
National Olympiad Programme 2024-25 Registration last date14 September

National Olympiad Programme 2024-25

National Olympiad Programme 2024-25-The national Olympiad test is being organized this year for science subject. This National Standard Examination for science subject on November 23-and 24 by Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT)

Enrolment Began28-Aug
Enrolment last Date14-Sep

Check Khorana Pragom for Scholar

Exam Timing

National Olympiad Programme 2024-25
NSEA23-Nov2.30-4.30 PM
NSEP,NSEC,NSEB & NSJS24-Nov2.30-4.30 PM
INOs Dates25-Feb 
INOs ResultLast Week of February 25 

Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) is an organization of Physics Teachers spread throughout the country. It was started by Late Dr. D.P. Khandelwal in 1984 and today it has more than 9000 life members. All the work of this (our) organization is voluntary in character-thus NOBODY is paid any Honorarium or Remuneration for ANYWORK of IAPT

National Standard Examinations (NSEP in Physics, NSEC in Chemistry, NSEB in Biology, NSEA in Astronomy and NSEJS in Junior Science) are nationwide examinations organized by IAPT. We have been conducting NSEP for last 37 years by now. NSEP, NSEC, NSEB and NSEA are at CBSE class XII level while NSEJS is at CBSE class X level. These NSEs are the First stage and THE ONLY SCREENING TESTS in India leading towards International Olympiads in the respective science subjects.

National Olympiad Programme 2024-25

What is Science Olympiads?

Olympiads are internationally recognized competitions in various fields of knowledge. They are the highest level examinations and are hosted by different countries every year. Participation in any of the Olympiads has world wide recognition and is considered as a great achievement. International Olympiads are held every year in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy and Junior Science.

How to register for Science Olympiad?

Candidates who wish to enroll for this Olympiad they can do so in their school itself.The prinicipal of your school will enroll for this

Application fee

You have to pay Rs.300

Number of students to be selected is 300. The students have to secure at least 50 % to appear for INO Stage II



Must be eligible to hold an Indian passport.

Date of birth between 1 July 2005 and 30 June 2010, both days inclusive.

Must be residing and studying in India since 30 November 2022 or earlier. Must be studying in an Indian school system since 30 November 2022 or earlier.

 Must not have completed (or scheduled to complete) class 12 board examination earlier than 30 November 2024.

Must not have commenced (or planning to commence) studies in a university or equivalent institution by 1 June, 2025. 6. Must not be appearing in NSEJS 2024

Language of test

For NSEP-English,Hindi,Bangla,Gujrati,Tamil Telgu

Other NSEC<NSEB and NSEA will be English and hindi

Question level will be from XII standard 48 multiple choice questions with one alternative correct. +3 marks credit for correct choice. –1 mark penalty for incorrect choice. B) 12 multiple choice questions with one or more than one correct alternatives. To get credit, all the correct option(s) and no incorrect option(s) should be marked.

You can check details through this link

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