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National Metallurgist Awards 2024: Nominations Open for Contributions to Metallurgical Industry

National Metallurgist Awards 2024

National Metallurgist Awards 2024 – The Ministry of Steel is inviting nomination for the award NMA for the candidates who have served metallurgical industry. The government of India confers National Metallurgist Awards confers this award to recognize outstanding contributions in the metallurgical field, covering Operations, Research & Development, Waste Management and Energy Conservation.  Applications for National Metallurgist Awards (NMA)-2024 are invited from Individuals from Industry, Research & Academia.

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National Metallurgists Day Awards, was instituted in 1962 by the then Ministry of Steel & Mines to recognise & honour the outstanding contributions of Metallurgists in the metallurgical field covering operation, research, design, education, waste management and energy conservation. The awards are given in annual basis. The first award was given in the year 1963 and subsequently every year thereafter. Over the years, the number of categories and the award money were revised upwards.

National Metallurgist Awards 2024: Eligibility

Minimum bachelor degree in Metallurgical Engineering/Material Science

National Metallurgist Awards 2024: Age

35 to 50 year

Date of Award- 3 February 2024

The Awards will be given in the following four categories:-

The application will only be received online through the web portal The deadline for receiving applications for NMA 2024 has been extended to October 17, 2024.

Guidelines regarding eligibility criteria and other terms and conditions related to National Metallurgist Awards are available at

This scheme is only for Indian nationals, who have contributed to the field of metallurgy in India through their work in Industry, R&D or Academia. Eligibility of candidate will be considered from 01/01/2024.

Number of Award and Award Money

S. No.NameofAwardNo. ofAwardsPrize money(Rs.)
1Lifetime Achievement Award1Nil
2National Metallurgist Award1Nil
3Young Metallurgist (Environment/ Metal Science)2200,000
4Award for R&D in Iron & Steel Sector1100,000


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