Legal Aspects & Professional Conduct in Nursing Vijendra Kumar 7 hours ago Legal Aspects & Professional Conduct in Nursing Legal Aspects & Professional Conduct in Nursing 1 / 10 What is the primary purpose of the Nurse Practice Act? To regulate hospital policies To ensure safe nursing practice To determine patient rights To protect physicians from lawsuits 2 / 10 Which of the following is NOT considered an unprofessional nursing behavior? Maintaining patient confidentiality Ignoring a patient’s request for pain medication Administering medication without a doctor's order Discussing patient details with unauthorized individuals 3 / 10 What is moral distress in nursing? Stress caused by lack of knowledge A conflict between a nurse’s values and required actions Stress due to poor teamwork A minor workplace disagreement 4 / 10 A nurse administers the wrong medication, but the patient is unharmed. Is this still malpractice? No, because no harm was caused Yes, because the nurse was negligent No, because mistakes are common Yes, but only if the patient files a complaint 5 / 10 What is the purpose of the Good Samaritan Law? To protect healthcare workers from lawsuits when helping in emergencies To enforce ethical behavior in hospitals To ensure equal pay for nurses To regulate nursing licensure 6 / 10 Which strategy can help prevent workplace burnout among nurses? Increasing workload Encouraging self-care and rest Avoiding team collaboration Reducing communication with patients 7 / 10 Which act regulates nursing practice in India? Indian Penal Code Nurses Registration Act Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act The Indian Nursing Council Act 8 / 10 Which law protects patient health information privacy? HIPAA OSHA Nurse Practice Act Good Samaritan Law 9 / 10 Which of the following is an example of workplace violence in nursing? A nurse receiving verbal abuse from a patient’s relative A nurse explaining treatment options to a patient A nurse refusing to work overtime A nurse documenting patient care in medical records 10 / 10 Which type of consent is required before performing an invasive procedure? Verbal consent Informed consent Implied consent Assumed consent Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Learn More{{/message}}{{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Learn More{{/message}}Submitting… Related posts: Nursing Supervision, Decision-Making & Ethics