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Have you registered for NATS Apprenticeship scheme?

NATS 2.0

NATS 2.0

Union Minister for Education Shri Dharmendra Pradhan in New Delhi launched the National Apprenticeship and Training Scheme 2.0 (NATS)Portal and disbursed ₹100 crore stipends to apprentices through the DBT mode.

The stipends disbursed to those students who are undergoing training in various sectors such as IT/ITes, manufacturing, automobile, etc. This initiative aligns with the Government’s focus on skilling and employability of youth.

NATS 2.0 portal is expected to be utilized by a large number of beneficiaries to register and apply for apprenticeships. Additionally, establishments/industries will leverage the portal to manage their vacancies and contracts. Therefore, a significant number of young graduates and diploma holders will be supported in attaining employability skills, accompanied by a guaranteed monthly stipend

National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) :: (

The apprentice amount will be directly transferred to student’s account through DBT system

Duration of apprenticeship will be six months to 1 year

The NATS 2.0 portal which has been developed in-house by the Ministry of Education with the support of AICTE and BoATs/BoPT as a one-stop solution to manage the apprenticeship lifecycle activities like student registration, advertisement of vacancies, student applications, contract creation, certification, reporting as well stipend as disbursal though DBT. It is used by students, industries, institutions as well implementing bodies, i.e., BoATs/BoPT. It was being used in the pilot mode with enhancements being embarked upon. The portal is now fully functional and is leveraged by the Ministry of Education for carrying out the end-to-end DBT process.

The Apprentices are taught the latest applications, processes and methodologies in their respective fields of work from some of the most renowned organisations in India.

This also acts as a transition phase for a school / college student from classroom to a working background. The apprentice also learns soft skills, work culture, ethics and organisational behaviour while undergoing training. This goes a long way in helping him/ her secure permanent employment in the future. At the end of one year training they are issued a Certificate attesting to their training and proficiency in a particular field. This serves as an experience certificate when they seek employment after their training.

How to Register in NATS ?

The student first go to the NATS portal and register themselves

They have to fill their personal details such as Name,Father Name,contact details

Educational details and training preference-preferred field/location for apprenticeship and bank details

After filling all these details students have to cross check all the details before clicking the submit button

Students will be able to see advertisement on their dashboard and from there they can apply for apprenticeship by checking all details provided description, duration, location, skills required, qualification required to application

Student has to accept the contract request from establishment firstly, in order to send request to BOAT for final confirmation

On acceptance, Contract request sent to BOAT for approval

Contract management by student After the establishment contract initiation, student has to accept the contract request from establishment firstly, in order to send request to BOAT for final confirmation. Contract is download by student & engaged into apprenticeship program

Profile Locking system?

Once a student contract is created, there profile is locked as they can’t apply for any more apprenticeships. 2. If they need any change in profile they need to request BOAT for it. So, If the student is selected through SEC 22(A), the student is taken as employee into same Establishment after apprenticeship program is finished. If its SEC 22(B), student can apply to jobs available after the apprenticeship program ends.


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