
IGNOU Certificate programme

ignou certificate programme

IGNOU Certificate programmes are short-term programs offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) that provide learners with specialized knowledge and skills in a particular field. These courses are designed to cater to the needs of working professionals, students, and individuals seeking to enhance their employability. IGNOU offers a wide range of certificate courses that vary in duration, eligibility criteria, and course content.

IGNOU Certificate Courses can be broadly classified into two categories: vocational and non-vocational. Vocational courses are aimed at providing learners with specific job-oriented skills, while non-vocational courses are designed to develop general knowledge and enhance personal growth. Some of the popular certificate courses offered by IGNOU include: – Certificate in Business Skills – Certificate in Community Radio – Certificate in Power Distribution Management – Certificate in Fire Safety – Certificate in Security Management – Certificate in Disaster Management – Certificate in the Arabic Language – Certificate in the French Language – Certificate in the Russian Language

Pursuing an IGNOU Certificate Course can offer several benefits to learners. These courses are affordable, flexible, and can be completed at the learner’s own pace. IGNOU also offers a wide range of study materials, including audio and video lectures, which can be accessed online. Upon completion of the course, learners receive a certificate from IGNOU. This can enhance their employability and career prospects. There is  registration fee for some courses which has been mentioned against the course , making them accessible to learners from all backgrounds.

ignou certificate programme

Overall, IGNOU Certificate Courses provide an effective and convenient way for learners to acquire new skills and knowledge, enhance their career prospects, and achieve personal growth and development

Certificate in Bee Keeping (CIB)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,400

This programme has been developed in collaboration with the IGNOU Regional Centre, Shillong (Meghalaya) through EDNERU (Educational Development of North East Region Unit). The programme is intended to provide scientific knowledge and technical skills in the all aspects of beekeeping. The knowledge imparted shall facilitate for improved productivity.


8th pass


·         Impart education about modern beekeeping.

·         Build human resources in the beekeeping sector.

·         Diversification of apiculture to increase the income of the farmers.

·         Develop entrepreneurial skills in beekeeping

Certificate in Business Skills (CBS)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,500


10+2 or its equivalent

Salient features of CBS

  • Courses designed and prepared by professional experts.
  • Student-centred multimedia-learning materials.
  • Strong student support services.
  • Opportunity to interact with leading experts through teleconferencing.
  • A student can study at his own chosen place and is not required to attend regular classes.
  • A student can study at his own pace and convenience over a period of six months to two years.
  • A student is exposed to vocational/professional expertise.
  • Students have the opportunity to develop skills in computers.
  • Teaching is done through an innovative multi-medium.

Certificate in Community Radio (CCR)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,900


10+2 or equivalent

This is a certificate-level programme aimed at building the skills of those with a 10+2 or equivalent school leaving qualification and interested in community-level broadcasting to serve in various community radio stations being set up all over the country.

It is a comprehensive programme offering information on all aspects of community radio from set up technology to understanding of community participatory styles of broadcasting.

Programme Coordinator:
Dr. O.P. Dewal
Associate Professor, SOJNMS, IGNOU
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068 / 011-2957160

Certificate of Competency in Power Distribution (Electrical Technicians) (CCPD)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,600


Technicians /Equivalent Tradesman or Manpower working in the Electricity/Power Sector, adults 8th pass onwards,


Candidates having 10th /12th /Degree/ Diploma/ ITI are eligible

Target group: Who can benefit by this programme:

  • Technicians /Equivalent tradesmen or manpower working in the electricity/power sector
  • Technicians having or pursuing a trade certificate in Electrician or related trade; Technician having a license for Foreman/ Lineman/Wireman or license in the relevant area of expertise; Candidates having electrician apprenticeship;
  • Candidates having 10th /12th / ITI / Degree/Diploma, keen to pursue the course and aspiring to pursue a career in the electricity sector / working in relevant field.

