
Jawaharlal Nehru university

Jawaharlal University

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) is one of India’s top-ranked postgraduate and research studies universities, located in Delhi. It has been given the rank of ‘University of Excellence’ by the UGC and accredited with an ‘A’ grade ranking as per the NAAC ranking. JNU is also ranked 2nd among top campuses in India by NIRF 2023. JNU has granted recognition and certification to more than 18 Defence and Research & Development institutes. It has 13 schools, 55 centres, and seven special centres all over India. 

At present, Jawaharlal Nehru University is offering over 100 courses to students at the UG, PG, and Doctoral levels. The courses are offered in the areas of Medical, Engineering, Arts, Law, Mass Communication, Science, Computer Applications, and Management. Additionally, JNU offers Diploma, Advanced Diploma, and Certificate courses in many languages. The admission process to the UG and PG courses will be done through the Common University Entrance Test popularly known as CUET conducted by NTA.

Jawaharlal University

Linguistic Empowerment Cell

The Language Empowerment Cell (LEC) works to provide empowerment and capacity-building programs for students who require language skills in academic activities at JNU University. LEC offers basic courses in English to students who have not had English as the medium of instruction before arriving at JNU University and who may find it difficult to understand what is offered in regular courses at their respective centres and schools. The LEC also offers courses for students who want to learn academic writing skills. Depending on the regular class schedule, learners can choose between 8 am to 10 am classes or 4 pm to 6 pm classes. Foreign students from non-English speaking countries are encouraged to take these courses. Students will receive a certificate of achievement after completing two consecutive semesters

Courses available at Jawaharlal Nehru University

Jawaharlal Nehru University provides a diverse variety of courses in disciplines like – Social Sciences, Language and literature, Management, International Studies, Engineering, etc. Detail of the courses with fees structures is mentioned below in the table:

UG Courses

B.A.(Hons.) 1st year in PersianB.A.(Hons.) 1st year in Pashto
B.A.(Hons.) 1st year in ArabicB.A.(Hons.) 1st year in Japanese
B.A.(Hons.) 1st year in KoreanB.A.(Hons.) 1st year in Chinese
B.A.(Hons.) 1st year in FrenchB.A.(Hons.) 1st year in German
B.A.(Hons.) 1st year in RussianB.A.(Hons.) 1st year in Spanish

B.Sc.-M.Sc. Integrated program in Ayurveda Biology

B.Sc.-M.Sc. Integrated program in Ayurveda Biology (5 years)Candidates not appearing in all three Sections, i.e. Section IB (Sanskrit), Section II – Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Mathematics and Section III (General Test), will not be considered for admission in JNU.Candidates not appearing in all three Sections, i.e. Section IB (Sanskrit), Section II – Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Mathematics and Section III (General Test), will not be considered for admission to JNU.

Certificate Courses

Certificate of Proficiency in PashtoCertificate of Proficiency in Uzbek45 Per cent
Certificate of Proficiency in HebrewCertificate of Proficiency in Mongolian45 per cent
Certificate of Proficiency in Bahasa IndonesiaCertificate of Proficiency in Urdu45 per cent
Certificate of Proficiency in PaliCertificate of Proficiency in Sanskrit Computational Linguistics:45 per cent
Certificate of Proficiency in Yoga PhilosophyCertificate of Proficiency in Vedic Culture45 per cent
Certificate of Proficiency in Sanskrit: 45 per cent


B.Tech. in Computer Science and EngineeringAs Per JEE Score
B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication EngineeringAs Per JEE Score

Post Graduate Courses

Politics-Intl StudiesMSc. Environmental Sciences MBA
Economics-World EconomyM.SC Physics 
International Relations and Area StudiesMSc.Chemistry 
PersianMSc. Mathematics 
PashtoM.Sc. in Biotechnology 
ArabicMSC.Molecular Medicine 
JapeneseMaster of Computer Applications MCA 
French and Francophone StudiesM.Tech Nanoscience 
German LiteratureM.Tech Nanoelectronics 
German TranslationM.Tech Data Science 
MA HindiM.Tech Computer Science & Technology 
MA UrduM.Tech Data Science 
Hindi Translation  
MA Russian  
MA Spanish  
MA Linguistics  
MA English  
ADOP-Mass Media in Urdu-Part Time  
MA Economics  
MA Modern History  
MA Medieval History  
MA Ancient History  
MA Political Science  
MA Geography  
MA Sociology  
MA Philosophy  
MA Development and Labour Studies  
Master of Public Health  
MA Sanskrit  
MA Disaster Studies  
MA Arts & Aesthetics  

