
TARA App by IIT Bombay for Literacy Assessment

TARA App by IIT Bombay for Literacy Assessment

TARA app developed by IIT Bombay team o transform literacy assessment to be more scalable, objective, and reliable. Researchers from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, led by Prof. Preeti Rao, Department of Electrical Engineering, have teamed up with language experts and teachers to create a mobile app to measure oral reading fluency automatically using speech processing and machine learning technology. 

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From an audio recording of a child reading a level-appropriate passage aloud, the app, called TARA (Teacher’s Assistant for Reading Assessment), extracts rubrics for ORF including the widely employed WCPM (words correct per minute). Expression is another important dimension of fluent reading that is strongly linked to the reader’s understanding of the text. With TARA, phrasing (grouping of words), intonation and stress in speech are also measured to obtain a holistic score that is indicative of the precise stage of reading development. “The system is trained on expert-annotated recordings of children’s reading and currently works for English and Hindi, with its reliability verified to match that of human experts,” shared Prof. Rao.

TARA App by IIT Bombay for Literacy Assessment
For Visiting on Tara AppClick Here

With reading considered a gateway skill to all other learning, governments across the globe are focused on action to address this aspect of the learning crisis by developing processes for structured teaching methods and training teachers to deliver content. In such a scenario, it is easy to appreciate the potentially crucial role of monitoring learning outcomes and using the data to guide instructional strategies.

TARA has been recently adopted by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghatan (KVS) for English and Hindi ORF assessment for Grades 3-8 involving over 7 lakh students in 1200 schools across India, making it by far the largest such exercise undertaken in the country. With the baseline test already completed in October this year, valuable data on ORF benchmarks has been generated for six school grades for both the languages.

The association with KVS is especially significant in view of the NIPUN Bharat National Mission where KVS schools are expected to serve as model schools for the attainment of FLN by all students by the end of Grade 3, thus acting as pioneers for competency-based education at primary level and adoption of learning outcome metrics.

The TARA team continues to collaborate with KVS to develop effective remedial instruction for students to help improve their reading capabilities. The effectiveness of the remediation will be apparent in the next assessment phase, resulting in overall benefits to learning from the regular test & practice cycles distributed across the calendar year. IIT Bombay welcomes new partnerships and collaborations with the larger goal of facilitating evidence-based solutions for school education

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