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Mizoram MPSC ASI 2024: Admit Card Release, Exam Dates, and Detailed Syllabus

Mizoram MPSC ASI

The Mizoram MPSC will release Admit Card for the Post of Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police (Ministerial) in home (Police) Department. Candidates. Expectedly Admit card will be released in the month of September, 2024. The Exam schedule for MPSC ASI Exam on October 01 to 04, 2024. There are total number of 20 (Twenty vacancies) Available. Candidates can download admit card from the official website after releasing. Candidates can download admit card by filling Enrollment number and password.

Advt. No.A.12011/14/2024-MPSC(DR-II)

Important Dates

EventsPrevious Exam datesRevised Exam Dates
PET Examination DateSeptember 23 to 27, 2024October 01 to 04, 2024
PET (Physical Efficiency Test) Admit Card releasing dateWill be updated
Previous Events
Application StatusJuly 04 to August 05, 2024
Mizoram PSC Official Website

Mizoram PSC ASI 2024 Exam Pattern

Exam TopicsTotal Marks
General English100
General Essay100
General Studies Paper – I (MCQ)200
General Studies Paper – II (MCQ)200
General Studies Paper – III (MCQ)200

Mizoram PSC Syllabus and Marks 2024

Exam TopicsMarks
General English100 Marks
General Essay100 Marks
General Studies Paper – I (MCQ)History of Modern India and Indian Cultures  100 Marks
Current events of national and international importance100 Marks
Total200 Marks
General Studies Paper – II (MCQ)Indian Polity76
Indian Economy74
Geography of India50
Total200 Marks
General Studies Paper – III (MCQ)The role and impact of science and technology in the development of India76
History, Cultural Heritage and Traditional Practices and General Knowledge about Mizoram74
Aptitude Test50
Total200 Marks

How to download MPSC ASI 2024  Admit card

Candidates can download MPSC ASI Admit Card 2024 form the Official website i.e. filling enrollment number and Password.

Mizoram PSC Syllabus (Completed syllabus)

  1. General English (Total  – 100 Marks)
Precis Writing14 Marks
Letter Writing10 Marks
Comprehension of given passages10 Marks
Grammar –  Parts of Speech (MCQ)30 Marks
Correct usage and Vocabularies (MCQ)16 Marks
Formation of Sentence (MCQ)20 Marks

In the part relating to the role and impact of science and technology in the development of India, questions shall be asked to test the candidate’s awareness of the role and impact of science and technology in India, emphasis shall be on applied aspects. It shall also include general knowledge relating to science, inventions and discoveries, terminologies, etc.

History, Cultural Heritage and Traditional Practices and General Knowledge about Mizoram shall include broad history of Mizoram including pre and post advent of the British, Colonial Era, the Lushai Chiefs, Political upheavals, famines, socio-economic and political events after independence. Cultural and traditional practices, customary laws and practices including folk lore and songs, dances and festivals. General Knowledge shall include objective questions about Mizoram.

These tests are reflections of fluency with numbers and calculations. It shows how easily a person can think with numbers. The subject shall be given a series of numbers. His/Her task is to see how the numbers go together to form a relationship with each other. He/She has to choose a number which would go next in the series.

  1. Verbal Analysis And Vocabulary Tests: (14 Marks)

These tests measure the degree of comfort and fluency with the English language. These tests shall measure how a person will reason with words. The subject shall be given questions with alternative answers, that will reflect his/her command of the rule and use of English language.

  1. Visual And Spatial/3-D Ability Tests: (10 Marks)

These tests are used to measure perceptual speed and acuity. The subject shall be shown pictures where he/she is asked to identify the odd one out; or which comes next in the sequence or explores how easily he/she can see and turn around objects in space.

  1.  Abstract Reasoning Tests: (10 Marks)

This test measures the ability to analyse information and solve problems on a complex, thought based level. It measures a person’s ability to quickly identify patterns, logical rule.

Educational Department

Pay Scale

Level 6 (₹ 35400-78800) in the Pay Matrix.

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