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Tamil Nadu Launches Career Guidance Training for Government School Students in Class 12

Tamil Nadu Launches Career Guidance Training

Tamil Nadu Launches Career Guidance Training

Tamil Nadu government is helping its students who are in government schools in many ways. After 12 lot of entrance test is held so Tamil Nadu government decided to boost participation and performance of government school students in competitive examinations for higher education courses. In the initial phase  school education department will conduct block-level career guidance training for Class 12 students and classes will be held in 87 higher secondary schools across 15 districts.

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The headmasters of respective school have been instructed to enter the details of students interested in weekly training sessions in the Educational Management Information System (EMIS). These selected schools for training must ensure  that the hi-tech labs, microphones, speakers, and with wi-fi facilities are in good condition.

The department circular mentions that the state office will send the necessary teaching content to these schools. “The block supervisor must ensure that students receive hard copies of the content taught each week, Career guidance teachers will visit different schools and monitor the training.

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The teacher who are trained in career guidance will conduct orientation programmes on various entrance exams for the interested students by November 9. 

District for Career Guidance in the first phase


The school management committee will organize the classes in higher secondary schools. The snacks will be provided by the host school and students will carry their lunch box.

The purpose of all this effort is to improve the state’s gross enrolment ratio in higher education institutions.

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