
PHD from JNU India’s premier University

Phd from JNU India's premier university

PhD from JNU India’s Premier University. The Jawaharlal Nehru University offers admission to various courses right from graduate level to PhD level. The University is best known for its higher education excellence and finds its place in the best university.

Also Read :- Jadavpur University UG Programmes

Admission to PhD is offered through JNUEE, NET JRF and GATE scores. For being eligible for admission in JNU PhD the candidate must have a PG degree.

Phd from JNU India's premier university

The article carries the various courses and their eligibility for a PhD.

Eligibility Criteria

Master’s degree in the relevant course for which a candidate wants to pursue a PhD with 55 per cent.

SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/ PWD A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%,

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M.Phil Students

Candidates who have cleared the M.Phil.Coursework with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade ‘B’ in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever the grading system is followed).

SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/ PWD A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%,

P.G. degree holders of AYUSH Systems of Medicine will be considered equivalent to Master programs (M.Sc./M.A.) and are also eligible for the JNUEE for PhD programmes.

JRF Students

Those who have qualified for the UGC-JRF examination are eligible to apply and final selection will be made through an interview. For the interview, candidates must prepare a 1,000-word research proposal with a bibliography. The candidate will be questioned on her/ his domain knowledge, work experience and proposed research project.

Seats Through JNUEE in the following courses

PhD in European Studies6PhD in Computer Sciences13
PhD in Japanese Studies4PhD in Microsystems3
PhD in Chinese Studies8School of Environmental Sciences 
PhD in Korean Studies4PhD in Area –I2
PhD in South Asian Studies7PhD in Area-III1
PhD in Indo-Pacific Studies8PhD in Area-IV 
PhD in Inner Asian Studies7School of Life Sciences 
PhD in West Asian Studies9PhD in Life Sciences 
PhD in Russian & Central Asian Studies9Group –I (GON)3
PhD in Comparative Politics and PoliticalTheory5Group –II (GTW)2
PhD in Energy Studies1Group –III (GTR)2
PhD in Economics Studies & Planning19Group –IV (GFO)2
Ph.D.. in Ancient History6Group –V (GFI)2
Ph.D.. in Medieval History4PhD in Physical Sciences4
Ph.D.. in Modern History3Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences3
Ph.D.. in Political Studies30PhD in Visual Studies7
PhD in Geography10PhD in Theater and Performance Studies8
PhD in Economics11PhD in Cinema Studies8
PhD in Social Systems16PhD in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 
PhD in Philosophy4Track-I2
PhD in Women Studies2Track-II4
PhD in Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy7Track-III3
PhD in Informal Sector and Labour Studies4PhD in Biotechnology1
PhD in French6PhD in Management9
PhD in German6Ph.D. Molecular Medicine15
PhD in Hindi15PhD in Sanskrit12
PhD in Urdu8PhD in Nano Science2
PhD in Hindi Translation5PhD in North East India Studies2
PhD in Tamil3National Security Studies4
PhD in Russian6PhD in Spanish3
PhD in Persian3PhD in Japanese6
Ph.D. in Linguistics8Ph.D in Korean8
Ph.D. in Arabic7Ph.D. in Chinese24

PhD Through NET JRF

PhD in United States Studies1PhD in French2
PhD in Latin American Studies1PhD in German6
Ph.D. in Legal Studies1PhD in Hindi15
PhD in Trade & Development6PhD in Urdu8
PhD in Chinese Studies1Ph.D.. in Hindi Translation5
PhD in International Politics7PhD in Tamil2
PhD in International Organization5PhD in Russian4
PhD in Diplomacy and Disarmament9PhD in Spanish5
PhD in Political Geography4PhD in Japanese1
PhD in South Asian Studies4PhD in Chinese7
PhD in Indo-Pacific Studies8PhD in Persian4
PhD in Inner Asian Studies2PhD in Arabic2
PhD in Energy Studies1PhD in Linguistics3
Centre for Historical Studies PhD in English11
Ph.D.. in Ancient History4PhD in Computer Sciences13
Ph.D.. in Medieval History5PhD in Microsystems3
Ph.D.. in Modern History6School of Environmental Sciences 
PhD in Geography5PhD in Area –I1
PhD in Population Studies2PhD in Area –II4
PhD in Educational Studies8PhD in Area –III5
PhD in Studies in Science Policy3PhD in Area –IV9
PhD in Philosophy8PhD in Life Sciences 
Ph.D. in Media Studies1Group –I (GON)5
Ph.D. in Physical Sciences5Group –II (GTW)3
Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences5Group –III (GTR)2
Ph.D. in computational Biology and Bioinformatics Group –IV (GFO)2
Track-I4Group –V (GFI)4
Track-II7Ph.D. in Biotechnology8
Track-III3Ph.D. in Management10
Ph.D. Molecular Medicine7Ph.D. Law and Governance17
PhD in Nano Science PhD in North East India Studies 
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering6  
PhD in Electronics and Communication4  
PhD in Mechanical Engineering2  

