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IGNOU PG and Advanced Diploma

IGNOU PG and Advance Diploma

IGNOU PG and Advanced Diploma. The University offers a diverse range of postgraduate and advanced programs, including Master’s degrees, PG Diplomas, PG and advanced diplomas, and PG and advanced certificates. These programs cover various fields, such as journalism and mass communication, law, education, environment, and sustainable development. Some of the popular PG and Advanced programs offered by IGNOU include the Post-Graduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (PGDAC) and the Post-Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development (PGDESD. The university also offers a professional development program, Post-Graduate Diploma in Distance Education (PGDDE/PGDDEOL), designed to create specialized human resources in distance education[5].

Studying with IGNOU has several benefits and advantages. The university offers flexibility in terms of study options, allowing students to study at their own pace. Additionally, IGNOU is known for its affordability, making it accessible to a broader range of students.. The university’s vast network of study centres and online learning platforms provide students with the versatility and comfort of studying from anywhere. The PG and Advance programs offered by IGNOU are designed to benefit in-service professionals, such as health professionals, NGO workers, and teachers. Overall, IGNOU provides a unique opportunity for students to pursue higher education in a flexible and affordable manner while gaining specialized skills and knowledge

Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Development

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 6,000


Graduates from any discipline are eligible

Medium: English

Programme Offer and Coverage

This programme is offered in both January and July sessions of every year. It is offered throughout the country through the established network of IGNOU Regional Centres.

Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Development (PGDUPDL) aims to promote professional development and capacity building in the area of Urban Planning and Development.

India is 2nd largest urban system in the world with more than 30 per cent of the urban population. It is expected that by 2025, half of India’s population will be urbane. 

Post Graduate Diploma in Agribusiness

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3
Course Fee: Rs. 7,100


Graduation in any discipline

Nowadays agriculture has shifted from subsistence farming to commercial activity. New opportunities have opened up in the agriculture sector due changing business environment, socio-economy of the country, and global scenario. The sector is strongly responding to the demands of consumers and markets in terms of the diversified product base, quality, and price. 

PG Diploma in Animal Welfare

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,400


Graduation in any discipline

Animal welfare education is a multidisciplinary subject which is evolving rapidly with the core components of welfare science, ethics, laws and standards. In the past, the greatest concern about animal welfare has been related to livestock production in agriculture, and thus ‘farm animal welfare’ has received the most attention.

Over time, welfare issues pertaining to working, performing, companion, zoo and lab animals have also received attention. Keeping all this in view, the PGDAW programme has covered welfare science, ethics, laws and standards of all managed animals like cattle and buffaloes; sheep and goats; pigs; poultry; working, performing, pet, zoo and lab animals.

Who Can Take Admission?

Post Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 10,800


Any Graduate, Graduates in law, criminology, social work and functionaries of Criminal Justice Administration

Medium: English

Employment Opportunities:

1.    Jobs related to Criminal Justice Administration in Government. Organization, International and National NGO’s.

2.   Lawyers can specialize in Criminal Law related to women, children and other vulnerable groups etc.

 Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,000


Graduate in any Discipline.

 Post Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood and Foundational Stage Education

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 10,800


 Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognised university

The objective of the programme is to enhance the knowledge base and competencies of professionals and educators who engage with children from birth to eight years in preschools, pre-primary sections, early primary grades (Classes 1 and 2) and ECCE centres. Teacher Educators, Supervisors, Curriculum developers, In-service teachers in preschools and early primary grades (classes 1 and 2). Childcare workers, Functionaries working in the area of ECCE as well as Caregivers of young children will also find the programme useful.

Post-Graduate Diploma in Adult Education

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 7,200


Bachelor’s degree in any discipline

Post-Graduate Diploma in Adult Education (PGDAE) is the result of collaborative efforts of the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).

 This innovative program aims to promote professional development and capacity building in the area of adult education with an emphasis on participatory adult learning, documentation and information networking at national and international levels. It is meant for both in-service and pre-service graduates.

