RRB Paramedical Recruitment 04/2024 – The application form is open for paramedical staff recruitment there are 1376 vacancies in different stream. The qualifying marks in the entrance test is 40 percent and 30 percent for Reserved category candidates.
The question in the entrance test will be according to the posts and there will be common questions to all which is mentioned at the bottom
How to apply
Candidates have to apply online only for this candidate should have proper mobile number and registered email id.
S.N. | Post | Pay Level in7thCPC | Initial pay(Rs.) | MedicalStandard | Age/Years(ason01.01.2025) | Total Vacancies (AllRRBs) |
1 | Dietician (Level 7) | 7 | 44900 | C2 | 18-36 | 05 |
2 | Nursing Superintendent | 7 | 44900 | C1 | 20-43 | 713 |
3 | Audiologist & Speech Therapist | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 21-33 | 04 |
4 | Clinical Psychologist | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 18-36 | 07 |
5 | Dental Hygienist | 6 | 35400 | C2 | 18-36 | 03 |
6 | Dialysis Technician | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 20-36 | 20 |
7 | Health & Malaria Inspector Gr III | 6 | 35400 | C1 | 18-36 | 126 |
8 | Laboratory Superintendent | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 18-36 | 27 |
9 | Perfusionist | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 21-43 | 02 |
10 | Physiotherapist Grade II | 6 | 35400 | C1 | 18-36 | 20 |
11 | Occupational Therapist | 6 | 35400 | C1 | 18-36 | 02 |
12 | Cath Laboratory Technician | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 18-36 | 02 |
13 | Pharmacist (Entry Grade) | 5 | 29200 | C2 | 20-38 | 246 |
14 | Radiographer X-Ray Technician | 5 | 29200 | B1 | 19-36 | 64 |
15 | Speech Therapist | 5 | 29200 | B1 | 18-36 | 01 |
16 | Cardiac Technician | 4 | 25500 | B1 | 18-36 | 04 |
17 | Optometrist | 4 | 25500 | B1 | 18-36 | 04 |
18 | ECG Technician | 4 | 25500 | C1 | 18-36 | 13 |
19 | Laboratory Assistant Grade II | 3 | 21700 | B1 | 18-36 | 94 |
20 | Field Worker | 2 | 19900 | C2 | 18-33 | 19 |
Grand Total | 1376 |
Application Schedule
Application Opened | 17-Aug |
Application submission’s Last date | 16-Sep |
Correction Window | 17-26 September |
Application Fee
Rs.500 for all candidates
Rs.250 for SC/ST/PWD/Female and Transgender
For other category Rs.400 after deducting bank charges will be refunded when a candidate appear for CBT exam
For Reserved category Candidates Rs.250 will be refunded after deducting bank charges
Mode of Payment
ONLINE fee payment only through internet banking, debit/credit cards, or UPI will be accepted. All applicable service charges shall be borne by the candidate.
Section wise marks distribution
- Section-wise marks: The section wise number of questions and marks are detailed below
Subject | Number of questions | Marks allotted |
Professional ability | 70 | 70 |
General Awareness | 10 | 10 |
General Arithmetic, General Intelligence and reasoning | 10 | 10 |
General science | 10 | 10 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Important points to note
- There shall be negative marking in CBT (Computer Based Test/Examination) and marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer @ 1/3 of the marks allotted for each question.
- Shortlisting of candidates for Document Verification and empanelment will be made strictly on merit based on the performance of the candidate in the CBT subject to securing minimum qualifying marks prescribed for their communities.
- Minimum qualifying mark prescribed for UR/EWS is 40%, OBC & SC is 30% and ST is 25%. If sufficient candidates for PwBD are not available 2 marks relaxation in minimum qualifying marks will be given.
- Based on the performance of candidates in the CBT Examination candidates equal to the number of vacancies will be called for document verification in the main list = 1:1= No Standby list.
- During document verification, candidates will have to produce their original certificates. No additional time will be given and the candidature of the candidates not producing their original certificates on the date of verification is liable to be forfeited.