Programme Coordinator:
Prof. Rakhi Sharma
Phone: 011-29572921

Certificate in Mobile Application Development (CMAD)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,000


(1) 10+2


(2) 10th Standard with 2 or 3 years Diploma / Equivalent

The programme aims to provide knowledge to the learners about the architectures of Android and iOS, Design and implement databases for user requirements, Develop mobile apps, and Do programming using Python. Any person who is interested in mobile apps can join the programme.

 Offered in both January and July cycles of admissions

 Programme Coordinator :
Dr. Sudhansh Sharma

Certificate in Consumer Protection (CCP)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,800


10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU.

Medium of Instruction: English/ Hindi

Objectives: The objectives of this programme are to:

  • create an overall awareness of Consumer Affairs with special emphasis on Consumer Protection;
  • enable the learners to understand various Consumer Protection Issues; and
  • Enable the learner to work as a consumer activist in the industrial sector, NGOs and government departments on consumer affairs.

    Employment Opportunities:
     The successful learners may be in a position to

           i)      Help others either by self or through NGOs/ VCOs, in consumer-related affairs.

           ii)     Get openings in the consumer affairs departments, consumer cooperatives, stores, retail outlets etc.

Programme Coordinator: Dr Gurmeet Kaur, School of Law, IGNOU


Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,000


10+2 or it’s equivalent to BPP from IGNOU

The Foundation Course in Disaster Management – CDM-01 – intends to familiarise the learners with the meaning, factors, significance, causes and effects of disasters.

This Course deals specifically with the essentials of disaster preparedness and focuses on techniques for effective community participation, besides highlighting ways to collect relevant information pertaining to disasters and also its effective dissemination.

The Elective Course – CDM-02 – emphasises various methods and techniques to be made use of for appropriate and timely preparation and mitigation of disasters. This course also focuses on relevant measures for proper health and casualty management and techniques for reconstruction and rehabilitation.

Certificate in Condition Monitoring (CCOMO)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 9,300


 B Tech Mech/Aero/Civil and BSc Physics and Maths

Medium of Instruction: English

Study Material: Study Material will be provided only in Digital Form


SOET offers a Certificate in Condition Monitoring (CCOMO) with the following broad objectives:

  • The programme aims to develop skilled human resources in the field of condition monitoring at the Local, Regional and National levels.
  • It seeks to build competencies and professional skills to avail enhanced employment opportunities in organizations.
  • It aims to upgrade the knowledge and skills of those working in an organization without formal training.

Programme Coordinator:
Dr. Shashank Srivastava
Tel. No.- 011-29572920

Certificate in Energy Technology and Management (CETM)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,000


10th Pass

Medium: English


The broad objectives of the Programme are:

  • To give an overview of various energy resources, their availability and use pattern
  • To give exposure to the environmental effects of energy use
  • To give an overview of Renewable Energy Technologies
  • To conduct an energy audit and implement energy conservation measures
  • To see the importance of Energy, Economy and Environment interaction 

Programme Coordinator:
Prof. Ajit Kumar
Tel. No.-011-29572925/29572917

Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second Language (CTE)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs.2,400


Graduates or three (3) years of BELED
2 years PTT, ETT or 10+2 with two years of teaching experience.

Fee Structure: Rs. 2,400 + Rs. 200 Registration fee

the programme is an enhancer to teachers’ understanding of learners, the learning process, the nature and structure of language, and the teaching of it in terms of new and more effective methodologies of classroom management, material selection and evaluation

Certificate Programme in Functional English (Basic level) (CFE)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 4,000


10+2 with preferably six (6) years of English at the school level.

