
OSSC Admit Card 2024 Released: Download Now for Inspector of Legal Metrology & Junior Chemist Exams

OSSC Admit Card 2024

OSSC Mains Written examination of Inspector of Legal Metrology and Junior Chemist under CGLRE Specialist Posts / Service- 2023 Admit Card has been released today i.e. November 29, 2024. Now Candidates can download admit Card by filling Registration Number/ Mobile number/ Email Id and Password.  Admission latter out for December 03 and 04, 2024 Exam. 

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For Exam Dates November 27 and 28, 2024 Admit card was released on November 21, 2024

Also Read :- OSSC Group B and C posts registration starts

Detailed Syllabus Mains Written Exam 

Post Name – Inspector of Legal Metrology

Digital and analog Circuits, Instrumentation & Solid -State Physics Difference between Analog and Digital Circuits, Binary numbers, Decimal to Binary and Binary to Decimal Conversion, Semiconductor Devices and amplifiers Crystal Structure: Solids-Amorphous and Crystalline Materials. 
Mechanics  Vectors: Vector algebra Scalar and vector products. Derivatives of a vector with respect of a parameter: Laws of Motion: Newton’s Laws of Motion; Momentum and Energy: Conservation of Momentum: Work and energy; Conservation of energy. Rotational Motion: Angular Velocity and angular momentum: Torque, Conservation of angular momentum; Gravitation: Newton’ Law of Gravitation: Oscillations: Simple harmonic Motion; Kinetic and Potential Energy. Total Energy and their time averages: Special Theory of Relativity. 
WAVES AND OPTICS Fluids: Surface Tension- Excess of pressure Application to spherical and cylindrical drops and bubbles variation of surface tension with temperature; Viscosity Rate flow of liquid in a – capillary tube Poiseuille’s formula Determination of coefficient of viscosity of a liquid – Variations of viscosity of liquid with temperature- lubrication; Sound: Simple harmonic motion forced vibrations and resonance: Wave Optics: Electromagnetic nature of light; Definition and Properties of wave front; Interference: Division of amplitude and division of wave front; Diffraction. Polarization.
THERMAL PHYSICS AND STATISTICAL MECHANICS Laws of Thermodynamics & their applications, Reversible and irreversible processes, Entropy, Carnot’s cycle: Kinetic Theory of Gases; Transport Phenomena: Viscosity. Conduction and Diffusion: Theory of Radiation.
ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Electrostatics: Electrostatic Field, electric lux. charged conductor: Electric potential as line integral of electric field. potential due to a point charge, electric dipole, Calculation of electric field from potential; Capacitance of an isolated spherical conductor; Resistances, AC and DC Voltages & Current: Checking electrical fuses: Magnetostatics: 13iot-Savart’s law and its applications; Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.

