KVS Vacancy 2024
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) is expected to release a notification in February 2024 for the KVS Recruitment 2024, which will fill over 6,000 vacancies for a wide range of teaching and non-teaching positions. The positions available include TGT, PGT, PRT, Librarian, and others, with vacancies expected to be distributed across various states in India. With such a large number of vacancies available, candidates will have a wide range of opportunities to apply for teaching and non-teaching positions in KVS schools.
To be eligible for KVS vacancy 2024, candidates must meet certain educational and work experience requirements. Candidates must have completed their graduation with a minimum of 55% marks, and there should be no backlogs in previous exams. Additionally, candidates must have relevant work experience for certain positions, except for PGT, TGT, and PRT posts. Candidates who meet these eligibility criteria can apply online for teaching positions at TGT, PGT, and other positions, as there is no offline option available for registration.
Candidates who wish to apply for KVS vacancy 2024 should keep an eye out for important dates related to the application process. The registration process is expected to take place in January-February 2024, with the written exam and interview dates to be announced later. Candidates must stay updated with the KVS Notification 2024, which will provide important information related to the application process, eligibility criteria, exam dates, and other details. By carefully following the application process and meeting the eligibility criteria, candidates can increase their chances of securing a teaching or non-teaching position in KVS schools.

Syllabus Overview of kvs vacancy 2024
The syllabus is divided into four parts: General English and General Hindi, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Reasoning Ability, and Perspectives on Education and Leadership. All the candidates who are preparing for KVS vacancy 2024 must have a detailed knowledge of the syllabus and exam Pattern
KVS PGT Exam is divided into Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV for which the complete KVS PGT Exam Pattern is discussed here. Aspirants are advised to prepare well for their concerned subject because this section holds maximum marks.
There will be 180 Questions asked in the holds as a complete KVS PGT Teacher exam.
Each question comprises 1 mark and there is no negative marking for the KVS PGT Exam.
The duration to complete the KVS PGT Exam is 3 hours (180 minutes). The exam will be a Computer Based Test (CBT).
Part – I General English General Hindi
Part – II General knowledge & Current Affairs, Reasoning Ability, Computer
Part – III Perspectives on Education and Leadership Part – IV Concerned Subject
PART-1 (General English General Hindi)
English language learning encompasses articles, narrations, prepositions, punctuations, and comprehension. Fill in the blanks exercises and adverbs contribute to a nuanced vocabulary. Error correction and sentence rearrangement refine language accuracy. Unseen passages challenge readers, while mastering antonyms, synonyms, and idioms enriches language skills. Verbs, tenses, adjectives, and modals shape effective communication. Understanding voice and subject-verb agreement ensures grammatical precision. Combining these elements results in proficient language use.
इस परीक्षा के सि लेबस के अतंर्गतर्ग , भाषा, सज्ञा, सर्वनर्वाम, विशषेण, और क्रिया जसे मौलिक अगों का समर्थनर्थ किया जाएगा। अव्यय के माध्यम सेभाषा को सधुारा जाएगा, और वचन और लिगं के पहलओुंका समझाया जाएगा। उपसर्ग एवंप्रत्यय की समझ बढ़ाई जाएगी और वाक्य निर्माण में सहायक होगा। पर्यायवाची और विपरीतार्थकर्थ शब्द, अनेकार्थकर्थ शब्द और समानार्थी शब्द सीखने को मिलेगा। विराम चिन्हों की पहचान और उपयोग सेव्यावसायि कता बढ़ाई जाएगी, और महुावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ भाषा कौशल में सधुार करेंगी। अलकार से भाषा को सौंदर्यपर्यर्णू बनानेका प्रयास किया जाएगा, और सन्धि के अशं के रूप में शब्दों का सरंचना में सहारा प्रदान किया जाएगा। तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज, और वि देशी शब्दों का समर्थनर्थ किया जाएगा, जिससे सामद्धिकता बढ़ेगी, और समास शब्दों के सही उपयोग से भाषा को विविध बनाए रखा जाएगा।
PART-2 (General knowledge & Current Affairs, Reasoning Ability, Computer)
General Knowledge and Current Affairs cover a lot of important things to know. Remembering special days, knowing about Indian history, and recognizing important books and authors are key.
