
Placement in ITI & Polytechnic in Odisha not so impressive

Placement IN ITI

Placement IN ITI: The data released for the placement in Odisha ITI and polytechnic institutions of the state both government and private. The data states that ITI passouts, continues to remain low.

The data of  Skill Development and Technical Education (SDTE) department, ITI –pass out candidates received around 36.41 per cent placement in the year 2023-24.

The number of students placed are at least 6,904 out of 18,960 students enrolled in 72 government-run ITIs secured campus placement in 2023-24.

Placement IN ITI

In  polytechnic though the percentage is little better but not that impressive the placement of students remained a little over 54 per cent. Only 4554 received campus placement out of the 8,359 students in 35 government polytechnics,

The government institutions around 60 per cent placement was recorded in recorded in the government run technical institutions and engineering colleges in the last academic session.

The lowest placement was seen in Paral Maharaja Engineering college(PMEC) Behrampur saw the lowest placement of 41.10 percent while on the other hand Odisha University of Technology and Research in state capital Bhubneshwar registered 71 percent placement in 2023-24 which is the highest in the state in academic year 2023-24

Placement in ITI other Institutions of the state

Besides, IGIT, Sarang recorded 65 per cent placement, followed by VSSUT, Burla (60.22 per cent) and Government College of Engineering (GCE), Keonjhar (56.56 per cent). GCE, Kalahandi recorded placement of 53.69 per cent in 2023-24 academic calendar.

Recently, Sampad Chandra Swain  state minister of Industries, Skill Development and Technical Education informed the Assembly that placement is a dynamic process and there are lot of factors that decides the process  He said steps are being taken to provide need-based skill training to technical students to cater to the industry demand. Entrepreneurship is also being encouraged among students to enhance employment opportunity, he said.

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