 Post-Graduate Diploma in Distance Education

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,600

Target Group

Basically, this programme is meant for those who have an interest in open and distance education(either by virtue of being an employee in the ODE system or willingness to work in the system). In-service teachers in Correspondence Course Institutes/ Distance Education Centres and Open Universities would highly benefit from the Programme

It is a unique professional development program designed and developed for the first time in the whole Commonwealth I 1987. Since then it has made a significant contribution to the development of human resources in the field of Open and Distance Education(ODE) in India and abroad. This programme was made available to students of 19 Commonwealth countries under the Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship Scheme.

The Programme is continuously updated (in 1996) and revised (in 2000) to maintain its international standard. The programme is also available to students in Africa through UNESCOIICBA collaboration, and to students of Sri Lanka through the Distance Education Modernization Project(DEMP), Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka.

The programme aims at

Developing the much-needed human resources for the existing open universities and correspondence/distance education centres, and many more that may come up in the near future.

 Post-Graduate Diploma in Education Technology

Duration 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 6,600


The eligibility condition for this programme is graduation in any discipline.

Project Reports

1. Project Reports are to be developed by students with the help of the project manual and submission of the project report and viva will be at the concerned Regional Center

2. Synopsis and guide not required for the project

Post-Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 7,000


Graduation from a recognised university/institution

The programme developed by the School of Sciences, IGNOU, in collaboration with SAFLI (South Asia Foundation Learning Initiative), OUSL (Open University of Sri Lanka), BOU (Bangladesh Open University), AIOU (Allama Iqbal Open University, Pakistan), BRAOU (BR Ambedkar Open University, Andhra Pradesh, India), and BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) University.

Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,000


Graduation in any discipline

There is a huge gap between the need for professional leaders and traditional courses available in the developmental sector. This programme has been designed to impart quality education and training in the area of Development Studies. The programme is meant for development professionals across the sectors and also for fresh graduates interested in pursuing a career as a development professional.

Post Graduate Diploma in Population and Family Health Studies

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,800


Graduation in any discipline

Who Can Take Admission?

1)The persons holding at least a Bachelor’s Degree and intending to pursue demography, human geography, Population studies, Health studies, Urbanization and Migration, and Development as an area of study or specialization or career (Pre-Service);

2) The persons holding at least a Bachelor’s Degree and working in any sector (In-service), including those employed or involved in the field of Demography, Population and Development Studies such as:

· Health Extension Officer, Health Educator, Nursing, Scholar of Demography, Development professional, agricultural professional, urban planner and labour market.

·  Employees of the Institutes/NGOs, Private or Corporate sectors working in various Population, Research and Development Sectors.

·  Programme Officers, Project Officers, Research Investigators, and Research Assistants dealing with Population, Research and Development in various International and National Organizations.

PG Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 7,000


Graduation in any discipline

With the enactment of the Companies Act, 2013 by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GoI, India became the first country in the world to make CSR mandatory for select categories of companies mandated under the Act. This legislation has created an important opportunity to mobilise resources and build mechanisms to promote inclusive development in the country

The PGDCSR programme has been designed in such a way to enhance the holistic understanding of CSR by covering various aspects like CSR fundamentals, its process, implementation and handling of projects and programmes. Students can also get a first-hand experience of CSR projects by opting for a project work.

Who Can Take Admission?