Understanding basic terms in how our country is run (General Polity) and the Indian National Movement is crucial for civic knowledge.
Being aware of awards and honors, both in India and internationally, is good. Knowing about global and national organizations is useful too.
Learning about science inventions, government budgets, and plans for the next five years helps us understand how things work.
Staying updated on current events, both in India and around the world, is important. Understanding our economy, knowing the capitals of India, and being familiar with sports events are all part of being well-informed.
Abbreviations, countries and their capitals, advancements in science and technology, and major sports events add to our general knowledge.
In Reasoning Ability, various topics challenge logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Understanding Arithmetic Number Series and Arithmetical Reasoning involves working with numerical patterns. Spatial Orientation and Visualization require mentally manipulating shapes and objects.
Building connections between different elements is crucial in Relationship Concepts and Analogies. Discrimination and Observational skills play a role in Figures Classification. Non-verbal series and Letter/Symbol Series test pattern recognition.
Memory skills are assessed through Visual Memory, while Identifying Similarities and Differences sharpens analytical abilities. Verbal Classification and Coding/Decoding involve processing language information. Themes Detection, Cause and Effect, and Logical Deduction test the ability to draw conclusions from given information.
Verbal Reasoning and Logical Problems challenge cognitive skills. Statement and Conclusion, as well as Statement and Argument, assess logical coherence. Finally, Artificial Language and Essential Part questions evaluate one’s ability to understand and analyze complex information.
In Computer Literacy, understanding Important Terms & Computer Basics forms the foundation. Learning to use tools like Paint Brush enhances creative skills. Familiarity with Desktop and Computer Peripherals is essential for daily operations.
Exploring Word Processors and understanding related terms are crucial for document creation. Formatting Word Documents helps in presenting information effectively. Navigating the Internet is a key aspect of computer literacy.
Knowledge about Computer History provides insights into the evolution of technology. Learning about creating presentations using PPT or PowerPoint enhances communication skills. Exploring Windows operating systems contributes to overall computer proficiency.
In summary, computer literacy involves grasping fundamental terms, using tools like Paint Brush, understanding desktop and peripherals, word processing, internet usage, computer history, and creating presentations.
PART-3 (Perspectives on Education and Leadership Part – IV Concerned Subject)
Understanding the Learner
Concept of growth, maturation and development, principles and debates of development, development tasks and challenges
Domains of Development: Physical, Cognitive, Socio-emotional, Moral etc., deviations in development and its implications.
Understanding Adolescence: Needs, challenges and implications for designing institutional support.
Role of Primary and Secondary Socialization agencies. Ensuring Homeschool continuity.
Understanding Teaching Learning
Theoretical perspectives on Learning -Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism with
special reference to their implications for:
The role of teacher The role of learner
Nature of teacher-student relationship Choice of teaching methods Classroom environment
Understanding of discipline, power etc.
Factors affecting learning and their implications for:
Designing classroom instructions, Planning student activities and, Creating learning spaces in school.
Planning and Organization of Teaching-Learning
Concept of Syllabus and Curriculum, Overt and Hidden Curriculum Foundational Literacy and Numeracy, Early Childhood Care and Education Competency-based Education, Experiential learning, etc.
Instructional Plans: -Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan Instructional material and resources
Information and Communication Technology(ICT) for teaching-learning Assessment of learning, for learning and as learning: Meaning, purpose and considerations in planning each.
Enhancing Teaching Learning processes: Classroom Observation and Feedback, Reflections and Dialogues as a means of constructivist teaching
Creating Conducive Learning Environment
The concepts of Diversity, disability and Inclusion, implications of disability as social construct, types of disabilities-their identification and interventions Concept of School Mental Health, addressing the curative, preventive and promotive dimensions of mental health for all students and staff.
Provisioning for guidance and counseling. Developing School and community as a learning resource.
Perspectives in Education
Role of school in achieving aims of education.
NEP-2020: Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learning ; Foundational Literacy and Numeracy; Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools: Holistic & Integrated Learning; Equitable and Inclusive Education: Learning for All; Competency based learning and Education.
Guiding Principles for Child Rights, Protecting and provisioning for rights of children to safe and secure school environment, Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, Historically studying the National Policies in education with special reference to school education;
School Curriculum Principles: Perspective, Learning, and knowledge, curricular Areas, school stages- Pedagogy and assessment.