Sub Inspector Delhi Police and CAPF Main Result Declared for Medical Test. The SSC released the SSC CPO 2023 for recruitment of a Sub Inspector in Delhi Police and CAPF. The result was declared and Minimum Cut off marks were released that a candidate has to secure to appear in the Medical Test
The Paper was conducted on 8 January 2024. The result of the Physical Endurance Test/Physical Standard Test (PET/PST) was declared on 20 December 2023.
In paper II only those candidates declared qualified who scored more than the minimum qualifying marks. These Marks are without Adding Bonus Marks to NCC Certificate Holders) in paper II.

The following Minimum Marks were set-:
General/UR 30 % (60 Marks)
OBC/EWS 25% (50 Marks)
All Other Candidates 20%(40 Marks)
Based on the cut-off fixed by the Commission in Paper-I and Paper-II of the said examination, category-wise details of candidates qualified for appearing in the Medical Examination are as under
Category | Cut Off Marks Paper I+ Paper II | Candidates Available |
SC | 213.3931 | 78 |
ST | 235.47174 | 46 |
OBC | 247.14849 | 238 |
EWS | 265.87105 | 113 |
UR | 309.94012 | 93 |
Total | 568 |
08 – SC, 02 – ST, 110 – OBC and 58 – EWS candidates qualifying at UR cut-off have been shown under their respective categories.Category Cut Off Marks Paper I+ Paper II Candidates Available SC 160.52387 786 ST 165.39383 442 ESM 133.39936 865 OBC 214.29044 2542 EWS 217.11332 1142 UR 294.9812 701 Total 7478
126 – SC, 34 – ST, 10 – ESM, 1256 – OBC and 668 – EWS candidates qualifying at UR cut-off have been shown under their respective categories
Medical Test
Candidates will be intimated in due course to time. The candidates should follow the regional offices website from time to time
The result in respect of 60 candidates has been withheld due to various reasons. Roll No of these candidates, Medical Examination in r/o these withheld candidates will be conducted provisionally.