Post Name – Senior Laboratory Assistant 

MICROBIOLOGY History, Classification and identification of microbes, General morphology, classification and economic importance of bacteria, fungi and viruses, Epidemiology of infectious diseases, Microbe interactions; Immune Responses; Cleaning of glass wares, sterilization principle and methods moist heat dry heat and filtration methods, Media preparation: Liquid media, Solid media, Agar slants, Agar plates. Basal, enriched, selective media preparation -quality control of media, growth supporting properties, sterility check of media, Pure culture techniques: Streak plate. pour plate and decimal dilution, Cultural characteristics of microorganisms: Growth on different media, growth characteristics, Staining techniques: Smear preparation, simple staining, Grams staining, Acid fast staining and staining for metachromatic granules, Morphology of microorganisms, Antibiotic sensitivity testing: Disc diffusion test Quality control with standard strains. Physiology characteristics: IMViC test, H2S, Oxidase, catalase, urease test. Carbohydrate fermentation, Maintenance of pure culture, Stab culture and mold culture.
PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY Structural organization and functions of tissue, glands and different systems of body: Digestive system, Respiratory system. Circulatory system (Blood, Heart), Excretory system, Nervous system, Reproductive system, Endocrine system; pH and Temperature measurement, Estimation of Red Blood Cell. Estimation of hemoglobin. Animal Behaviour, Mechanism and pattern of Behaviour; Reflexes and their types; Orientation, Different types of animal Behaviour, Social Behaviour, Sexual Behaviour, Biological Clock. Biomolecules, Structure, function and metabolism of important carbohydrates, proteins and fats; Enzymes and their mechanism of action; Action of salivary amylase and effect of temperature and pH on it: Estimation of of total protein in given solutions.
INDUSTRIAL BIOLOGY, GENETICS, IMMUNITY & VACCINOLOGY Cell, its structure and functions; Different cell organelles; Nucleic Acids, Salient features of DNA Double Helix, Structure and functions of DNA & RNA; DNA replication, Transcription, Translation; Cell-cycle, Mendalian Genetics, Development of Sex and Maturity. Differentiation and Growth; Cell Division, Gametogenesis, Fertilization, Embryonic Development, Immune System, Immunity, Antigen, Antibody. Structure and functions of different types of Immunoglobulins: Antigen-Antibody interactions, Vaccines; Preparation of solid and liquid culture medium and growth of Bacteria on these media. Antibiotic sensitivity / resistance: Microbial Fermentation.
ECONOMIC BIOLOGY & PUBLIC HEALTH Indigenous and exotic breeds of cattle and poultry: Rearing, housing and feeding practices in dairy and poultry farming; Diseases and their management; Dairy and poultry farm management: Origin of Cultivated Plants: Concept of Centers of Origin, Crop domestication and loss of genetic Diversity: Cereals, Legumes; Sugars & Starches; Spices: Listing of important spices and part used, economic importance; Beverages: Tea, Coffee; Essential Oils: General account, extraction methods, comparison with fatty oils & their uses. Fibers: Classification based on the origin of fibers: Scope of Public health and Hygiene: nutrition and health: Environment & Health; Environmental pollution and Health hazards; Communicable and Non-Communicable diseases and their control measures.
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Atomic Structure, Quantum mechanics, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Ionic Equilibria (Ionization of weak acids and bases, pH scale, common ion effect, Salt hydrolysis- calculation of hydrolysis constant, degree of hydrolysis and pH for different salts. Buffer solutions), General Principles of Metallurgy, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Liquids, Solids.
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Fundamentals of organic Chemistry. Stereochemistry, Functional group approach for the following reactions (preparations & reactions): Alkanes. Alkenes, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic acids, Aromatic hydrocarbons, Alkyl and Aryl Halides.
INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT Industrial Gases and Inorganic Chemicals, Sources of energy: Coal, petrol and natural gas. Coal and petrochemical industry, Nuclear fusion / fission, solar energy, hydrogen, geothermal, tidal and hydel energy; Nuclear Pollution: Disposal of Nuclear waste, Nuclear disaster and its management. 
CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY Basic principles of distillation, solvent extraction, solid-liquid leaching and liquid-liquid extraction, separation by absorption and adsorption. An introduction into the scope of different types of equipment needed in chemical technology, including reactors, distillation columns, extruders, pumps, mills, emulgators; Scaling up operations in chemical industry, Introduction to clean technology.
PHARMACEUTICAL AND PESTICIDE CHEMISTRY Drug discovery, design and development, Synthesis of the representative drugs of the following classes: antibiotics, antibacterial and antifungal agents; antiviral agents; Fermentation (Aerobic and anaerobic fermentation). General introduction to pesticides (natural and synthetic); Benefits and adverse effects; Changing concepts of pesticides; Structure activity relationship, Synthesis and technical manufacture and uses of different pesticides
PROBABILITY & STATISTICS Sample space, probability axioms, real random variables (discrete and continuous), cumulative distribution function, probability mass/density functions, mathematical expectation, moments, moment generating function, characteristic function, discrete distributions: uniform, binomial, Poisson, continuous distributions: uniform, normal, exponential. Joint cumulative distribution function and its properties, joint probability density functions. marginal and conditional distributions, expectation of function of two random variables, conditional expectations, independent random variables.
LOGIC & SETS Introduction, propositions, truth table, negation, conjunction and disjunction. Implications, biconditional propositions, converse, contra positive and inverse propositions and precedence of logical operators. Propositional equivalence: Logical equivalences. Predicates and quantifiers: Introduction. Quantifiers. Binding variables and Negations. Sets, subsets, Set operations, the laws of set theory and Venn diagrams. Examples of finite and, infinite sets. Finite sets and counting principle. Empty set, properties of empty set. Standard set operations. Classes of sets. Power set of a set. Difference and Symmetric difference of two sets. Set identities, Generalized union and intersections. Relation: Product set, Composition of relations, Types of relations, Partitions, Equivalence Relations with example of congruence modulo relation.
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS First order exact differential equations. Integrating factors, rules to irnd an integrating factor. First order higher degree equations solvable for x, y, p. Methods for solving higher-order differential equations. Basic theory of linear differential equations, Solving a differential equation by reducing its order.

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