NID MDes Result is declared today on 16 February 2024. Candidate can check their result through this link. Those who had qualified will be going to Mains Exam that will be occurring on 3 March and 6 April 2024. And Mains Result will be declared on 30 April 2024. B.Des prelims will be declared on 28 March and those who qualify will appear on Mains Exam on 27 and 28 April 2024.
Correction window and admit card 2024-DAT Prelims Admit Card. The application process is over the edit window was opened today for correction in the application form. The Entrance exam popularly known as DAT (Design Aptitude Test) is organized in two phases i.e., Preliminary and Main ExamCorrection Window 8-10 December 24 Admit Card 12-Dec-23 Design Aptitude Test 24-Dec-23 Application closed 8-Sep-23 Appliction closed 5-Dec-23 DAT Prelims Result 28 March 24 at 4 PM Rechecking DAT Prems 28 March-30 March DAT Main Exam 27-28 April 24 Admit Card for Main 14-Apr-24 DAT Main Result 21-May-24 Campus Preference Window 21-23 May 24 Rechecking DAT Main 21-22 May 24
Correction Window

Candidate cannot change his category but if he/she does then an applicable additional fee will be charged.
The CEED 2024 Exam Date is 21 January 24
Nid Correction window and admit card 2024-Admit Card
Admit cards will be available online at the official website of NID
Intake at Ahmedabad
Faculty of Communication DesignCourse Intake Animation Film Design 19 Exhibition Desgin 13 Film and Video Communication 13 Graphic Design 19
Faculty of Industrial DesignCourse Intake Ceramic and Glass Design 13 Furniture and Interior Design 13 Product Design 19
Faculty of Textile, Apparel, Lifestyle and Accessory DesignCourse Intake Textile Design 19
The candidates who are admitted to the B.Des Programme at NID will be required to attend a mandatory Design Foundation Study for two semesters. Allotment of a course(Discipline) is based on the candidate’s merit and preferences.
Andhra Pradesh Seat Matrix
Communication Design | 25 |
Industrial Design | 25 |
Textile and Apparel Design | 25 |
NID Haryana
Communication Design | 25 |
Industrial Design | 25 |
Textile and Apparel Design | 25 |
NID Madhya PradeshCommunication Design 25+4 Overseas Industrial Design 25+ 4 Overseas Textile and Apparel Design 25+4 Overseas Communication Design 25 Industrial Design 25 Textile and Apparel Design 25
ReservationGeneral EWS 10% OBC NCL 27% SC 15% ST 7.5%’
FeesGeneral 3000 General EWS 3000 OBC NCL 3000 SC 1500 ST 1500 PWD and PWD of other category 1500