Qualification According to post
Cat.No. | Name of the Post | Level | Pay | Med.Std. | LowerAge | UpperAge | SuitabilityforPersonswithBenchmarkDisability | MinimumEducationQualifications | ||||
VI | HI | LD | OD | MD | ||||||||
1 | NURSING SUPERINTENDENT | 7 | 44900 | C1 | 20 | 43 | No | No | OL,AAV | No | No | Certificate as Registered Nurse and Midwife having passed 3years course in General Nursing and Midwifery from a schoolofNursingorotherinstitutionrecognizedbytheIndianNursing Council (OR) B.Sc Nursing.Note The Indian NursingCouncil has also laid down certain special concessions for theabovecoursesinrespectofAuxiliaryNurseMidwives,MidwivesandBgradeNurses,bywayofreducedcourseperiod etc. Candidates obtaining the qualification prescribedaboveundertheseconcessionswillalsobeeligiblefor recruitment. |
2 | CARDIAC TECHNICIAN | 4 | 25500 | B1 | 18 | 36 | No | No | No | No | No | HigherSecondary(10+2)in ScienceandcertificatecourseorDiploma in Cardiology Lab Investigations consisting of ECG,HolterandTMT.CandidatetrainedinEchocardiography is preferable |
3 | CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 18 | 36 | No | No | OA, OL,DW | No | No | MastersDegreeinClinicalPsychology/SocialPsychologyfromarecognized University. |
4 | ECG TECHNICIAN | 4 | 25500 | C1 | 18 | 36 | No | No | AAV | No | No | 10+2/GraduationinSciencehavingCertificate/Diploma/DegreeinECGLaboratoryTechnology/Cardiology/Cardiology Technician / Cardiology Techniques of a reputedinstitution.Note:Certificate shouldbeaminimum of oneyear duration and above. “Open and Distance Learning modeofeducationbytheUniversitiesestablishedbyanActofParliamentorStateLegislature,InstitutionsDeemedtobeUniversitiesunderSection3oftheUniversityGrantsCommission Act, 1956 and Institutions of National ImportancedeclaredunderanActofParliamentstandautomaticallyrecognizedforthepurposeofemploymenttopostsandservicesundertheCentralGovernmentprovidedtheyhave beenapprovedbythe University GrantsCommission”. |
5 | FIELD WORKER | 2 | 19900 | C2 | 18 | 33 | No | No | DW | No | No | 12th(10+2stage)inSciencewith Biologyor Chemistry |
6 | HEALTH and MALARIA INSPECTOR GRADE III | 6 | 35400 | C1 | 18 | 36 | LV | D,HH | OA,OL,LC,DW,AAV | No | Yes | B.Sc. having studied Chemistry as Main / Optional subject inany branch of Chemistry while undertaking the course. Plus (a)OneyearDiplomaofHealth/SanitaryInspector(OR) (b)OneyearNationalTradeCertificate(NTC)inHealthSanitary Inspector awarded by National Council for VocationalTraining,MinistryofLabourandEmployment,Governmentof India,NewDelhi. |
7 | LABORATORY ASSISTANT GRADE II | 3 | 21700 | B1 | 18 | 36 | No | D,HH | OL, BL,DW | No | Yes | 12th(10+2stage)inScienceplus(a)DiplomainMedicalLaboratoryTechnology(DMLT)(OR) (b) Certificate Course in Medical Lab. Technology at par withDiploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) subject tothefulfilmentof(i)Thecoursehasbeendonefromtheinstitution which is recognized by a University or TechnicialBoardofStateGovernment/CentralGovernmentauthority; (ii) The duration of the course is at least 01 year; (iii) Duringthe course the candidate should have done the training on fulltime basis; and (iv) At the end of the course, there should besystem of examination which has been successfully passed bythe candidate. Note: Certificate should be a minimum of oneyear duration and above qualification should have been donefull time. “Open and Distance Learning mode of education bythe Universities established by an Act of Parliament or StateLegislature,InstitutionsDeemedtobeUniversitiesunderSection 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 andInstitutions of National Importance declared under an Act ofParliament stand automatically recognized for the purpose ofemploymenttopostsandservicesundertheCentralGovernmentprovidedtheyhavebeenapprovedbythe UniversityGrantsCommission”. |