PhD through GATE

PhD in Computer Science and Engineering4
PhD in Electronics and Communication Engg4

PhD Part Time

DOP in Mongolian19
DOP in Bhasha Indonesia44
DOP in Hebrew13

Selection Procedure for Admission:

For admission into Ph.D. programmes candidates have to appear in the CBT (Computer Based Test).

The qualifying marks for General & EWS shall be 50% of total marks and 45% marks for SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD categories. It is to be noted that mere qualifying in CBT does not entitle the candidates to be shortlisted for viva voce Examination. Shortlisting of the candidates to be called for viva voce shall be done as per the following criteria:-

(1) For General Category Intake x 5 times

(2) For SC/ST/OBC/EWS Categories Intake x 8 times

(3) For PWD Category 8 times – wherever available With regard to (1) above, it is further, clarified that in case of reserved category scoring equal or more marks than General, then such reserved category candidates shall be called for viva-voce as per seat matrix given for (1) above. Note:

The syllabus of the entrance test for admission to a PhD. The programme shall consist of 50% of the Research Methodology and 50% shall be Subject Specific.

Questions on Research Methodology may be either implied/intrinsic or explicit.

JRF Category

JRF-qualified candidates shall be exempted from Computer Based Test (CBT). They are required to apply separately under the JRF category. Such candidates shall be shortlisted and called directly for viva-voce.

GATE-qualified candidates for admission to the school of Engineering shall be exempted from Computer Based Test (CBT). They are required to apply separately under the GATE category. Such candidates shall be shortlisted and called directly for viva-voce.

Diploma of Proficiency (DOP)

The admission to the Diploma of Proficiency (DOP) in Bhasha Indonesia, DOP in Hebrew and DOP in Mongolian will be based on merit as per the performance in the Certificate of Proficiency in the respective language.

The intake will be as per the availability of a number of fellowships and the requirement of seats in the School. In case of candidates applying under the GATE category, selection will be done on the basis of a 100% viva score

Admission of Foreign Nationals to PhD programmes

Foreign students shall be offered seats only if seats are left vacant in any discipline after being offered to Indian Candidates who have appeared in JNUEE – 2022-23.


Energy Studies Total Seats-1

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution in the field of energy studies or allied areas (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one-year M.Phil. degree with 55% marks in the field of energy studies or allied areas with additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/Institution and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech. Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016

Canadian Studies

Master’s Degree in any discipline with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed). Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016

Latin American Studies-1 Seats Admission through NET-JRF

Master’s Degree in any discipline with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed). Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016

United States Studies-1 Seats Admission through NET-JRF

Master’s Degree in any discipline with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed). Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016

European Studies Total Seats-6

Master’s Degree in the field of Political Science, International Relations, Economics, History, Sociology, Defence/Strategic Studies or MA in any of the languages officially recognised by the EU with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. Degree in European Studies with at least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/ seminar/viva) or one-year M.Phil. in European Studies with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/Institution and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s Degree. Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016

International Legal Studies

Ph.D. in Legal Studies

Master’s Degree (with international law as one of the core/elective courses)


Master’s Degree in the field of Law (preferably in International Law) with 55% marks or an equivalent Grade on a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed.


M.Phil Degree in International Law with 55% marks or equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed and a Master’s Degree. Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016

International Trade & Development

Obtained a two-year Master’s degree in Economics with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade on a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed). OR Obtained M.Phil. degree.

