JEE Main like Exam The government is planning a move toward a more stress free, multi session multiple times a year computer based test format for future exam. This will be similar to the JEE Main which was conducted four times during covid.
NTA is learning and planning to collaborate with global bodies one such is Education Testing Service (ETS) which the scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
NTA is planning the move ever since there was mi- happening in the few of NTA exams. The NTA is the second largest exam conducting agency after China.
The seven member panel set up by the centre for exam reforms also discussed the mode of exams that is computer based and pen-paper.
Dharmendra Pradhan also hinted of potential overhaul of NTA,the minister too said India needs a flexible and less stressful exam like that SAT.
SAT comprises two section
One section comprises essay writing, multiple choice question
In essay writing section candidates are given 25 minutes multiple choice question is given ten minutes
The section 2 to 7 selection based question for 25 minutes
Section 8 and 9 are short question types with a timeframe of 20 minutes.
In 2022 the SAT exam stopped conducting pen and paper based test and it shifted to computer based test.
India is home to so many exam and if you calculate every month there is exam is happening in India. Are we not capable of designing our exam pattern efficiently. India is not behind in pool of talent.
What we need to fix, we have to fix the shortcoming in the system. If we could fix those shortcoming in the system our 90 percent problem of conducting exam fairly would be solved.