JEE main 2024 session i: A few stats- it concluded on 1 February 2024. NTA conducted this exam in about 544 Centres in 291Cities (including 21 cities outside India)
This year, the JEE (Main) – 2024 Session 1 was conducted in 11 shifts which is 02 shifts less than the previous year. The idea behind this that the number of registered candidates is 1231874 which is about 27% higher than the previous year.
The following Data gives you a clear picture

2023-Registered – 860064 Appeared – 823967 %age – 95.8% 2023
2024- 1231874 candidates registered-1170036 appeared
I B.E. /B. Tech. (Paper1) in “Computer Based Test (CBT)” mode only.
ii. B. Arch. (Paper 2A): Mathematics-(Part I) and Aptitude Test-(Part II) in “Computer Based Test (CBT)” mode and Drawing Test –(Part III) in “Pen & Paper” (offline) mode.
When will the JEE Main Session 2 Application form open?
iii. B. Planning(Paper 2B): Mathematics-(Part I), Aptitude Test-(Part II), and Planning (Part III) in “Computer Based Test (CBT)” mode.
JEE main 2024 session i: A few stats
The Exam is held in 13 languages (Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu).
JEE Main 2024 Outside India
The Examination was also conducted in 21 cities outside India Manama, Doha, Dubai, Kathmandu, Muscat, Riyadh, Sharjah, Singapore, Kuwait City, Kuala Lumpur, Lagos/Abuja, Colombo, Jakarta, Moscow, Ottawa, Port Louis, Bangkok, and Washington D.C.
The number of cities and centres also increased where the examination was conducted.
Total Number of Candidates
Male | Female | Third Gender | Total |
8,24,945 | 4,06,920 | 9 | 12,31,874 |
Category wise CandidatesGeneral SC ST EWS OBC NCL 4,16,086 1,21,394 41,375 1,54,840 4,98,179
Exam Monitoring Exercise
The exam was monitored with 02 National Coordinators, 18 Regional Coordinators, 303 City Coordinators, 1083 Observers, 150 Technical Observers, and 162 Deputy Observers deployed.
Step to check Cheating
NTA made efforts to stop cheating- it used Jammers installed in all the Centres to prevent unfair practices by the candidates during the examination through mobile or any other electronic device. The latest 5G Jammers were installed at all examination Centres for the first time