Percentage-At least 55% marks of a recognized university in Economics/ International Trade and Development (with dissertation/ seminar/viva). Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016

Chinese Studies, Japanese, Korean

Master’s Degree in Political Science, History, Economics, International Relations and Area Studies with at least 55% marks or Master’s Degree in Humanities and other Social Science with 55% Marks.


2 years M.Phil. Degree in a relevant discipline (Chinese studies/Japanese Studies/Korean Studies respectively)

At least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one-year M.Phil. in a relevant discipline (Chinese studies/Japanese Studies/Korean Studies respectively) with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/Institution and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech. Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016.

PhD in any of these-International Politics, International Organisation, Diplomacy and Disarmament, Political Geography

A Master’s Degree with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ on UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


A two-year M.Phil. degree with at least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one-year M.Phil.

At least 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/Institution and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s Degree.

Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016.

PhD Russian & Central Asian Studies, South Asian Studies, Indo-Pacific Studies, Inner Asian Studies

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. Degree with at least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/Institution and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech. Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016.

African Studies, West Asian Studies

Comparative Politics and Political Theory

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. Degree with at least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/Institution and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech. Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016

DOP-Bhasha Indonesia, DOP in Mongolian, DOP in Hebrew

At least a Senior School Certificate (10+2) or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate and a Certificate of Proficiency in the language concerned or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto.

The candidates who have obtained their qualification under a pattern of education other than 10+2 will be eligible for admission to the DOP programmes of study if they have successfully completed the first year of the Bachelor’s degree examination of a University with at least a minimum of 45% marks.


Persian, Arabic, Japanese, Spanish

Master’s Degree in relevant course with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).

OR Obtained two years M.Phil Degree in Persian with at least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/ seminar/viva)

or one-year M.Phil degree in Persian with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/Institution, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s degree/B.E/B.Tech. Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016.

French, Korean, Chinese, German, Russian

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).

Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016


Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Hindi Translation

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).

OR Obtained two years M.Phil Degrees with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one-year M.Phil degree with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/Institution, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s degree/B.E/B.Tech. Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016.

PhD English, PhD Linguistics

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil Degrees with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one-year M.Phil degree with 55% marks with an additional one-year of research experience of a recognized University/Institution, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s degree/B.E/B.Tech. Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC Regulations 2016


Life Sciences – Group-I,, Group II, Group III, Group IV, Group V

Master’s degree or equivalent with at least 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’

in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever

The grading system is followed) in Life Sciences/Biological, Physical, Chemical, or



/Systems Biology/ any other branch of biological sciences or MBBS with 55%

marks or equivalent.

Relaxation to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD as per the UGC

Regulations 2016.


PhD in Adult Education-

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


(b) Obtained two years M.Phil. degree with\ at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) is essential or one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/ Institution, and one publication and\ 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s degree/B.E/B.Tech.

Relaxation to reserved category

PhD Informal Sector & Labour Studies

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ on UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent

Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. degree with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) is essential or a one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/ Institution, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s degree/B.E/B.Tech.

Relaxation to Reserved Category

PhD Economics Studies & Planning

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point  scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. degree with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) is essential or a one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/ Institution, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s


Relaxation to Reserved Category

PhD- in any of the subjects-Modern History-3, Medieval History-4, Ancient History-6, Political Science, Population Studies- Geography, Economics, Social Systems, Educational Studies,

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. degree with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) is essential or a one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/ Institution, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s degree/B.E/B.Tech

Relaxation to reserved category

Social Sciences in Health

Social Sciences and other disciplines allied to public health;

Master’s degree/ M.Phil. in Social Sciences, Humanities Management, Sciences, Technology and allied subjects/fields with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institutions (or equivalent grade B in UGC 7-point scale or equivalent  in a point scale wherever

the grading system is followed)

Relaxation to Reserved Category will apply

Public Health

MD/MPH/M.Sc. (Nursing)/M.Phil degree with minimum 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (or equivalent grade B in UGC 7-point scale or equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed), for candidates with, a Bachelors level degree with a minimum duration of four years in clinical sciences viz. MBBS, AYUSH, BDS, BAMS, BUMS, BSMS, BHMS, BPT, BOT, B.Sc. (Nursing), BVSc or a professional degree in Allied Subjects/fields by the corresponding statutory regulatory body, with a Minimum of 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution

(or equivalent grade B in UGC 7-point scale or equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed).

