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NCHmct JEE Hotel Management Entrance Exam

NCHMCT JEE Hotel Management Entrance Exam. NTA conducts this examination every year. It is a national level examination. The admission is offered into 3 year B.Sc. Hospitality & Hotel Administration course through this exam. The application process of NCHMCT JEE is expected to start from February 2024, those who want to make career in hotel and hospitality sector can apply now.

Total number of seats 12995

The Council regulates academics in the field of Hospitality Education & training that is imparted at the 21 (twenty one) Central Govt. sponsored Institutes of Hotel Management, 27 (twenty seven) State Govt. sponsored IHMs offering Degree level/Diploma/Craft Certificate level programs, 1 (one) PSU owned Institute, 29 (twenty nine) private Institutes that function in different parts of the country.


Candidate can explore Oberoi hotel various programme

Through the Council, these institutes offer 11 (eleven) different professional programs leading to award of Certificate, Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma, Bachelor and Master Degree. (The last two programs are in collaboration with Indira Gandhi National Open University)

NCHMCT JEE 2024 Tentative Schedule

Application Opens                  February

Application Closes                  April-May

Date of Exam                         June

Timing of Exam                      10.00 AM to 1.00 PM

Application Fee

General (UR)/ OBC-(NCL) as per Central List  ₹ 1000/-

Gen-EWS ₹ 700/-

Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribes

(ST)/PwD ₹ 450/- Third Gender ₹ 450/-

Mode of Exam 

 Pattern of Exam

Type of questionNo. Of question
Numerical ability & Analytical aptitude30
Reasoning & Logical Deduction30
GK and Current Affairs30
English Language60
Aptitude for Service Sector50

Each question carries four (04) marks. One (01) mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.

The medium of Question Paper shall be in English & Hindi only


A candidate should have passed 10+2 system of Senior Secondary Examination or its equivalent with English as one of the subjects, from a recognized Educational Board. Candidate must have passed English as a subject of study (core/elective/functional) in the qualifying examination. 

Those appearing in 10+2 or equivalent examination can also appear in NCHM JEE 2023 on provisional basis.

 Provisional admission will stand cancelled if proof of having passed the qualifying examination (10+2 or its equivalent) is not submitted at the time of counselling or at the time of admission or latest by 30.09.2023. 

List of examinations equivalent to 10+2: 

Age Limit

Practicals to be carried by a student during the course duration:

 1) Cutting/ Chopping off all vegetables and other items prior to cooking;

2) Cooking of four items in each practical class in the Basic Training Kitchen and Advanced Training kitchen;

 3) Cooking of Indian menu for lunch in bulk quantity as part of the team;

 4) All work in the bakery and Confectionary section;

5) Service of Food and Beverages, flame in the Training Restaurants;

6) Flower arrangement, Bed making, cleaning, stain removal, washing (in the machine), Ironing and use of the calendaring machine, floor mopping, handling of vacuum cleaner, handling of floor cleaning/ polishing machine etc;

 7) Computer operation, Room reservation through dedicated software

Non-Disclosure Agreement

By registering for the NCHM JEE, candidates are covered by a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). As per NDA, candidates cannot disclose any question or contents of the question paper in part or otherwise with any person or party website or such other media/publication. Any act in breach of the NDA shall be liable for penal action as per law. Kindly note that this is a punishable offence and shall lead to cancellation of candidature.

Documents required during application form filling

A computer with proper internet connectivity,

 o The particulars of a valid Government ID proof,

o The Date of Birth (as mentioned in the Class X Board Certificate),

 o Govt Identity Details like Aadhaar Number (last 4 digits)/Election Card (EPIC No.)/Passport number/Ration Card Number/ Bank Account Number/PAN Number/ Other valid Govt IDs,

 o Educational/Qualification details,

o Scanned clear passport photograph in JPG/JPEG format (size between 10 kb– 200 kb) either in colour or black & white with 80% face (without mask) visible including ears against a white background, o Scanned clear signature in JPG/JPEG format (size between 4 kb–30 kb),

o List of Cities of your choice where you want to appear for the exam,

 o Bank account details for payment of fee,

 o A valid e-mail ID as important communications will be made in this e-mail ID o A valid mobile number as important information via SMS will be sent to this number

The Candidates should fill in their complete postal address with PIN Code for further correspondence.

The Candidate should not give the postal address, Mobile Number or e-mail ID of any Coaching Centre or Internet Café in the Online Application Form.

 In order to appear in NCHM JEE, 2022, the candidates are required to apply ‘online’ only. The Application Form other than online mode shall not be accepted. No change will be accepted through offline mode i.e. through fax/application including e-mail etc.

Online submission of application may be done by accessing the NTA official website: (v) Online Application Form cannot be withdrawn once it is submitted successfully

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