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JKBOPEE GNM Application 2024, Check Exam Date, Eligibility



JKBOPEE GNM Lateral Entry Admission- The application form submission’s last date is 11 May. The candidates who are interested in applying for the above mentioned GNM course can apply by paying the application fee. According to new schedule exam is conducting on June 09, 2024 instead June 02, 2024.

The admission will be offered in government /private college/Institution of UT of J&K

Application submission’s last date is May 11, 2024

Fee of Rs. 1000/

Mode of Payment

Through National Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking

Entrance Exam Date :  June 02, 2024

JKBOPEE Eligibility:

The candidates applying for admission to GNM (L.E.) course must fulfill the following eligibility criteria; A candidate must:

Documents to be uploaded

Those who will apply they have to upload the following document:

scanned original / self-attested certificates in PDF format with size from 100-200 KB along with the Application Form:-


  1. The candidates applying for the courses mentioned above are advised to go through the syllabus for Common Entrance Test referred in Annexure A to this notification, which shall comprise of 120 Questions based on FMPHW/MMPHW/ANM course.
  2. Duration-Two HRS
Anatomy and PhysiologyOrganization of Body systems20
 Circulation of Blood and Composition of blood.
 Process of Digestion and Absorption
 Regulation of body Temperature
 Physiology of Hearing
 Process of Reproduction
Community Health Nursing-IHealth and Disease20
 Health Team and its functions
 Health Agencies
 Nurse’s Role in Community
Community Health Nursing-IIImmunization20
 National Health Programme
 Family Welfare Programme
NutritionClassification of Food20
 Relation of Nutrition to Health
Nursing Art and First AidAdministration of Drugs20
 Minor Ailments
 Vital Signs
 Basic Nursing care and needs of the patient
 Assessment of the Patient
 Therapeutic Nursing Care and Procedures
 Wound Dressing
MidwiferyReproductive System20
 Obstetrical Nursing
 Foetal Development
 Nursing Management of Pregnant Women
 Stages of Labour
 Drugs used in Obstetrics
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