8 | PERFUSIONIST | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 21 | 43 | No | No | AAV | No | No | B.ScwithDiplomain Perfusion Technology(OR) B.ScandThreeyearsexperienceinCardioPulmonaryPump TechnicianinReputedRecognisedHospital. |
9 | PHYSIOTHERAPIST GRADE II | 6 | 35400 | C1 | 18 | 36 | LV,B | D,HH | OL,BL,DW | No | Yes | (i)BachelorsDegreeinPhysiotherapyfromarecognizedUniversityand(ii)TwoyearspracticalexperienceinPhysiotherapyfromtheGovernment/PrivateHospitalwith atleastonehundredbeds. |
10 | RADIOGRAPHER X-RAY TECHNICIAN | 5 | 29200 | B1 | 19 | 36 | No | D,HH | OA,OL,BL,DW | No | Yes | 10+2withPhysicsandChemistryandDiplomainRadiography /XRayTechnician/RadiodiagnosisTechnology(2yearscourse)fromrecognizedInsitute.SciencegraduateswithDiplomainRadiography/XRayTechnician/Radiodiagnosis Technology(2yearscourse)shallbepreferred. |
11 | PHARMACIST (ENTRY GRADE) | 5 | 29200 | C2 | 20 | 38 | No | D,HH | OA,OL,OAL,LC,DW,AAV | No | Yes | 10+2 in Science or its equivalent, with Diploma in PharmacyfromrecognizedinstitutionandregisteredasPharmacistunderthePharmacyAct, 1948 (OR) Bachelor degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharma) from a recognizedUniversityor equivalentandRegisteredas a Pharmacistunder thePharmacyAct,1948. |
12 | DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 20 | 36 | No | D,HH | OL,DW | No | Yes | B.Sc.,plus(a)DiplomainHaemodialysis (OR) (b)twoyearssatisfactoryin-houseTraining/ExperienceinHaemodialysisworkinareputedinstitution(prooftobe attached). |
13 | OPTOMETRIST | 4 | 25500 | B1 | 18 | 36 | No | D,HH | OL,DW | No | Yes | B.Sc in Optometry or Diploma in Ophthalmic Technician (thecourseshouldbeof3to4yearsduration).ThecandidateshouldhaveRegistrationwiththeconcernedCouncil/Licensing body. |
14 | LABORATORY SUPERINTENDENT | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 18 | 36 | No | D,HH | OL,BL,DW | No | Yes | B.Sc with Bio-Chemistry / Micro Biology / Life science / B.Scwith Chemistry and Biology as main or as optional / subsidiarysubjects or eqivalent plus Diploma in Medical Lab technology(DMLT)orequivalent (OR) B.ScinMedicalTechnology(Laboratory)fromarecognized institution. |
15 | DENTAL HYGIENIST | 6 | 35400 | C2 | 18 | 36 | No | No | OL,DW | No | No | Degree in Science (Biology) from a recognized university orequivalent AND Diploma / Certificate Course (2 years) in Dental Hygienefromaninstituterecognized by DentalCouncilofIndia AND RegisteredwithDentalCouncilof Indiaas DentalHygienist AND TwoyearsexperienceasDentalHygienist.Note:Qualificationregardingexperienceisrelaxableatthediscretion of the Competent Authority in case of candidatesbelonging to SC/ST, if at any state of selection, the CompetentAuthorityisoftheopinionthatsufficientnumberofcandidatesbelongingtothesecommunitiespossessingtherequisiteexperiencearenotlikelyto beavailabletofillupthe postsreservedforthem. |
16 | DIETICIAN (Level 7) | 7 | 44900 | C2 | 18 | 36 | No | D,HH | OA,OL, BL, LC,DW,AAV | No | Yes | BSc(ScienceGraduate)withPostGraduateDiplomainDietetics (one year course) from a recognized institution plus 3months internshiptrainingina hospital. (OR) B.ScHomeScience+M.ScHomeScience(FoodandNutrition) fromarecognisedinstitution. |
17 | CATH LABORATORY TECHNICIAN | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 18 | 36 | No | No | No | No | No | B.ScandDiplomafromareputedCardiacLabinCardiacProfessionalCathLabworkortwoyearshousetraining/experienceinareputedCardiacCathLABORATORY. |
18 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST | 6 | 35400 | C1 | 18 | 36 | No | D,HH | OL, DW,AAV | No | Yes | 10+2withScienceandDiploma/DegreeinOccupationalTherapy |