PhD Courses

PhD in European Studies6PhD in Computer Sciences13
PhD in Japanese Studies4PhD in Microsystems3
PhD in Chinese Studies8School of Environmental Sciences
PhD in Korean Studies4PhD in Area –I2
PhD in South Asian Studies7PhD in Area-III1
PhD in Indo-Pacific Studies8PhD in Area-IV
PhD in Inner Asian Studies7School of Life Sciences
PhD in West Asian Studies9PhD in Life Sciences
PhD in Russian & Central Asian Studies9Group –I (GON)3
PhD in Comparative Politics and PoliticalTheory5Group –II (GTW)2
PhD in Energy Studies1Group –III (GTR)2
PhD in Economics Studies & Planning19Group –IV (GFO)2
Ph.D.. in Ancient History6Group –V (GFI)2
Ph.D.. in Medieval History4PhD in Physical Sciences4
Ph.D.. in Modern History3Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences3
Ph.D.. in Political Studies30PhD in Visual Studies7
PhD in Geography10PhD in Theater and Performance Studies8
PhD in Economics11PhD in Cinema Studies8
PhD in Social Systems16PhD in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
PhD in Philosophy4Track-I2
PhD in Women Studies2Track-II4
PhD in Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy7Track-III3
PhD in Informal Sector and Labour Studies4PhD in Biotechnology1
PhD in French6PhD in Management9
PhD in German6Ph.D. Molecular Medicine15
PhD in Hindi15PhD in Sanskrit12
PhD in Urdu8PhD in Nano Science2
PhD in Hindi Translation5PhD in North East India Studies2
PhD in Tamil3National Security Studies4
PhD in Russian6PhD in Spanish3
PhD in Persian3PhD in Japanese6
Ph.D. in Linguistics8Ph.D in Korean8
Ph.D. in Arabic7Ph.D. in Chinese24

PhD Through NET JRF

PhD in United States Studies1PhD in French2
PhD in Latin American Studies1PhD in German6
Ph.D. in Legal Studies1PhD in Hindi15
PhD in Trade & Development6PhD in Urdu8
PhD in Chinese Studies1Ph.D.. in Hindi Translation5
PhD in International Politics7PhD in Tamil2
PhD in International Organization5PhD in Russian4
PhD in Diplomacy and Disarmament9PhD in Spanish5
PhD in Political Geography4PhD in Japanese1
PhD in South Asian Studies4PhD in Chinese7
PhD in Indo-Pacific Studies8PhD in Persian4
PhD in Inner Asian Studies2PhD in Arabic2
PhD in Energy Studies1PhD in Linguistics3
Centre for Historical StudiesPhD in English11
Ph.D.. in Ancient History4PhD in Computer Sciences13
Ph.D.. in Medieval History5PhD in Microsystems3
Ph.D.. in Modern History6School of Environmental Sciences
PhD in Geography5PhD in Area –I1
PhD in Population Studies2PhD in Area –II4
PhD in Educational Studies8PhD in Area –III5
PhD in Studies in Science Policy3PhD in Area –IV9
PhD in Philosophy8PhD in Life Sciences
Ph.D. in Media Studies1Group –I (GON)5
Ph.D. in Physical Sciences5Group –II (GTW)3
Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences5Group –III (GTR)2
Ph.D. in computational Biology and BioinformaticsGroup –IV (GFO)2
Track-I4Group –V (GFI)4
Track-II7Ph.D. in Biotechnology8
Track-III3Ph.D. in Management10
Ph.D. Molecular Medicine7Ph.D. Law and Governance17
PhD in Nano SciencePhD in North East India Studies
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering6
PhD in Electronics and Communication4
PhD in Mechanical Engineering2

PhD through GATE

PhD in Computer Science and Engineering4
PhD in Electronics and Communication Engg4

PhD Part Time

DOP in Mongolian19
DOP in Bhasha Indonesia44
DOP in Hebrew13

Selection Procedure for Admission:

For admission into Ph.D. programmes candidates have to appear in the CBT (Computer Based Test).

The qualifying marks for General & EWS shall be 50% of total marks and 45% marks for SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD categories. It is to be noted that mere qualifying in CBT does not entitle the candidates to be shortlisted for viva voce Examination. Shortlisting of the candidates to be called for viva voce shall be done as per the following criteria:-

(1) For General Category Intake x 5 times

(2) For SC/ST/OBC/EWS Categories Intake x 8 times

(3) For PWD Category 8 times – wherever available With regard to (1) above, it is further, clarified that in case of reserved category scoring equal or more marks than General, then such reserved category candidates shall be called for viva-voce as per seat matrix given for (1) above. Note:

The syllabus of the entrance test for admission to a PhD. The programme shall consist of 50% of the Research Methodology and 50% shall be Subject Specific.

