Assistant Professor Veterinary Science and Dairy Technology-The application form is open for the appointment of 74 Assistant Teacher at Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University invites applications from the eligible candidates for the appointment to the posts of Assistant Professor (Level- 10, Pay Scale Rs. 57700-182400) for vacancies under Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and Faculty of Dairy Science. There is no entrance test for this only the merit list will be prepared by the university and those who are selected will be called for interview.
Also Check :- Government Exam-Opening and Closing Window 23 to 30 December
Candidates who are applying must have Knowledge of Malayalam, it is mandatory for these vacancies. Candidates who are working in any university or college aided or unaided will submit the No Objection Certificate.

Note-if the period of teaching/Post-doctoral experience is less than one year then the marks shall be reduced proportionately
Application fee
For reserved category-Rs.750
Mode of payment
Through demand draft to be made in favour of ” The Finance Officer, KVASU, Pookode” payable at State Bank of India,Kalpetta Branch, Wayanad District, Kerala,
Category | E/B/T | SC | M | LC/AI | EWS | OBC | V | SIUCN | ST | SCCC | D | HN | OC | Total No.of vacancies |
Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences | 3 | 2 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 11 | 28 |
Faculty of Dairy Science | 7 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 19 | 46 |
TOTAL | 74 |
Age- Not more than 50 Years
Education Qualification
Veterinary and Animal Science
, basic Veterinary Degree recognized by the Veterinary Council of India (VCI) and listed in the schedule of Indian Veterinary Council Act (Central Act 52 of 1984) is essential. However, in disciplines like Biotechnology, Biostatistics persons without basic Veterinary Degree can be considered only in the absence of Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Degree holders.
In the faculty of Dairy Science and Technology, for all the teachers, basic Degree in Dairy Science/ Technology or related Engineering is essential. However, in disciplines like Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biostatistics, Dairy Husbandry and Computer Application, persons without basic Degree, in Dairy Science and Technology or related Engineering can be considered only in the absence of B.Tech., Dairy Science Degree holders.
INTERVIEW SCOREInterview marks Maximum marks Total Domain knowledge based on academic credentials and performance 64 75 Research aptitude based on publication and performance 6 Teaching aptitude based on record and evaluation at the time of interview 5 Presentation skills including the ability to articulate in Malayalam and in English 25 25 TOTAL 100 100
Criteria for Short-listing of Candidates for Interview for the Post of Assistant
Mphil 30 Marks
Award3 Marks
Academic Score80 Marks
Research Publication10 Marks
Teaching Experience10 Marks
How to Apply for KVASU Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024?
Candidate can apply by sending their filled in application with their Resume The Registrar,Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Pookode, Lakkidi P.O,Wayanad-673576,Kerala’Download Application Form Click Here