
Biggest downfall in IITs Placement of 2024

IITs Placement

IITs Placement IIT is a name that every student wants to join to complete their education in the field of Engineering and technology. The reputation of an IITian precedes him or her in off-campus and on-campus recruitments with a better job opportunity with higher salary packages and incentives from multinational companies in India and other developed and developing countries.

But now students are not secure whether they will get placement or not. Because many IITs have failed to provide 100% placement. As per data available with National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Institute’s Alumnus and Founder of Global IIT Alumni Support Group Mr. Dheeraj Singh, 2209 students were registered for placement in IIT Bombay in 2023 but only 1485 were placed which means 32.8% were failed to get placement during campus placement. The number of students without placement has been increased to 35.8% during 2024. Around 50-60 percent of students are still unplaced in the newer IITs as per the data compiled by Global IIT Alumni Support Group. As per his predictions, 45.2% students may be unplaced in IIT Madras till July 2024.

Although IIT Bombay has given statement that only 6% students are waiting for their jobs in placement. IIT cleared in details that 57.1% students have been placed while 12.2% opt for higher education and 10.3% students want job outside IIT whereas

IITs Placement

8.3% students showed interest in Government Jobs, 1.6% students opt for their own startups and only 4.3% students have not decided anything.

Reason of Biggest Downfall in IITs Placement of 2024

  1. Unacceptance of Salary Package by Companies: –

Now a days, many companies are unable to accept salary packages pre-decided by the institute.

  • Economic Fall down

After global pandemic due to covid-19, the global market of employment has witnessed fall down which cause decreasing in Investment and therefore, the recruitment process has been slow in many companies.

  • Changing Demand Pattern

The demand in companies for employees has been changes from technical to skilled and employability.

  • Increasing Competitions

Every year around 25000 students complete their graduation from various branches of IITs. But Companies are not able to hire them at 100%. So there is very tough competition for selection.

  • Entrepreneurship

Many of students aspire to start their own ventures and explore entrepreneurship. Therefore, they move for a different direction rather than for job market.

What are the optional ways for IITian after graduation

We have made this post for those students who are unplaced or fail to get job after completing their graduation. There are some options with them students may go forward such as: –

  1. Civil Service Exam
  2. Technical Entry into Indian Army/Indian Airforce/Indian Navy
  3. Indian Railway
  4. ISRO
  5. Indian Meteorological Department
  6. Higher Education such as MTech/M. E
  7. Content Writing for Magazines, News Papers, Publishing House, Coaching Centres
  8. Research Assistant, Field Investigator, Supervisor, Surveyors, Data Entry Operator, Technical Assistant in various research projects run by Government and Non-Governmental Organizations
  9. Competitive exams for various Government Jobs in various Department of State, UT and Central Government.

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