
NITTT – Application out Exam Schedule, admit card details and NITTT overview.


NITTT 2024 Exam Date-teacher training program for higher education. The purpose of NITTT scheme is to provide a framework for the training of Inductee Teachers in AICTE-approved institutions. An Inductee Teacher has to undergo online training of eight modules (as suitably modified from time to time) in the first phase of training.

NITTT 2024 Exam Schedule

Date of NITTT Exam10,11,17 and 18 February 2024
Duration3 Hours
Exam TimingShift I 10 AM-1.00 PM
 Shift 2 2.30 PM-5.30 PM
Test PatternObjective Type Consisting 100 MCQ
Exam ModeOnline (Internet-Based) Remote Protocoled
Language of TestEnglish
Admit Card30-Jan-24
Date and Timing of Webinar6 February 2024 3 PM to 4.30 PM
Mock Test7 February 10 AM to 6 PM

It is a Scheme initiated by AICTE and MoE to provide training for teachers working in AICTE-approved Technical Institutions.

NITTTR Chennai is the Coordinating Institute to implement the training program.


NITTT, to provide in-service training to the Inductee Teachers in AICTE-approved/recognised institutions, this NITTT has launched.

National Testing Agency (NTA) has been entrusted with the task of conducting the final summative Assessment for the registered participants.

The mode of Examination is Online Based Test – Remote Proctored (OBT – RP) Examination where the examinees can appear in the exam from their respective location/s on PCs /laptops. They will not be required to visit any exam center for the exam. The exam will be monitored by human Proctors, on real-time basis


The probation of a newly recruited teacher in AICTE approved / recognised institutions shall not be confirmed until he/she successfully completes the three phases of training. However, all service benefits will accrue from the date of joining.

The exam will be delivered online (internet-based) on a laptop or PC. It is an objective type comprising 100 MCQs of one mark each. A mock test has been organized to ensure that candidates get familiar with the online exam process and do not face any problem on the actual exam date.

Duration of completing the program

The time set for completing the program is within 3 years.  It is important for the teachers to complete the entire NITTT program within three years of registration at

If the time limit exceeds beyond three years, then the Inductee Teacher has to re-register and must go through the remaining training process until he/ she completes the program.

Application Schedule

The application form is released in the month of December and the exam is conducted in the month of February every year.

Program Details

The training programme shall be conducted in MOOCs mode for eight modules on the SWAYAM platform through the NITTT portal ( (first phase), followed by mentor-based training (second phase) and then one-month industrial training (third phase).

.The detailed contents of each module shall be notified from time to time by the Coordinating Institute. An Inductee Teacher can also undergo all the aforementioned required trainings in three phases simultaneously.

For teachers who are already confirmed as Assistant Professor or Lecturer but with experience (as Assistant Professor or Lecturer or combined) of less than 5 years, completion of these three phases will be a necessary pre- condition for their promotion to or selection for the next grade pay (or level as per 7 th CPC).

All eight modules as mentioned above shall be offered as per schedule of Online Degree SWAYAM. The Inductee Teacher may register for any number of modules in each semester of a calendar year. Hence, there is no restriction on maximum number of modules an Inductee Teacher can enroll at NITTT to undergo first phase of training.

The Inductee Teacher has to successfully complete all the eight modules (specified under First phase training) Evaluation of each module is based on the two components- Continuous Assignment core and Final OBT – RP Examination Score.


The final score will have weightages of continuous Assignment Score and final proctored Examination Score as 30% and 70%, respectively.

The learner who has enrolled to study in any of the eight modules in the Online-Degree SWAYAM Platform and scored minimum of 50% in Internal Assessment (i.e, 15 Marks out of 30 Marks) is eligible for appearing for the OBT – RP examination of that particular module.

Inductee teacher will be allowed to register for final proctored examination, only if he/she score 50% in the continuous assignment (assessment) score. Inductee Teacher shall be eligible for a module completion certificate only if he/she scores at least 50% in each of the two weightages, i.e., Assignment Score >=15/30 (Criteria 1) and Examination Score >=35/70 (Criteria 2).

If one of the two criteria’s mentioned above is not met, the Inductee Teacher shall not get the successful completion certificate even if the Final Score which is sum of Assignment Score and Examination is >=50.

The OBT- RP examination would be a Computer Based Test (objective type questions) of three hours’ duration of 100 questions with the maximum mark of 100, without negative marking. The examination will be held as Online Based Test – Remote Proctored exam where the Inductee teacher can take the test from their place. All related notifications for this phase will be issued by the Coordinating Institute.


 Rs.2,000/- per candidate) is to be paid to the Coordinating Institute while registering at This registration fee is valid for three years. The fee payment is to be made online.


The module-based certification fee as notified from time to time (currently Rs. 1,000/- per module per candidate) is required to be paid to the Coordinating Institute.

Eligibility requirements

The learner who has enrolled to study in any of the eight modules in the Online-Degree SWAYAM Platform and scored minimum of 50% in Internal Assessment (i.e, 15 Marks out of 30 Marks) is eligible for appearing for the OBT – RP examination of that particular module. Inductee teacher will be allowed to register for final proctored examination, only if he/she score 50% in the continuous assignment (assessment) score.

How to apply for NITTT Exam February 2024

 a) The Inductee Teacher will have to mandatorily register in the web portal ( On successful registration, a unique ID will be generated and same shall be used for the certification process.

b) The examination registration will be open for the specific duration.

c) Participants who have not registered, absent and not successful in the earlier proctored exam are also allowed to register for the exam with different guidelines.

d) Step-by-step procedure for NITTT Examination registration can be accessed at in the document tab. Participant can download the Registration Manual to proceed for the registration.

e) A candidate can apply for more than one course if he is eligible to appear in them.

Pass Percentage

You are required to secure a minimum of 50% marks in the exam to qualify the exam. There will be no negative marking.


The Admit Card is issued provisionally to the candidates, subject to their satisfying the eligibility conditions. The candidate has to download the Admit Card from the NTA website and appear for the Examination at the given Date, timing and discipline as indicated in their Admit Card.


A webinar will be held at 03.00 PM to 04.30 PM to explain to the candidates the process of appearing in an internet-based test. Candidates must attend this webinar to ensure that they understand the process and do not face any technical difficulties on the day of the exam in appearing in the exam.


Candidates must appear in a Mock Test   The window for taking the mock test will be open from 10.00 am to 06.00 pm on the notified date. Candidate can appear in the mock test anytime during the specified time on 30.01.2023. They can appear in the mock test up-to 3 times. The credentials for joining the mock test will be provided in the Admit Card.

Point of Contact

In case candidate is  not able to continue the exam on account of power failure or drop in internet connectivity or technical issues with the PC or laptop, candidates can contact the 8296744296, 6364426664, 7406692921, 7406692922 as per timings given below: Exam day from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM only. Mock test day from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM only. You can continue the exam on the same laptop or PC or some other PC/laptop when the power supply or internet service resumes.

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