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New Guidelines for Reopening of Schools

New Guidelines for Reopening of Schools

Department of School Education and Literacy , Ministry of Education issued SOP/Guidelines for reopening of schools. 

Ramesh Pokhriyal Union Education Minister announced SOP/Guidelines of DoSEL for reopening of schools through his tweet.

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SOP/GUIDELINES – New Guidelines for Reopening of Schools

  1. Arrange and implement for thorough cleaning and disinfecting of all areas, furniture, equipment, stationery, storage places, water tanks, kitchens, canteen, washrooms, laboratories, libraries, etc. on school campus and ensure air flow in indoor space.
  2. It is the responsibility of the schools to form Task Teams such as, Emergency Care Support/Response Team, General Support Team for all stakeholders, Commodity Support Team, Hygiene Inspection Team, etc. with earmarked responsibilities will be helpful.
  3. Schools may be encouraged to make their own SOPs based on the guidelines issued by States/UTs for the following, keeping in view the safety and physical/social distancing norms, and ensuring that the notices/posters/messages/communication to parents in this regard are prominently displayed/disseminated.
  4. In the seating plan-Physical distancing / social distancing to be ensured,the functions and events to be avoided, staggering of entry and exits timings and points of schools, staggered time tables.
  5. Mask is necessary for all students and staff to arrive at school and continue wearing it all through, especially when in class, or doing any activity in groups, such as eating in the mess, working in the laboratories or reading in the libraries.
  6. Display Signages and markings for enforcing physical/social distancing and safety protocols at adequate places. States/UTs should take the consent t of parents/guardians before their child/ward begins attending schools. Students willing to study from home with the consent of the parents may be allowed to do so.
  7. Sensitize students, parents, teachers, community members and hostel staff on COVID-19 related challenges and their role to be conducted based upon guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with all the stakeholders.
  8. Plan for academic calendar changes for all classes, particularly in relation to breaks and exams.Ensure all students have access to prescribed textbooks before school reopens.
  9. Ensure availability in school or at contactable distance full-time trained health care attendant/nurse/doctor and counsellor to take care of physical and mental health of the students.  Regular health check-up of students and teachers may be organized.
  10. Adequate information should be collected from students, parents and teachers upon the health status. From local administration: About the State and district helplines and the nearest COVID Centre and other contact details for dealing with emergency.
  1. Making a Comprehensive Alternative Calendar of Activities for the Whole Year with focus on learning outcomes. Academic calendar may be realigned for the whole year in accordance with the emerging situation. Comprehensive academic plan can be prepared as per the guidelines received from the concerned Directorate of Education. This plan may follow guidelines of Alternative Academic Calendar prepared by the NCERT.
  2. Reintegration of students into school may be taken on priority after reopening.
  3. Teachers must polish their skills for integrating ICT in class as far as possible. Training modules may be prepared for the same.
  4. Children can also be sensitized about the pandemic by integrating various concepts into the teaching of various subject areas such as EVS, languages, science and social science, arts.
  5. Teachers must discuss with the students the clear roadmap of the curriculum, the modes of learning to be adopted (through face to face instruction/individual assignments or portfolios/group-based project work/group presentations, etc.) to be covered,  the time to be taken for the same, dates of school based assessments, breaks, etc.
  6. Focus on the most vulnerable students (homeless/migrated students, students with disabilities, and students directly affected by Covid-19 through a family death or hospitalization) to prioritize their needs.
  7. Divergent use of teaching resources shall have to be relied upon keeping physical/social distancing and other safety norms in mind. Resources could include peer teaching and learning, use of workbooks and worksheets, use of technology-based resources in class, empowering parents/grandparents/older sibling to teach, using the services of volunteers from the community, etc.
  8. PRAGYATA Guidelines on digital and online education can be used to orient teachers and students in this regard.If the State/UT has Energized Textbooks, inform students and parents how to download the e-content behind the QR on DIKSHA, codes and use the same in offline mode, thereon.
  9. Teachers, parents, and administrators need to focus on formative assessment to ensure achievement of learning goals by all learners. Guidelines of SCERT/NCERT may be used to sensitize parents to improve their understanding of and appreciation for formative assessment.
  10. Schools to ensure smooth transition of students from home-based schooling during lockdown to formal schooling. Schools can implement re-adjusted school calendar and redesigned Annual Curriculum Plan (ACP), remedial classes or conduct back to school campaign among other steps.
  11. The teachers, school counselor and school health workers should work in unison to ensure emotional safety of their students. ‘MANODARPAN’ covers a wide range of activities to provide psychosocial support to students, teachers and families for Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing during the COVID outbreak and beyond.
  12. Based on these SOP/guidelines, State / UT Governments need to develop their own Standard Operating Procedures for reopening schools and for training different stakeholders as and when the State/Union Territory Governments declare it safe for schools to operate.
  13. Checklists for safe school environment which includes for different stakeholders, for building resilience and for academic planning and school operations may be used.
  14. The State/UT Education Departments may conduct awareness and capacity building programmes for DIET faculty members, School Heads, Teachers, and Parents before the opening of the schools.
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