Relaxation to Reserved Category will apply

PhD Philosophy, Women Studies, Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Media Studies

Master’s Degree/B.E./B.Tech./B. Pharm. with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. degree with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) is essential or a one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with an additional one-year of research experience from a recognized University/ Institution, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s degree/B.E/B.Tech.

Studies in Science Policy,

Master’s Degree/B.E./B.Tech./B. Pharm. with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ on UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil./M. Pharm. degree with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) is essential or a one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/ Institution, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s degree/B.E./B.Tech./B. Pharm.


Research Area I, Research Area II, Research Area III, Research Area IV

M.Sc. in any branch of basic or applied sciences or BE/B.Tech/MBBS with 55% marks or

equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever

The grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. in any branch of basic or applied sciences with 55% marks of a

recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one-year M.Phil. in any branch

of basic or applied sciences with at least 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience

of a recognized University/Institutional, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in M.Sc.


 1.PhD Computer Sciences, ii) PhD Microsystems

The candidates interested in research in Cloud Computing, Computer Graphics, Computer Networks, Computer Vision, Databases, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Embedded Systems, Image Processing, Knowledge Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, MEMS, Mobile Networks, Modelling and Simulation, Natural Language Processing, Network Security, Optimization Theory, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Pattern Recognition, Programming Languages, Software Engineering, VLSI, Web Mining and Wireless Network will be considered for Admission to Ph.D. programme

Master’s Degree in Computer Science or Mathematics or Statistics or Operational Research or

in any branch of Science or Master of Application (MCA) with 55% marks or equivalent Grade

‘B’ on UGC 7- point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is



Master’s Degree in Electronics or Electrical & Electronics Engineering or Electronics &

Communication Engineering or related areas with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC

7- point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. degrees with at least 55% marks of a recognized

University/Institution (with Dissertation/Seminar/Viva), and with 55% marks or equivalent

Master’s degree;


One year M.Phil. with 55% marks with an additional one year of research experience of a

recognized University/Institute, and one publication with 55% marks or equivalent in

Master’s degree


PhD Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences

Candidates who have obtained M.Sc. degree (two years programme or five years Integrated programme) from a recognized University/Institution in Mathematics/Physics/ Chemistry (for the corresponding subject) with at least 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. Degree for the corresponding subject with at least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one year M.Phil. with 55% marks with the corresponding subject with additional one year research experience of a recognized University/Institution and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in M.Sc.


Computational Biology and Bioinformatics – Track 1, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics – Track 2, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics – Track 3

M.Sc/B.E./B.Tech in Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics/Computer Science/ Statistics/ Operations research/Life Sciences/ Biotechnology/Bioinformatics/engineering and related disciplines with minimum of 55% in the qualifying degree or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).


Candidates with Advanced Diploma (after an M.Sc. degree with at least 55% marks) in Bioinformatics are also eligible.


Obtained two years M.Phil. degrees or equivalent with at least 55% marks in the related field like science, engineering, medical and pharmaceutical science from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) or one-year M.Phil. degree with 55% marks in the related field like science, engineering, medical and pharmaceutical science with additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/Institution, and one publication and with a minimum of 55% in the M.Sc./B.E./B.Tech in relevant field or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed


PhD Visual Studies, PhD Theatre & Performance Studies, PhD Cinema Studies

Master’s Degree with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. degrees with 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) or one-year M.Phil. degree with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized

University/Institution, and one publication and Master’s Degree with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ on UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).



M.Sc. in Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics or any branch of Physical or Biological or Engineering Sciences or B.Tech/B.E.(Biotechnology/Bioengineering/Allied Areas)/MBBS with at least 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).


M.Sc./B.Tech/B.E./MBBS with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. Degree with at least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one year M.Phil. with 55% marks with additional one year research experience of a recognized University/Institution and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in M.Sc../B.E./B.Tech./MBBS


Sanskrit Studies

Master’s degree or equivalent in Sanskrit or in any allied subject with at least 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. Degree with at least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one year M.Phil. with 55% marks with additional one year research experience of a recognized University/Institution and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s degree.

