ODL and Online Programs In India you can pursue your degree through regular mode or through distance or online educations. But let us understand the basic of Online and ODL course offered by various institutions in India.
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Now if you are applying for ODL and online programme you have to register on DEB portal and create Unique ID. The Distance Education Bureau (DEB) ID is a unique identifier that students must create to enroll in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) or Online programs at recognized Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs). The DEB ID is required to ensure that students are enrolled in programs that are recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). This process is intended to protect students’ academic and career futures.
The DEB ID is valid for the student’s entire ODL or Online learning experience. The DEB ID is created using the student’s Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) ID.
The DEB ID is part of a broader initiative by the UGC to make distance and online education in India more transparent and credible. The UGC has also urged higher education institutions to promote the new admission process
When you apply online you have live interaction with the teachers once in a week but you if you pursue ODL mode you do not come in live interaction with the teacher you get your study material through post or other mode.
Let us understand the courses and other details about ODL or Online course
Programmes not offered through Distance Education
UGC regulations lay down the minimum standards of instruction for the grant of degrees at the undergraduate and post graduate levels and grant of post graduate diploma of duration of two years.
Programmes in the disciplines (including their allied domains) of Engineering, Medical, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and other Para-Medical disciplines, Pharmacy, Nursing, Dental, Architecture, Law, Agriculture, Horticulture, Hotel Management, Catering Technology, Culinary Sciences, Aircraft Maintenance, Visual Arts and Sports are prohibited in ODL and/or Online mode. The research based programmes such as M.Phil and Ph.D. are also prohibited.
Is the degree received through distance mode equivalent to the degrees of Regular course?
Is switching of ODL mode to Online possible?
What about the approval of UGC for ODL and/or Online mode of IITs/IIMs/IISc and other INIs?
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