19 | AUDIOLOGIST AND SPEECH THERAPIST | 6 | 35400 | B1 | 21 | 33 | LV | No | OL,DW | No | Yes | BachelorinAudiology,SpeechLanguagePathology(BASLP)fromarecognizedUniversityandmustberegisteredwith RehabilitationCounciloflndia(RCl). |
20 | SPEECH THERAPIST | 5 | 29200 | B1 | 18 | 36 | LV | No | OL,DW | No | Yes | (i)B.ScandDiplomainAudioandSpeechTherapy(ii)2yearsexperienceintherelatedfield. |
SyllabusforVariousPostsofPara-MedicalCategories,CENNo.04/2024 | |||
S.N. | Cat.No. | Post | Syllabus |
1 | 19 | Audiologist&SpeechTherapist | Speech and Language development & disorders, Basic Anatomy & Physiology related to Speech & Hearing,Diagnostic & Rehabilitation Audiology, Psychology related to Speech & Hearing, Basic Acoustic, Pathology ofHearingandHearingSystem,Phonetics+Phonologyelectives,SpeechLanguagediagnosticsandtherapeutics,PaediatricAudiology,ManagementoftheHearingImpaired,Voice&Laryngectomy,Hearing Conservation,AuralRehabilitation&ItsInstrumentation. |
2 | 2 | CardiacTechnician | GeneralAnatomy &Physiology (Cytology, Histology, Osteology andbasics ofallorgansystems ofbody),basics of relevant Pathology, Pharmacology & Microbiology, Basic Physics related tocardiology,DetailedCardiovascular system’s Anatomy & Physiology (Heart & Blood vessels), Basics of Vital monitoring, ECG, TMT,Echo-Cardiography,Handhygiene&preventionofcrossinfection,BasicLifeSupport(BLS)&Cardio- pulmonaryresuscitation(CPR) |
3 | 3 | ClinicalPsychologist | (i) PSYCHOCIAL PERSPECTIVES OF MENTAL DISORDERS:-Clinical Psychology & Mental Health, Models ofMentalDisorders,Familyinfluences,SocialPathology,Psychopathologyofspecificconditions,Disability,Rehabilitation(ii)COUNSELINGANDTHERAPY:-PsychotherapyandCounseling,Interviewing,BehaviorModification and Therapy, Cognitive Therapies, Crisis Intervention, Family Counseling/Therapy, Therapy withchildrenandspecialconditions(iii)PSYCHIATRY:-Nomenclature,Psychoses,Neurotic,Stress-relatedand Somatoform disorders, Disorders of personality and behavior, Organic mental disorders,Behavioral, emotionalanddevelopmentaldisordersofchildhoodandadolescence,Mentalhealthpoliciesandlegislation. |
4 | 16 | Dietician(Level7) | Introduction to Human Biology and Body Functions, Nutrients (Role and Significance), Understanding Nutrition(Basic diets for normal conditions/RDA) , Advanced Nutrition, Introduction to Nutraceuticals, Introduction toSpecialConditionsandDietTherapy,IntroductiontoClinicalNutrition,FoodMicrobiology,RecommendApproaches to Disease and Nutrition, Nutritional Biochemistry, Research Method Statistics, Medical Nutritionmanagement,PathPhysiologyandMetabolisminDisease,PublicNutritionandHealth,PediatricandGeriatric Nutrition,FoodAllergiesandDietManagement |
5 | 1 | NursingSuperintendent | Anatomy, Physiology,Nutrition,Biochemistry, Nursing Foundations,Psychology,Microbiology,Sociology,Pharmacology,Pathology,Genetics,Medical-SurgicalNursing,(AdultincludingGeriatrics)-I,Community HealthNursing,ChildHealthNursing,MentalHealthNursing,MidwiferyandObstetricalNursing,NursingResearch& Statistics,Managementof NursingServicesandEducation |
6 | 15 | DentalHygienist | Dental Hygiene AND Oral Prophylaxis, Community Health Dentistry, Operative Room Technique and Chir SideAssistance,DentalEthicsandJurisprudence,DentalMaterials,Anatomy(General&Dental),Physiology(General&Oral),Pharmacology(General&Dental),Pathology&Bacteriology(General&Dental),Dental Radiology |
7 | 12 | DialysisTechnician | Anatomy,Biochemistry&Pharmacology,Physiology,IntroductiontoKidneydiseases,PrinciplesandpracticeofDialysis |
8 | 6 | Health&MalariaInspectorGrIII | Food&Nutrition,EnvironmentalSanitationandSanitaryEngineering,CommunicableandNon-CommunicableDiseases(PreventionandControl),HealthandDeathStatistics |
