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SSc jE 2024 (junior engineer) exam

SSC jE 2024 (junior engineer) exam

SSC JE 2024 (Junior Engineer) exam. The last date to apply is 18 April 2024 apply before the closing date. The exam application form Notification was released for the Junior Engineering Recruitment 2024. The Online Registration Process has started on 28-March 2024. The test is conducted for the recruitment of Engineer Graduates in various government offices. The recruitment is done in the fields of Civil, Electrical and Mechanical.

SSC has released the application on 28-March, 2024—some government departments require qualification experience of one or two years in the same field. 438 JE posts are advertised to be filled in.

Check UPSC Engineering Exam

SSC JE 2024 Schedule

notification Released28-March 2024
Application Opens28-March-2024
Application Ends18-April-2024
CBT- I (Tentative Exam date)4-6 June 2024
CBT-II (Tentative Exam date)To be notified later
Admit CardTo be notify later

Application Fee


Fee Exemption

For reserved categories and Women candidates


An Engineer Graduate with a degree in a similar field or A three-year Diploma in a similar field

The post(s) wherever experience is required, such experience must have been acquired by the candidates after completion of the requisite Educational Qualification (EQ) as specified for the concerned post. Further, internship, training, research experience, etc. obtained while acquiring an educational qualification shall not be considered as the requisite experience for the post(s) applied


Up to 30 Years

SSC JE 2024 (junior engineer) exam

Age Relaxation

SC/ST5 years
OBC3 years
PwD Unreserved10 years
PwD OBC13 Years
PWd SC/ST15 Years
3 Years3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age.
Ex-Service Men(ESM)Defence Personnel disabled during hostility operations in foreign countries or disturbed areas thereof SC/ST
Defence Personnel disabled during hostility operations in foreign countries or disturbed area there of SC/ST8 Years

Mode of Payment-Candidate can pay only through online payment modes, namely BHIM UPI, Net Banking, or by using Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, or Ru-Pay Credit or Debit card.

Junior Engineer in the following Government Sectors in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical

BROCivil, Electrical and Mechanical
CPWDCivil and Electricals
Central Water and Power Research StationCivil and Mechanical
Central Water CommissionMechanical and Electrical
Minstry of Ports, Shipping and WaterwaysDirectorate of Quality Assurance(Naval)
Farraka Barrage ProjectCivil and Electricals
Military Engineer ServicesElectrical and Mechanical
National Technical Research OrganizationCivil and Mechanical
National Techanical Research OrganizationCivil, Electrical and Mechanical

Military Engineer Services-Two years’ experience in Planning, Execution and Maintenance of Civil Engineering works

How to Apply?

Applications must be submitted in online mode only at the official website of SSC Headquarters; i.e.,

The following Document is to be uploaded

Scanned Colour Photo and signature

Application Correction Window

the Commission will provide a period of 02 days to enable candidates to correct/modify online application parameters, wherein candidates will be allowed to re-submit applications after making requisite corrections/changes in the one-time registration/online application data as per their requirement

Scheme of Examination

Paper I

SubjectNo of MarksMax marksDuration
(i) General Intelligence and Reasoning50502 Hours
General Awareness5050;
(iii) Part-A: General Engineering (Civil & Structural) Or Part-B: General
Engineering (Electrical)   Or

Part-C: General
1001002 Hours

Paper II

SubjectNo of MarksMax marksDuratin
Part-A: General Engineering (Civil & Structural) or Part-B: General Engineering (Electrical) or Part-C: General Engineering (Mechanical)1003002 Hours

The candidates will be required to attempt the General Engineering part (i.e. Part-A, Part-B or Part-C) in Paper-I and Paper-II, which has been selected by them, based on their Educational Qualification, in the online application form.

The candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) are required to attempt Part-A (Civil & Structural) of Paper-I and Paper-II and the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical) are required to attempt Part-B (Electrical) and the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) are required to attempt Part-C (Mechanical) of Paper-I and Paper-II failing which their candidature will be rejected.

Question Type

The Paper-I & Paper-II will consist of Objective Type, Multiple-choice questions only. The questions will be set both in Hindi & English.

Questions in both papers will be of Objective Multiple Choice Type. Questions will be set in Hindi and English in Parts I, II and III of Paper I and Paper II. There will be a negative marking equal to one-third of the marks allotted to the question for each wrong answer in Paper-I & Paper-II. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.

Candidates are allowed to bring their own Slide–Rule, Calculator, Logarithm Table and Steam Table for Paper II only. They are not allowed to use such aids for Paper-I.

How to Crack the Exam?

To crack the SSC JE Exam 2024, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus. The SSC JE Exam Pattern 2024 for Paper 1 comprises three sections, with a total of 200 objective questions carrying 200 marks. The sections include General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, and Technical Subjects. It is essential to identify the sections, topics, and marking scheme to plan the preparation strategy. By having a clear idea of the exam pattern and syllabus, candidates can prepare effectively and efficiently for the exam.

Creating a study plan and sticking to a schedule is another important aspect of cracking the SSC JE Exam 2024. A well-laid-out schedule helps aspirants stay disciplined and focused throughout their preparation journey. Candidates can start by listing down all the subjects that are required to be studied and allocating sufficient time to each subject. It is essential to make a realistic schedule and stick to it consistently. Regular practice and revision are crucial for success in the exam.

Practising previous year question papers and mock tests regularly is another effective way to prepare for the SSC JE Exam 2024. This helps candidates get familiar with the exam pattern, question types, and difficulty level. It also aids in developing speed and accuracy, which is crucial for success in the exam. Candidates can find previous year’s question papers on official SSC websites, exam preparation websites, and online forums dedicated to SSC exams. Regularly participating in online test series following the latest exam pattern will benefit candidates. By following these tips, candidates can prepare effectively and increase their chances of cracking the SSC JE Exam 2024.

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