NCHM JEE 2024 Admit Card. The admit card released on 1st May 2024 the exam. The entrance exam will be conducted on 11 May 2024. The correction window was opened on 9 April and closed on 12 April.
The admit card contains your personal details such as your name,father name, roll number, exam centre name and code.
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Before releasing the admit card the NTA will release the advance intimation slip. Candidate can download their city intimation slip by entering their details on the official website of NTA.
Advance intimation slip contains the name of city where a candidate has to appear for entrance test
The test will be conducted CBT mode (Computer Based Test). The candidates who do not carry Admit Card with them will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
How to download the admit Card? NCHM JEE 2024 Admit Card
Step 1: you have to visit the official website that is
Step 2: click on the link to download the admit card on the homepage,
Step 3: The login window opens, candidate will fill the login details like application number and date of birth.
Step 4: You will be able to see admit card download link Inside the login, in the student dashboard,. Click that.
Step 5: When the download of Admit Card is complete,take prints of the admit card, at least 2 printouts must be take