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JEE Main Paper 2 Result (out) Soon

JEE Main Paper 2 Result (out) Soon- The JEE Main Paper 2 result is declared. The exam was conducted on April 12. The exam is conducted for B.Arch and Bplan.NTA has released the provisional answer key and recorded answer sheet for Paper 2 B.Arch and B.Plan, the exam was conducted on 12 April.

SULAGNA BASACK of Jharkhand and Muthu R of Tamil Nadu have scored 100 marks in B.Arch

KOLASANI SAKETH PRANAV of Andhra Pradesh and ARUN RADHAKRISHNAN of Karnataka have score 100 marks in B.Plan.

NTA has withheld the result of 3 candidates on account of using unfair means.

Candidates if not satisfied with any answer keys can challenge it by paying Rs.200 per answer key.

Students can download the answer key by logging on NTA website.

NTA will soon announce the JEE Main 2024 Paper 2 result (B.Arch & B.Plan). Candidates can check the JEE Main Paper 2 result at 2024.

JEE Main Paper 2 Result (out) Soon

JEE Main paper 2 is conducted for BArch and BPlan. The result of JEE Main Paper I was declared on 12 February 2024. The Result for Session I Paper 2 will be declared soon by NTA. Candidates can check by entering their credentials such as Application Number and Date of Birth and the security key displayed on the screen.

The data provided by NTA for the candidates registered for JEE Main Paper 2 BArch and BPlan Paper is 74,000 and 55,493 took the exam.

JEE Advanced 2024 check full details

JEE Main Paper 2 Marking Scheme

Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Four marks (+4)

Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1).

Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0).

If more than one option is found to be correct, then Four marks (+4) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options.

If all options are correct, then Four marks (+4) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question.

want to pursue B.Archa and B Plan from IIT check AAT exam

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