9 | 14 | LaboratorySuperintendent | Sociology & Psychology, PHYSIOLOGY, Basic Chemistry and Biochemistry, General Methodology, PHYSICS,Histopathologyandcytologytechniques,Clinicalpathology&basichaematology,PARASITOLOGY&ENTOMOLOGY,Clinicalbiochemistry,Coagulation&transfusionmedicine,Immunohaematology, VIROLOGY,MYCOLOGY,ADVANCEDSEROLOGY |
10 | 13 | Optometrist | Physical and Geometrical Optics, General Anatomy and General Physiology, OcularAnatomy and OcularPhysiology, Basic Biochemistry, Nutrition, Principles of Lighting, Hospital Procedures, Optometric Optics,Ocular Diseases, Visual Optics, Pharmacology, Pathology and Microbiology, Optometric Instruments, ClinicalExamination of Visual System, Clinical Psychology, Clinics, Binocular vision, Glaucoma, Low Vision Aids,DispensingOptics,PediatricOptometryandGeriatricOptometry,ContactLens,Law&Optometryand Occupational Optometry, Systemic Diseases , Epidemiology and Bio Statistics, Public Health and CommunityOptometry |
11 | 8 | Perfusionist | BasicsofAnatomy,BasicsofPhysiology,BasicsofBiochemistry,BasicsofBio-statistics,BasicsofPathology, Basics of Blood Banking, Basics of Microbiology, Basics of Central Sterilization Services, HospitalAwareness, Familiarization of differenttables/tubes in surgical department,SurgicalAwareness, preparationofpatientforsurgery,Patientrelatedservices,Anatomy,Physiology,BasicsofDiagnostictechniques,Angiography,Oxygenators,TheoryofBloodPump,GrossAnatomyandStructuralFeaturesofHeart,Oxygenation,Monitoring,Instrumentationandmeasurements,PathoPhysiologyandPharmacology&PerfusionTechniques,AdequacyofPerfusion,AppliedPerfusionTechnology,IntroductiontoPerfusionTechnology,PerfusionEquipments,BiomedicalElectronics,Perfusionproblemsduringradiopulmonarybypass,CardioPulmonaryBy-Pass,ClinicalApplicationofBypassTechniques,OccupationalAspectsof Perfusion, Postoperative Intensive Care unit Management, Instrumentation Study, Instrument Measurement &CriticalCareequipment. |
12 | 9 | PhysiotherapistGrade–II | Psychology&Sociology,Anatomy,Physiology,AppliedPhysiology,BasicandAppliedPhysicsforPhysiotherapy,BasicNursing&FirstAid,OrientationtoPhysiotherapy,GeneralMedicine/GeneralSurgery/Paediatrics/Geriatrics,Bio-mechanics,AppliedAnatomy&Kinesiology,ExerciseTherapy,MicrobiologyandPathology,Electrotherapy(low&mediumfrequency),Electrotherapy(highfreq&Actinotherapy),CommunityMedicine,ClinicalOrthopaedics,ClinicalCardio-RespiratoryDiseases,BioStatistics & Research Methodology, Physical ModalitiesMaintanence, PT in Orthopaedics, PT in Neurology,PtinCardioRespiratoryConditions,RehabilitationMedicine,AdvancedPhysiotherapeutics,Physical Education |
13 | 11 | Pharmacist(EntryGrade) | HumanAnatomyandPhysiology,PharmaceuticalAnalysis,Pharmaceutics,PharmaceuticalInorganicChemistry,RemedialBiology/RemedialMathematics,PharmaceuticalOrganicChemistry,Biochemistry,Pathophysiology,ComputerApplicationsinPharmacy,Environmentalsciences,PhysicalPharmaceutics,PharmaceuticalMicrobiology,PharmaceuticalEngineering,MedicinalChemistry,Pharmacology,PharmacognosyandPhytochemistry,IndustrialPharmacy,PharmaceuticalJurisprudence,HerbalDrugTechnology,BiopharmaceuticsandPharmacokinetics,PharmaceuticalBiotechnology,QualityAssurance,Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Pharmacy Practice, Novel Drug Delivery System, Biostatistics and ResearchMethodology, Social and Preventive Pharmacy, Pharma Marketing Management, Pharmaceutical RegulatoryScience,Pharmacovigilance,QualityControlandStandardizationofHerbals,ComputerAidedDrugDesign, CellandMolecularBiology,CosmeticScience,ExperimentalPharmacology,AdvancedInstrumentationTechniques,DietarySupplementsandNutraceuticals |
