General Knowledge and Mental Ability
General Knowledge | Mental Ability |
History Geography Economics Science and Technology Polity | Logical Reasoning Blood relations Number Sequences Puzzles Syllogisms |
Also Read :- Telangana State Lawcet 2025 syllabus: get ready for law career
The TG LAWCET 2025
The TG LAWCET Exam Includes the Topics of The general Knowledge and Mental Ability, Current affair and Basic principle of Law, the Indian Constitutions, Fundamental Rights, legal Term and landmarks judgment.
The history Sections Include topics Ancient Indian History, Medieval Indian History, Modern Indian History, Freedom Struggle and key Movements, Post Independence India, Important Leaders and personalities, Indian Constitution and Legal history, International History and World Events.
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The Geography Sections Includes Topics Physical Geography, Indian Geography, World Geography, Climate and Weather, Economics Geography, Environmental Geography, Map Reading and Interpretation, Geographical Features and Landforms.
The Economics Sections Includes Topics Basic Economic Concepts, Indian Economy, National Income and GDP, Monetary and Fiscal Policy, International Trade and finance, Economics Development and Planning, economic Reforms, Poverty, Unemployment, and Inflation, ,
Science and technology
Science and technology section includes topic Basic Science concepts, Innovations in Technology, Scientific Developments in India, health Medicine, Environmental Science and Technology, Space Science and Technology, Emerging Technology, Basic Physics and Chemistry.
Logical ReasoningÂ
Logical Reasoning evaluates your ability to think analytically, understand patterns, and solve problem systematically. Indian Geography, Economic Geography, Climate and Weather, Word Geography, Map Reading and Interpretation, Environmental Geography,
Logical Reasoning Topics IncludesÂ
Number series, Analogy, Syllogism, Venn Diagrams, Blood Relations, direction Sense, Coding – Decoding, Logical Deductions
Topic includes History, Indian constitution, Indian Culture & Heritage, Indian Polity, Economy, Geography, General Science, Logical Reasoning, and Analytical Ability.
Topics for Current Affairs
The Current Affairs section in the TG LAWCET Exam focus on the General Awareness, Recent events of national and International Importance, international News, Including Politics, Economics, sports, Books, Scientific developments, Economy and Business, Science and Technology, Environment and climate Change, Awards and Honors, Legal Affairs, Miscellaneous.
Miscellaneous Section covers various important current events includes Important cultural events and festivals, Prominent Personalities in the news (e.g. New Political leaders, business magnates), Key events in education, health and society.
Aptitude for the study of Law
Aptitude for the study of LAW section Includes Legal Awareness and basic Concepts, Legal reasoning and Logical Deduction, Application of Legal Principles, understanding of social issues related to law, Case laws and legal precedents, Legal Terminology and Definitions.