Fee Structure: Rs. 4,000+ Rs. 200 Registration fee

  • improves the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
  • Gain awareness of certain grammatical structures so that the students can paraphrase and edit their language.
  •  Practice the various skills through appropriate texts and activity types.
  •  Manage daily interactions such as greetings, introductions, shopping and travelling and so on.
  •  Apply to universities and communicate on campus and in their student life.
  •  Communicate effectively at the workplace where they may need to attend meetings,  participate in discussions, write letters/ e-mails and prepare effective Curriculum Vitae 

Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,000


10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU

The programme is useful to the general public, at every age and at all levels of formal and non-formal education. Professionals, ecologists, hydrologists, foresters, landscape architects, administrators and planners, engineers, industrialists, and agriculturists, among others, will benefit from this programme. The NGOs with their dissemination capabilities shall find it very useful.

Certificate Programme In Value Education (CPVE)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,800


10+2 or its equivalent


To orient the target group of teachers (mostly elementary) for integrating values in their transactional process of teaching and learning.

• To orient the target group of teachers (mostly elementary) to integrating values in their transactional process of teaching and learning.
• To generate awareness and interest in inculcating positive values among teachers, professionals, students, parents and the community.
• To develop awareness and societal responsibility among NGOs, Government servants and civil society organizations.

Certificate in Food & Beverage Service Operation (CFBO)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,000


10+2 or its equivalent

Medium of Instruction: English

The purpose of this programme is to help generate vocational opportunities for human resource development in the tourism and hotel industry

Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,900
Minimum Age: 18 Years


No Formal Qualification.

The focus of the programme is to enable you to make the best possible choice for meeting the nutritional needs of your family. At the same time, it aims to help you choose an adequate variety of foods to suit the taste of each individual in your family. In addition, you will learn about the nature of food-borne diseases and the importance of good food habits in preventing them. You will also be acquainted with schemes of quality control, consumer rights, etc.

Certificate in Front Office Operation (CFO)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,000


10+2 or its equivalent

Medium of Instructions: English

The purpose of this programme is to help generate vocational opportunities for human resource development In the tourism industry.

Certificate Programme in Peace Studies and Conflict Management (CPSCM)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,500


10+2 in any discipline, (Those who don’t possess 10+2 qualifications can also be admitted after clearing IGNOU’s preparatory programme.

Appreciating the common goals of Higher Education, Research and Training to empower people to participate in the process of establishing world peace, accelerating national development and improving the quality of life of people.

Realising the knowledge and understanding of Gandhian Philosophy and action in general and truth, non-violence, Sarvodaya, satyagraha and sustainable development in particular.

Medium of Instruction: Hindi & English

Programme Coordinators:

Prof. Darvesh Gopal: ; Ph: 011-29572727

Prof. Anurag Joshi:; Ph : 011-29572713

Certificate in Gender, Agriculture and Sustainable Development (CGAS)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs.3,800


Graduate from any discipline

The programme structure broadly covers areas like gender, agriculture and sustainable development and trends; gender roles and issues in agriculture and sustainable development; gender analysis and mainstreaming; policies and programmes; and gender and sustainable development.

This programme will provide job opportunities in NGOs, ICAR, KVKs, social institutions, agriculture clinics, rural banks and training institutions involved in agricultural extension activities.

Admission Cycle: Admissions for all students will be done on the January and July cycle.

Certificate Programme in Gender and Science (CGSCI)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,500


10+2 (in any discipline)

Programme Objectives

• To impart theoretical concepts of science from a feminist perspective;
• To enrich the capacities of learners with regard to policies, programmes and schemes related to women and science.;

Who Can Take Admission?

• Professionals working at the middle-management and entry-level in the corporate sector
• Development professionals working in international agencies and government programmes
• Development functionaries working with civil society organisations
• Faculty, scientists, researchers and students in universities, research organizations and colleges.
• Under-graduates students who intend to work on interdisciplinary projects. 

Certificate in Guidance (CIG)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,400
Minimum Age: 18 Years


Teachers of recognised institutions.
Pass in Matriculation/SSC

The Certificate in Guidance programme is a collaborative programme of IGNOU and developed in association with NCERT. The certificate course has been offered since 1993. It caters to the needs of teachers, parents, social workers and others interested in guiding children aged between 5-11 years for their better learning and socio-emotional development. This is an awareness-level programme that focuses on their overall development.