14 | 10 | RadiographerX-RayTechnician | HumanAnatomy&Physiology,RadiologyPhysics,GeneralPhysics,RadiationPhysics&PhysicsofDiagnosticRadiology,X-RayMachines&Accessories,Maintenance,X-rayFilm/ImageprocessingTechniques(DarkRoomTechniques),ClinicalRadiography-Positioning,MedicalEthicsandpatientcare, PrinciplesofMedical Emergencies,Equipments, TechniquesofmodernImagingModalities,Contrast &SpecialRadiographyprocedures,QualityControlat Radiology&RadiationSafety |
15 | 20 | SpeechTherapist | Sound and Hearing,Anatomy and Physiology of ear, Hearing loss, Evaluation of hearing, Early identificationand prevention, Speech & Language Pathology, Anatomy and physiology of speech mechanism, Disorders ofspeech and language, Assessment of speech disorders, Assessment of language disorders, Hearing aids andearmolds, Auditory learning, Speech reading, Education of children with hearing impairment, Rehabilitation,Disabilityissues,Managementofspeechdisorders,Managementoflanguagedisorders,Educationalissues, Generalissuesinmanagement |
16 | 4 | ECGTechnician | Anatomy,Physiology,Biochemistry,Pharmacology,IntroductiontoCardiovascularDiseases,BasicCardiovascularInvestigations,AdvancedCardiovascularInvestigations |
17 | 7 | LaboratoryAssistantGradeII | Anatomy,Physiology,Biochemistry,FundamentalsofMedicallaboratoryTechnology,Microbiology,Clinicalbiochemistry,Pathology&Histopathology,HaematologyandBloodandbank |
18 | 5 | FieldWorker | PhysiologyofConception,Contraception–variousmethods,NationalImmunizationSchedule,Nutrition,Antenatal and Postnatal Care, Target groups for Family Planning, Incentives for accepting small family norm–Special,PersonalHygiene,CommunicableandNon-CommunicableDiseases,HIV/AIDS,VitalStatistics–Birth Rate, Death Rate, etc., Organizational Chart for Family Welfare Branch and the Medical Department, RecordKeeping–MaintenanceofVariousrecordsviz.registers,Healthcards,Reports. |
19 | 18 | OccupationalTherapist | FUNDAMENTALS OF OccupationalTherapy: HumanAnatomy, Musculoskeletalsystem,HumanPhysiologyrelatedtoCNS/RespiratorySystem.CardiovascularSystem/Neuromuscularfunction,Physiologyofexercise& Acclimatization, Occupational Therapy, Human development and its Activities of daily living Occupationaltherapy as Diagnostic & prognostic procedure, Steps involved in preparing the client for return to work /Prevocational evaluation/ Evaluation of work capacity, Evaluation of physical capacity/ Evaluation of functionalcapacity,Differenttypesoftools&equipment&theirusesinOccupationalTherapy,Generalprinciplesof splinting, describe material used. Hand function & evaluationmethods, Physiology of Exercise & Work inrelationtodifferentorgan functions,Disabilitypreventionandrehabilitation. |
20 | 17 | CathLaboratoryTechnician | CardiacCatheterization,EquipmentandTechnology,CatheterizationProcedures,PatientPreparationandCare, SafetyandInfectionControl, ClinicalSkillsandPractice,ProfessionalandEthicalIssues. |
Common Syllabus
Sl. No | Subject | Syllabus |
1 | General Arithmetics | Number systems, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM and HCF, Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics, Square Root, Age Calculations, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern |
2 | General Intelligence and Reasoning | Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision Making, Similarities and Differences, Analytical reasoning, Classification, Directions, Statement – Arguments and Assumptions etc. |
3 | General Awareness | Knowledge of Current affairs, Indian geography, culture and history of India including freedom struggle, Indian Polity and constitution, Indian Economy, Environmental issues concerning India and the World, Sports, General scientific and technological developments etc. |
4 | General Science | Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences (up to 10th Standard CBSE syllabus). |