Questions on Research Methodology may be either implied/intrinsic or explicit.

JRF Category

JRF-qualified candidates shall be exempted from Computer Based Test (CBT). They are required to apply separately under the JRF category. Such candidates shall be shortlisted and called directly for viva-voce.

Course Eligibility and Fees

CourseCourse DetailsFees
B.A (hons.)Eligibility Criteria: Intermediate graduate with a minimum of 45% marks Duration: 3 Years  INR 1362/year
MBAEligibility Criteria: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with 60% marks (55% for OBC and 45% for SC/ST) Duration: 2 years  INR 600,000/Year
MCAEligibility Criteria: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with 55% marks Duration: 2 years  INR 1357/year
B.A (Hons.)Eligibility Criteria: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with 55% marks Duration: 2 years  INR 1362/year
M.AEligibility Criteria: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with 50% marks Duration: 2 years  INR 1260/year
M.TECHEligibility Criteria: Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline with 55% marks Duration: 2 years  INR 1391/year
M.PHIL/ PH. DEligibility Criteria: Master’s degree in relevant discipline with 55% marks Duration: 3 years  INR 1391/year

Admission process of Jawaharlal Nehru University

Admission in B.A. (Hons.) in Foreign Languages, B.Sc.-M.Sc. Integrated Programme in Ayurveda Biology and Certificate of Proficiencey Programmes of Jawaharlal Nehru University for the Academic Year 2023-24 will be through CUET (UG) 2023.

B.Tech. programme of Jawaharlal Nehru University for the Academic year will be through JEE Mains (JoSAA/DASA

  • M.Sc., MCA, MPH, MTech, Post Graduate Diploma, and Advanced Diploma Programmes will be through CUET (PG) 2022.
  • M.Sc. in Biotechnology and M.Sc. in Computational Biology Programme will be through GAT-B score.
  • MBA programme admission on the basis of CAT Score.
  • Admission into PhD courses is through the JNUEE exam

Note: For applicants seeking admission to Biotechnology courses, Jawaharlal Nehru University conducts a national-level entrance test namely GAT B once in a year. General category applicants have to make a payment of Rs. 340 and reserved category applicants have to make a payment of INR 260.

Placement Drive of Jawaharlal Nehru University

Jawaharlal Nehru University is one of the universities in India that is well recognized for its academic excellence. The university organizes a placement drive every year in which top corporations participate to recruit eligible applicants all over the world. But a huge number of applicants opt for higher studies instead of a placement drive. The University Placement Cell (UPC) of Jawaharlal Nehru University works proficiently in conducting workshops, placement camps, and trade fairs with the intention of bringing recruiters and students under one umbrella. 

Jawaharlal Nehru University School of Engineering placement drive for 2023 report has been released. The highest placement package stood at Rupees 33 lakh per annum, which was provided by CISCO through off-campus placement. The highest package through on-campus drive stood at Rupees 16 lakh per annum and the Jawaharlal Nehru University average package at Rs. 11 lakh per annum.  

Highlights of JNU School of Engineering Placements 2023 are as follows:

ParticularsPlacement Statistics 2023
Recruiters Visited23
Highest Package (Overall)Rupees 33 lakh per annum
Highest Package (On-Campus)Rupees 16 lakh per annum
Average PackageRupees 11 lakh per annum
Top recruitersCradle point, Optum, Salesforce, HSBC, Ciena, Strand Life Science, S&P Global, etc. 

Reservation policy of Jawaharlal Nehru University

Category% of seats reserved for the following categories

Scholarships offered by Jawaharlal Nehru University

The JNU University provides financial support to deserving and meritorious students on the basis of several criteria. Following are the brief details for the same:

Merit-cum-means Scholarship: It is given to those students who do not belong to economically well societies, particularly for those whose parents/guardian income is less than INR 2.5 Lakhs per annum. 

Ford Foundation Scholarship: A limited number of scholarships is accessible for students registered in MA. The amount to be presented is INR 700 per month and will be awarded purely on merit basis of students. 

Okita Memorial Fellowship: This is given to commendable Indian students registered in M.Phil. and MA 2nd year program course. 2 Scholarships each amounting to INR 5000 per month with an annual contingency of INR 10000 is given to selected deserving students.