Certificate in Health Care Waste Management (CHCWM)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs.3,000


10+2 or equivalent

Target Group:   Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Health Managers and other professional workers.

The broad Objectives of the programme are to:

  • Sensitise the learners about healthcare waste and its impact on health and the environment.
  • Acquaint the learner group with existing legislation, knowledge and practices regarding healthcare waste Management practices in South East Asia Region countries.
  • Equip the learner with skills to manage healthcare waste effectively and safely

Certificate in Adolescent Health and Counselling. (CAHC)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,000


Teacher who are teaching in primary, middle, secondary & higher secondary school or any graduates.

  • Programme Objectives:
  • The programme will enable the learners to strengthen their knowledge in understanding needs and concern of adolescent.
  • Build knowledge on physical cognitive, emotional and psychological changes in adolescent.
  • Develop skills in handling challenges related to adolescents.
  • Identify their role in life skills education and counselling of adolescents.

Certificate Programme in YOGA (CPY)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,000


10+2 passed from any recognized board

After going through this particular programme the learner should be able to
1. aware of the history and the contribution of various Yogis in the field of Yoga and
2. describe the basic principles and practice of yoga.
3. Attain both physical and mental health through Yoga.

Certificate in Home Health Assistance (CHHA)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 6,000


12th Pass

  •  Demonstrate Skills of general hygiene and grooming, bathing procedures and guidelines, mouth, Eye, Ear, Skin, hair, nail and foot care.
  • • Demonstrate Skills of feeding the patient, and taking care of elimination needs and procedures.
  • • Demonstrate skills to enable geriatric/paralytic/immobile patient to cope with changes to their health and environment including preventing the risk of falls.
  • • Demonstrate Basic Life Support, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation and other actions in the event of medical and facility emergencies.
  • • Practice infection control measures, promote safety, list usage of protective devices and right methods of bio-medical waste management at the home level.

Certificate in Geriatric Care Assistance (CGCA)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 6,500


12th Pass with science

The program aims at making a student competent to perform the following skills:

Demonstrate skills in basic geriatrics care such as assessment, patient positions, movements, preparation of facilities/environment of the patient, feeding, hygience, grooming, dressing, bathing and elimination needs of the geriatric patients, oral care, hari care, eye and ear care, skin, nail and foot care of geriatric patients.

Demonstrate skills in the management of positions & pressure points, disabilities and well-being of the geriatric patient, including counselling skills and management of mental health issues in geriatric patients as well as Basic Life Support(BLS) measures & first aid in the event of emergencies.

Certificate in Phlebotomy Assistance (CPHA)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 7,500


12th Pass with Science

  •  Demonstrate the ability to collect. Storage, transport, receive, accept or reject and store blood, etc.
  • • Practice infection control measures including collection, segregation, storage, transportation and disposal of Biomedical Waste in the lab/unit, techniques to maintain personal hygiene & use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at the workplace.
  • • Demonstrate Basic Life Support (BLS) measures & first aid in the event of emergencies.

Certificate in General Duty Assistance (CGDA)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 6,000


12th Pass

The program aims at making a student complete the following skills.
• Demonstrate skills in patient positions and use of assistive devices, preparation of patient care unit, skills in transporting a patient, handling of samples, drugs and linen and use and aftercare of equipment.
• Demonstrate skills in General Hygiene and Grooming, bathing procedures and guidelines, mouth, Eye, Ear, Skin, Hair, Nail and foot care, feeding the patient, taking care of elimination needs and procedures.
• Practice infection control measures, promote safety and demonstrate the right methods of bio-medical waste management

Certificate in First Aid (CFAID)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,500


10th Pass 

Medium of Instruction: English/Hindi (Under translation)

The objectives of the programme are to:
• Develop knowledge and skills about first aid.
• Enable the learners to recognize the symptoms/conditions which require first aid.
• Develop the ability to deal with emergency situations.
• Enable the learners to provide first aid in various situations and settings.

Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs.1,500


A person who has successfully completed 10+2 (higher secondary) is eligible for enrolment in the Certificate Programme in HIV and Family Education as well as for the Diploma in HIV and Family Education

Medium of Instructions: English and Hindi

The Certificate in HIV and Family Education provides comprehensive knowledge about what, why and how of HIV/AIDS, family life education, and facts of life and substance abuse. The programme contents are designed to impart an integrated understanding to the learners about the issues involved in HIV/AIDS and behaviour modification.

The crucial dimensions of the problems and issues associated with HIV/AIDS, substance abuse (i.e. abuse of alcohol and drugs) and human behaviour are also discussed. The programme also introduces the learner to the fundamental aspects of family life education including sexual health education.

For Queries mail to :

Certificate in Home-Based Health Care (CHBHC)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,400
Minimum Age: No bar
Maximum Age: No bar


10th Pass

Certificate Programme for home-based care providers is a 6 months programme of 14 credits (Theory 4 credits, practicals 10 credits) for 10th passed students.  This programme has been developed to prepare a workforce in the country with the skills required to look after the elderly and people suffering from chronic progressive illnesses.

Certificate in House Keeping Operation (CHO)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,000


10+2 or its equivalent  

Medium of Instruction: English

The purpose of this programme is to help generate vocational opportunities for human resource development in the tourism and hotel industry.

Certificate in (Communicative Sanskrit) Saral Sanskrit Bodh (CSSB)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years


Intermediate or equivalent

Fee Structure:
 Rs. 1500/- for full programme

Certificate in Bhartiya Kal Ganana (CBKG)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,000


10+2 or equivalent

 The Certificate Program has scientificality and authenticity of all the Indian concepts and calculations of time will be explained. Further, on the basis of questionnaires, the science of time calculation will also be analyzed. Authentic evidence of the historical chronology of India will be presented to prove the advancement of ancient Indian astronomy. This program will further be able to add new dimensions to the study of Philosophy, Theology, Astrology, Vastushastra, Sanskrit, History, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, etc.

Saral Sanskrit Bodh/Online (SSBOL)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,500


12th Class pass or equivalent

Course Fee: Rs. 1500/- for Full Programme + Rs. 300(Registration Fees)

Certificate in Solid Waste Treatment Techniques (CSWATT)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,000


10+2 or Equivalent

Medium of Instruction: English

Study Material: Study Material will be provided only in Digital Form

Certificate in Smart City Development And Management (CSCDM)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,000


10+2 in Science with Mathematics 

Medium of Instruction: English

Study Material: Study Material will be provided only in Digital Form


  • To create awareness and deepen knowledge of smart cities
  • To expand capacities on various theoretical and practical aspects of smart cities: smart energy, smart transportation, smart education and smart health
  • To understand the techno-managerial framework of Smart Cities

Certificate in Information Technology (CIT)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 6,000


10th Standard OR SSC OR IGNOU’S BPP or Microsoft’s DLC or equivalent

  • Develop algorithms and flowcharts for problem-solving
  • • Introduce programming concepts
  • • Introduce various aspects of Computer communication
  • • Introduce the concept of Networking
  • • Introduce social, legal and ethical aspects of IT
  • • Discuss the role of IT in various fields such as Business, Governance, Education and Medicine
  • • Introduce the concept of Information System
  • • Discuss the latest trends in IT
  • • Discuss the basic principles of the Internet
  • • Search for information on the Internet
  • • Discuss various applications of the Internet
  • • Discuss the issue related to the design of a web page
  • • Introduce the concept of Multimedia
  • • Introduce the process of working with MS Windows and Linux
  • • Develop and execute programs using C language
  • • Create databases
  • • Create Web Pages

Certificate Programme in Laboratory Techniques (CPLT)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 4,200


Pass in 10+2 with science subjects or equivalent

Pass in higher secondary with science subjects  or equivalent and one year of experience of working in a school/college/university science laboratory                                       

10th pass or equivalent with science subjects and two years of experience of working in a school/college/university science laboratory

This programme is intended for persons employed as or aspiring for employment as laboratory technicians in school or college laboratories.

