities in both public and private sector jobs that help students build better careers. 


In order to secure admission to an engineering college, one must secure 50% in 10+2 with subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. 

Some of the colleges, like Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth University, Coimbatore also accepts a three-year Diploma in Engineering awarded by any State Board of Technical Education. The minimum mark in the diploma must be 60%.  

Control EngineeringInformation Technology Engineering
Aeronautical EngineeringComputer Science Engineering
Chemical EngineeringMining Engineering
Metallurgical EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Biomechanical EngineeringElectrical Engineering
Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Data Science Engineering

Agricultural Engineering
Entrance Test Exam NameApplied for Months of exam
JEE Main and AdvancedIITs, CFTIs and NITs of India CONDUCTING BODY – January and April
BITSATBirla Institute of Technology and ScienceJanuary
METManipal Academy of Higher EducationMarch
VITEEEVIT UniversityApril
SRMJEEESRM Institute of Science and TechnologyFebruary – March
WBJEEUniversity of CalcuttaFebruary

    Note: A few of the colleges give admissions on the basis of merit.

Network EngineerMaintenance Engineer
Web DeveloperEnvironmental Engineer
Electrical ManagerMarine Engineer
Software EngineerIntelligence Designer
Robotics Process AnalystCognitive Copywriter
Machine Learning Data ScientistData Curator
BooksExplanatory notes
Practising problemsConcepts of all topics
Problems in General Physics by I.E IrodovFundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick  & Walker
Problems in General Physics by I.E IrodovPracticing problems
Understanding Physics by Freedman and YoungExplanation of all theoretical concepts
Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J D LeePractising problems
Organic Chemistry by O P TandonGood explanation of topics
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations by R.C. MukherjeeA good reference book on inorganic chemistry
Concept of Physical Chemistry by P BahadurGood explanation and set of quality problems
Play with Graphs by Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications)For solving problems
Differential Calculus by Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications)Calculus
The Elements Of Coordinate Geometry by S L LoneyCoordinate Geometry
Complete mathematics for JEE Main TMHFor topic explanation

Reputed colleges like – IITs even offer 1 Crore

Chemical EngineeringProcess Control and Instrumentation Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering Power Systems Engineering
Electrical EngineeringSoftware Engineering
Electronics and Communication EngineeringVLSI System Design
Mechanical EngineeringThermal Engineering

Admission in M.Tech is done on the basis of GATE score or Entrance Exam results conducted by the university or marks obtained in graduation. 

Network EngineerMaintenance Engineer
Web DeveloperEnvironmental Engineer
Electrical ManagerMarine Engineer
Software EngineerIntelligence Designer
Robotics Process AnalystCognitive Copywriter
Machine Learning Data ScientistData Curator
                                                      Generic GATE Books
Paint TechnologyPK Nag
Marine EngineeringRK Rajput, RK Bansal
Instrumentation & ControlNatesan, Mukherjee & Chakrawarthy
Oil EngineeringRK Bansal, RK Rajput
Geology and GeophysicsComplete Master Guide GATE
Chemical Engineering Cengel & Boles
Bio TechnologyLehning M Prescott, Eldon John, Lehninger
                                                        Agricultural Engineering
Farm MachineryThree Authors
Soil & Water ConservationVVN Murty
Concept of Agricultural EngineeringMohanty Das
                                                        Computer Science
Operating SystemGalvin
TOC – Theory of ComputationUllman
                                                              Civil Engineering
Highway EngineeringKhanna and Justo
Environment 1 and 2S K Garg
Open Channel Flow and Engineering HydrologyK Subramanya
Fluid mechanicsR K Bansal
                                                  Geology and Geophysics
Best Complete Master Guide GATEAmresh Singh
                                                    Chemical Engineering
Essentials of Chemical Reaction EngineeringFogler
Heat TransferJP Holman
Introduction to Chemical Engineering ThermodynamicsJW Smith
Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation ProcessesBK Dutta
                                          Mechanical Engineering
Production EngineeringSwadesh Singh
Fluid MechanicsRK Bansal, Frank M. White
ThermodynamicsPK Nag
Theory of Machine (TOM)SS Ratan
                                        Production and Industrial (PI)
IC EngineMathur Sharma
Material ScienceMade Easy Class Notes
ProductionSK Mondal Notes
RefrigerationMade Easy Class Notes

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