G Parthasarathi Endowment Fellowship: Students belonging to Backward Tribes/ Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribe are given an amount of INR 1000 per month for a year. A total of 4 such scholarships is accessible at the JNU University.

Tendulkar Scholarship: This is presented for a period of two years to 2 scholars of various Centres of the School of Social Science by rotation. The scholarship amounts to Rupees 400 per month. 

Different Departments Under JNU

JNU functions under numerous departments such as Arts, Commerce, Science, Engineering, and Management to offer Undergraduate, Post Graduate, and PhD programs. JNU’s academic divisions are divided into 20 Schools and Centres. The table below lists all JNU schools and centres:

Atal Buhari Vajpayee School of Management and entrepreneurship  School of BiotechnologySchool of Arts & Aesthetics
School of Computational and Integrative SciencesSchool of Computer and Systems SciencesSchool of Engineering
School of Environmental SciencesSchool of International StudiesSchool of Language Literature and Culture Studies
School of Life SciencesSchool of Physical SciencesSchool of Sanskrit and Indic Studies
School of Social SciencesCentre for the Study of Law and GovernanceSpecial Centre for Disaster Research
Special Centre for E-LearningSpecial Centre for Molecular MedicineSpecial Centre for Nanoscience
Special Centre for National Security StudiesSpecial Centre for the Study of North East India 

Important Dates of Jawaharlal Nehru University

MA/MTech/MPH/M.Sc./MCA/Post Graduate Diploma List-5 ResultsSecond Week of October
Last date of admission for applicants selected in the List-5Last week of Oct
NTA PhD Entrance Test for StudentsOctober Last Week
PhD Application Window Date for Foreign Nationals in Absentia CategoryOctober-November

Ranking of Jawaharlal Nehru University

JNU is recognized as a premier institution in India which has verified excellence in academic as well as other activities. Check the up-to-date achievements of the university:

Body/ Magazine Rank 
QS World University Rankings, 2023601-50
NIRF 20232nd in the Top University Category 
The Week 20231st in Top University Category 
Times Higher Education Ranking, 2023601 in Overall Category

Brief about Jawaharlal Nehru University Campus

Students at JNU are supported and stimulated to develop and accomplish success in all areas. In addition to academics, Jawaharlal Nehru University propose chances for frequently scheduled extracurricular activities. Some activities that make student life unforgettable at the JNU campus have been listed below:

Clubs: There are countless clubs at the JNU Campus, these comprise: music, fine arts, photography, nature, mountaineering and trekking, wildlife, literature, UNESCO, drama, dance, wellness, yoga, taekwondo, badminton, cricket, and other sports. Some of these clubs have won prizes and recognition at competitions on a national and international level. By emerging a person’s talents and character, these clubs support in their overall growth.

Sports: For sports like cricket, football, basketball, table tennis, lawn tennis, badminton, volleyball, and others, JNU Campus structures first-rate indoor and outdoor services. Students take part in a diverse variety of sports and participate in inter-university, state, national, and international league competitions. Along With academics, sports play a significant role in developing a JNU student physically and mentally.

Community Services: Through NSS, JNU delivers welfare services. It is a government-sponsored initiative by the university. Under this, voluntarily students take part in a variety of community service initiatives like plantation drives, programmes to empower women, crisis management plans, social defence training plans, blood drives, etc. It is close to the JNU campus and students voluntarily contribute in a variety of events like teaching, food serving, career counselling, dancing and music workshops, as well as several sporting activities.

Moreover, JNU campus is furnished with advanced facilities that play an essential role in student development. These comprise:

Library: The library at JNU Campus is supplied with more than 5 lakh books, 5,000 titles, magazines and thousands of CDs, journals, and reports. The JNU library comprises of a Central Library & individual Department library. It helps students and teachers alike have easy entree to the course and reference resources through a membership card.

Hostel Facilities: The JNU University delivers separate accommodation facilities for both boys and girls from outside Delhi. Mess facility is also available in the hostel area, where a student must submit his/her likings for accommodation early in the process of admission. Presently, the hostel block houses more than 150 individuals at JNU Campus. 

Cafeteria: JNU Campus has many cafeterias: canteens, Nescafe and dining halls, where tea/coffee and various snack options are accessible. On the other hand, the cafeteria serves both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals to their students/faculty members.

Computer Labs: In JNU Campus students have free entree to plenty of labs. Online study resources or any other course-related help is available at JNU Computer Labs.

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