Programme Coordinators:
Dr. Nisha Varghese;; Ph: 8826459659; 011-29571668
Prof. P.V.K.Sasidhar;; Ph: 9910050413; 011-29571665

 Post-Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 14,400


a)        Graduation/ Post Graduation in Science with Chemistry/ Bio-chemistry or Microbiology as one of the subjects.

b)       Degree/ Post Graduation Degree in allied sciences like Agriculture/ Food Science/ Food Technology/ Post Harvest Technology/ Engineering/ Home Science/ Life Science/                    Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Horticulture/ Dairy Technology/ Veterinary/ Fisheries/ Hotel Management and Catering/ Hospitality Management etc.

c)        Science graduates in disciplines like Geography, Statistics with Physics and math, Art Subjects and Medical Lab technology and with a minimum of three years experience in food processing and /or quality control. These students should have a minimum of one year of experience in quality control activities.

d)       Art/ Commerce graduates with a diploma in food science/ hotel management disciplines viz. fruits and vegetables, dairy technology, meat technology, cereal, pulses and oilseeds etc. with a minimum 5 years’ experience in Food Processing/ Food Quality Control/ Hotel Management (food preparation/ food catering) and out of which two years’ experience should be in quality control activities. This shall provide vertical mobility to diploma holders.

e)        B.A./ B.Com Graduates with a minimum of 7 years’ experience in Food Processing/ Food Quality Control/ Hotel Management (food preparation/ food catering) or holding a senior position in Govt./Semi Govt. Units involved in Food Quality Control.

f)        Master’s Degree awarded without a first degree is not recognized for purposes of admission to IGNOU’s Academic Programmes.

IGNOU  and APEDA  have come together to launch this programme,  the first such initiative in India, with an emphasis on practical proficiency development exercises. This programme is expected to meet the increasing human resource requirements for food safety and quality management professionals in the agriculture and food sectors

Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,500


Bachelor’s degree or a higher degree in any discipline from a recognised University. The program is offered through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode throughout the country both in Hindi and English Medium.

Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,000


Teachers in an institution of higher learning or Post-Graduate degree holders in any subject or Professional Degree.

The PGDHE is meant for those who are aspiring to teach or are already teaching in institutions of higher learning.

Recommended by the National Policy on Education (1986) and subsequently endorsed by the Rastogi Committee on teachers in higher education, the PGDHE has been recognised by the UGC as being equivalent to an Orientation Programme and two Refresher Courses of the Academic Staff College. PGDHE is of a one-year duration.

The Programme has been revised and updated and the revised version is on offer since January 2004.

Post-Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 10,200


Graduate in any discipline

Employment  Opportunities: Jobs in the field of IPR, Patent Agents, Patent Attorneys, Trademark attorneys etc.

The Programme PGDIPR was revised in July 2013. This programme has been designed to cater to the needs of those people who are working in the field of IPR and wish to specialize in the area of IPR. The programme consists of eight courses which deal with the various areas of IPR like Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks.

 Post-Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sales Management

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 8,400


Graduate degree in any discipline with Science in 10+2

Graduate degree in any discipline without Science in 10+2 but with 2 years of working experience as a medical representative in the pharma industry.

Post Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical and Sales Management (PGDPSM) is designed for those seeking a career as a Medical Representative or for the capacity building of those already working in the Pharmaceutical Industry. The programme consists of 32 credits and has the following 6 courses:

i)   Introduction to Anatomy, Physiology and  Pharmaceutical Chemistry

ii)  Pharmacology and Toxicology

iii) Pharmaceutics

iv) Drugs Regulatory Affairs

v)  Introduction to Management

vi) Sales Management

Programme Coordinator

Dr. Rachna Agarwal

Associate Professor

Email: –

Post Graduate Diploma in Pre-Primary Education

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 9,600


Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from any recognised university.

The Post Graduate Diploma in Pre-Primary Education(PGDPPED) is a specialized programme for preparing teachers for the Pre-primary level. The Programme has been developed to meet the ever-increasing demand for trained manpower in pre-primary educational institutions. The Programme has been designed to provide a comprehensive view of the theoretical as well as practical aspects of preschool education in the existing and emerging educational scenario.

Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management and Administration

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 6,600


Bachelor’s Degree

The programme has been developed to meet the ever increasing demand for trained manpower in administrative and management positions in various educational systems and organizations. The programme has been designed to provide a comprehensive view of the theoretical as well as practical aspects of educational management and administration in the existing and emerging educational scenario

 Post-Graduate Diploma in Rural Development

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,400


Graduate degree

This PG programme provides a comprehensive knowledge of socio-economic factors affecting transformation of the rural society. The contents are designed so as to impart an integrated understanding to the learners about the crucial dimensions of rural development.

Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs.16,800


 Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognised university

Medium: English

The programme of study is on offer in the July session only

The Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy is aimed at developing professionals in this vital field, which is gaining greater salience in the present times both from social, and employment perspectives. The contemporary social scenario has resulted in an increased need and demand for professional support in terms of counselling and family therapy, which is being increasingly recognized as an effective approach for promoting positives like strengthening families, fostering positive parenting, and increasing the resilience of individuals in vulnerable situations as well as for addressing negative aspects such as socio-psychological problems, maladaptive behaviours, declining mental health and psychosomatic disorders that are being increased witnessed in the present times.. As a result, there is a tremendous felt need for education and training in this area. By developing the requisite knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills in the area of Counselling and Family Therapy, this unique programme of study would help to train professional cadres in the field, equipping them for both wage-employment and self-employment and thus fill the existing lacuna.

A unique feature of this programme of study is that on successfully completing it the learner can enrol for the second year of M.Sc. in Counselling and Family Therapy [M.Sc. (CFT)], in subsequent sessions through credit transfer, as per university rules.

Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs.7,600


 Graduate in any discipline from any recognised University/Institution/Organisation

The PG Diploma in Applied Statistics Programme (PGDAST) has been developed to cater to the needs of working professionals and graduates aspiring for employment in industries (e.g., software, core and applied industries, medicine, and pharmaceutical industries), National Laboratories, R & D Organisations and Academic Institutions (Science and Technology, Engineering and Medical Colleges and Universities, etc.).
The programme aims to provide the core knowledge and computer-based exercises in selected areas of statistics and to acquaint the learners with the use of statistical tools in the analysis of industrial, social and business data.

Programme Objectives:

The Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics is proposed with the objectives to:
• provide learners with the core knowledge required for statistical applications,
• familiarise the real-life problems to the learners and promote them to the use of statistics in applied Sciences along    with applications in industrial and medical fields,
• provide computer based exercises in the selected areas of Statistics,
• equip them with the skills of using appropriate software for statistical applications in various fields.
This programme is especially useful for the working professionals in R&D and Quality Control divisions in core and software Industries, Commerce, Pharmaceutical and Management departments of various Universities/Institutes, who are interested in updating their knowledge in Statistics. It would also help fresh Graduates, who wish to continue their education and are interested in getting into the field of Applied Statistics.

 Post Graduate Diploma in Information Security

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs.21,600


The candidate should be a graduate of any recognised university. Please note that fees offered is per semester.

A. B.Sc (Computer Science)/ B.C.A/ B.Tech (Computer Sc.)/ B.Tech (IT) or its equivalent


B. Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline or its equivalent from a recognized University/ Institute with CIT/CIC/ACISE/CISE from IGNOU or a Certificate in Computer Science / Computer Application from a Govt. recognized institute with a minimum duration of 6 months or studied Computer Course as part of the curriculum in Bachelor/PG Degree.


C. Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline or its equivalent from a recognized University/ Institute with 1 year of working experience in Computer application/IT.

This PG Diploma in Information Security (PGDIS) (With an exit option of PG Certificate in Information Security (PGCIS) after successfully completing the first semester) programme has been designed to bridge the gap in the awareness and competency required by various categories of people as the users of Internet and various IT enabled services about deeper aspects of Information Security, responsible use and management of IT services. This is a PG Diploma level programme with an exit option of PG Certificate in Information Security (PGCIS) after successfully completing of first semester and 32 credits of worth. Students can complete this programme in a minimum period of one year or a maximum period of three years.

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