Knowledge of Sanskrit is desirable.


PhD Computer Science and Engineering, PhD Electronics and Communication Engineering, PhD Mechanical Engineering

Master’s degree in the areas related to Electronics, Electrical, Computer Science, Information-Technology with at least 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).


Obtained M.Tech./M.E. degree in the area related to Electronics, Electrical, Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing/ Production Engineering with at least 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed) from a recognised university/institute.

Eligibility criteria for GATE candidates

Obtained M.Tech./M.E. degree in the area related to Electronics, Electrical, Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering.

  1. b) The General/EWS/OBC candidate must have secured minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 7.5 on the scale of 10 (or minimum 69.5 % marks)

or equivalent at both B.E./B.Tech. and M.E./M.Tech. in the areas mentioned in the point (a) above. For SC/ST/Physically Challenged candidates CGPA requirement will be 7.0 on the scale of 10 (64.5%) or equivalent.

  1. c) The candidate should have qualified for GATE during the last 5 years.
  1. d) The candidate should be less than 30 years of age as of the date of admission to the respective university. However, an age relaxation of 5 years would be applicable to candidates belonging to SC/ST, women and physically challenged category




Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in different management sub-disciplines

Eligibility: Master’s Degree in Management or in a relevant discipline (such as Economics, Commerce, Statistics, Psychology, Operations Research and related areas) with at least 55% marks.

Mode of admission: (i) through JRF (ii) JNU Entrance Examination


PhD North East India Studies

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. degree with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) is essential or a one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience from a recognized University/ Institution, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s degree/B.E/B.Tech.

Ph.D. Programme in Molecular Medicine

Obtained master’s degree or equivalent from a recognized University /institution in any branch of biological sciences /chemical sciences with at least 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ on UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale

wherever the Grading system is followed).


Obtained MBBS/M.Pharm./M.VSc/M D degree with at least 55% marks (during 2014 or later) from a recognized University/Institution OR Candidates with M.Tech. degree with at least 55% marks in Biological/Chemical Sciences.


Obtained two years M.Phil. Degree with at least 55% marks of a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/viva) or one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/Institution and one publication and relevant Master’s Degree with 55%marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed)


PhD Law & Governance

Master’s Degree in Law, Political Science, Public Administration, Economics, Sociology, History, Philosophy, Social Work, Development Studies and cognate areas/ disciplines in the social sciences or humanities with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent Grade ‘B’ in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed) or an equivalent degree from a foreign\ educational Institution.


  1. Phil. Degree in Law, Political Science, Public Administration, Economics, Sociology, History, Philosophy, Social Work, Development Studies and cognate areas/ disciplines in the social sciences or humanities with at least 55% marks from any Indian University recognized by the University Grants Commission or from a Foreign Educational Institution.


PhD Nano Sciences

Master’s degree in Science/ Engineering with 55% marks of a recognized University/ Institution or equivalent grade ‘B’ on a UGC 7-point scale or an equivalent grade on a point scale where a grading system is followed.


Obtained two years M.Phil. degrees with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) or one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/ Institution, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’s degree/B.E/B.Tech


PhD Disaster Studies

Master’s Degree/BE/B.Tech/MBBS/AYUSH/LL.M./bachelors level degree with a minimum duration of four years with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever Grading system is followed).


Obtained two years M.Phil. degree with at least 55% marks from a recognized University/Institution (with dissertation/seminar/Viva) is essential or a one-year M.Phil. with 55% marks with an additional one-year research experience of a recognized University/ Institution, and one publication and 55% marks or equivalent in Master’ degree/B.E/B.Tech./MBBS/AYUSH/LL.M./bachelor’s level degree with a minimum duration of four years.


PhD National Security Studies

BE/B.Tech with 55% marks or equivalent Grade ‘B’ in UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever the Grading system is followed).


Master’s degree with at least 55% marks in social science or natural science or Humanities.


PhD Systems Medicine

Master’s degree (M.Sc., MD, MS, M.VSc, M. Pharma)/ MBBS, B.Tech, B. Pharma or a professional degree declared equivalent to the Master’s degree by the corresponding statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade ‘B’ in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed); or an equivalent degree from a foreign educational institution

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