The NEET UG Admit Card 2024 . The Admit Card has been released by the NTA. Candidates can download it from the NTA website. Earlier the advanced city intimation slip was released. Candidate will be able to check their centre and city of exam. They can download it by entering their details.
The admit card is an essential document that candidates must carry to the exam centre on the day of the exam. Recently, the NTA opened the correction window, in which candidates who wanted to make corrections to their application form could do so.
Before the admit card, the NTA will release the advance city information slip. The information slip will contain information about the exam centre.

NEET UG Admit Card 2024 Date
The exam date is May 5, so the admit card is expected to be released in the last week of April 2024, but it was released on May 2 and candidates can download it from the official website of the National Testing Agency (NTA). The admit card contains crucial information such as the candidate’s name, roll number, exam centre details, and other instructions to be followed on the day of the exam.
To download the NEET UG Admit Card 2024, candidates need to follow a few simple steps. First, they need to visit the official website and log in using their credentials. Then, they need to access the admit card download link and fill up a form with the latest details. After submitting the form, the admit card will appear on the screen, and candidates can download and take a printout of the same for future reference.
The NEET UG Admit Card 2024 contains several details that candidates must verify before appearing for the exam. These details include the candidate’s name, roll number, photograph, signature, exam centre details, exam date and time, and other instructions. Candidates must ensure that all the information mentioned on the admit card is correct and matches their personal details. Any discrepancy in the admit card must be immediately reported to the concerned authorities for rectification. It is also advisable to keep multiple copies of the admit card in case of loss or damage.