Certificate in International Humanitarian Law (CIHL)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,700


10+2 or it’s equivalent or BPP from IGNOU

Medium: English

This Programme is offered in association with the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), New Delhi

What is IHL?

International Humanitarian Law is a set of rules which seek for humanitarian reasons, to limit the effects of armed conflict. It protects those who are not or no longer participating in the hostilities and restricts the means of methods or warfare.

Employment Opportunities:

People who are interested in working with the organizations involved in providing various services during armed conflicts to the military, civilians, prisoners of war etc, training of various stakeholders on International Humanitarian Law.

Certificate in Anti-Human Trafficking (CAHT )

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,400


10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU

Medium: English & Hindi

Employment opportunities: International and national NGOs related to Human Trafficking, Legal Aid, Juvenile Justice, Women, Children and disability etc.

Certificate in Co-operation, Co-operative Law (CCLBL)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 8,400


i) 10+2 for in-service personnel (with min. 3 years of service)
ii) Any Degree for Freshers

Medium: English

Employment Opportunities:

The successful learners may have ample scope to get employment opportunity with:

1.     The Department of co-operation within the Central and State Government.

2.     All cooperative Banks and all other cooperative including consumer, marketing producer and service-oriented institutions in the country.

School of Law, IGNOU is offering the Certificate in Co-operation Co-operative Law and Business Law (CCLBL) from the 2011, session. It is an innovative programme based on self-learning instruction material with multimedia and teleconferencing support. This program has been developed to provide basic knowledge and awareness on the concept and to understand the cooperative and Business law legal framework. It aims to develop skills of reading, writing and analyzing the legal framework.

Certificate in Human Rights (CHR)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,400


10+2 0r BPP from IGNOU.

Medium: English and Hindi

Employment Opportunities: People who are interested in working with organizations working in the field of Human Rights or who want to specialise in Human Rights can opt for this programme.

Certificate Programme in Library and Information Science (CLIS)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,000


10+2 Passed or BPP from IGNOU

The main objectives of the Programme are to:

• Sensitise library and information science professionals at the grassroots level.
• Impart basic skills and training in library management and information handling.
• Give an opportunity for professional skill development to those who are already working in libraries and not have any professional qualifications.

Certificate Programme in Library and Information Science (CLISOL)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,000


10+2 Passed or BPP from IGNOU

The main objectives of the Programme are to:

• Sensitise library and information science professionals at the grassroots level.
• Impart basic skills and training in library management and information handling.
• Give an opportunity of professional skill development to those who are already working in libraries and not having any professional qualifications.

Certificate Programme on Life and Thought of B.R. Ambedkar (CLTA)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,000


10+2 or its equivalent

Certificate in NGO Management (CNM)

Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,800


Matriculate with at least three years of work experience in the NGO sector

Certificate in Maternal and Child Health Nursing (CMCHN)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 6,600


• Nursing professionals (RNRM) with a diploma in general nursing and midwifery (GNM) or above
• Health worker (F)/ANM/Health Supervisor female/LHV


The broad objectives of this programme are to:
• Update the knowledge and skills of healthcare providers in reproductive and child health.
• Enable the health care providers to render effective health care to mother and child.

Certificate in Apparel Merchandising (CAPMER)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,000


10+2 pass

This Certificate Programme provides an excellent holistic introduction to the Textile and Apparel Industry. It provides knowledge of the processes all the way from design, to finished goods, with particular focus on production, sourcing and costing. The students will gain a basic understanding of textiles fundamentals, the ability to capture the process of apparel production and to gain elementary skills in production drawings. The Programme will also help to attain a fundamental understanding of quality concepts & practice, apply production tracking skills and enhance their sourcing and costing ability.

Certificate in Newborn & Infant Nursing (CNIN)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 6,600


Nursing professionals (RNRM) who have obtained a diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM)/ B.Sc. in Nursing and above.

Enhance and update the knowledge, skills and practices of nursing personnel in the care of newborns and infants.
• Enable Nursing personnel to provide effective nursing care to normal, at-risk and sick newborns and infants.

Certificate in Community Health (BPCCHN/CCH)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 15,000


GNM/B.Sc. Nursing/PB B.Sc. Nursing/ Ayurveda Practitioners/ BAMS

  • Enhance knowledge and skill of learners in providing community health care services.
  • Develop competencies in dealing with issues of public health.
  • Provide comprehensive primary care based on protocols appropriate to the subcentre level.
  • Perform preventive and promotive actions to improve community health.
  • Perform common laboratory investigations.
  • Provide treatment based on protocols as appropriate to the subcentre level

Certificate in Nutrition and Childcare (CNCC)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,400


10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU

This Programme would make the learners qualified to take up jobs as functionaries with Government and non-government organisations working for women and children. The objectives are to develop knowledge, understanding and skills with regard to nutrition and child development.

Certificate in Organic Farming (COF)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 4,800


10+2 Senior secondary pass-outs

The main objective of the programme is to:    

·         impart knowledge and proficiency in Organic production practices, Certification process and marketing of organically raised agricultural produce,

·         promote self-employment and income generation.

Certificate in Performing Arts – Bharatnatyam (CPABN)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 4,000
Minimum Age: 15 Years


10th Pass

It combines the flexibility of distance and continuing education with a conventional learning system, and provides for face-to-face interaction through its Programme Study Centres, for both theory and practicals.

Certificate in Performing Arts – Hindustani Music (CPAHM)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 4,000
Minimum Age: 15 Years


10th Pass

Certificate in Hindustani Music is to enable the learner to receive the basic knowledge of theory and practical aspects of Indian music. This will also enable the learner to realise that basically there was originally one music in our country. After passing through changes, it converted into two types of music — Hindustani and Karnataka.

Certificate in Performing Arts – Karnatak Music (CPAKM)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 4,000
Minimum Age: 15 Years


10th Pass

  To provide basic voice training. 

  • teach learners the basic skills of singing Karnatak Music.
  • create an understanding of the historical evolution of Karnatak Music.
  • provide knowledge about the technical terms of Karnatak Music.

Certificate in Performing Arts -Theatre Arts (CPATHA)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 4,000
Minimum Age: 15 Years


10th Pass

The Certificate Course in Theatre Arts aims to provide a basic introduction to the art of theatre to the learners. This course offers both theoretical and practical inputs to the students

Certificate in Visual Arts – Painting (CVAP)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 4,000
Minimum Age: 15 Years


10th Pass

The Certificate Programme in Painting aims to impart basic knowledge and skill in drawing, medium and composition with the development of creative and aesthetic sensibilities. The course tends to inculcate creativity, precision and use of tools and materials.

Certificate in Visual Arts – Applied Arts (CVAA)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs.4,000
Minimum Age: 15 Years


 10th Pass

Students are trained according to the elements of the design and also provide the sensibility to understand the skill of drawing, medium and composition with the development of creative skills and aesthetics. The course inculcates creativity, precision and use of tools & materials.

Certificate in Poultry Farming (CPF)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,600


8th pass

This programme has been developed in collaboration with the IGNOU Regional Centre, Aizawl (Mizoram) and EDNERU. The programme is intended to provide basic knowledge and technical skills in the areas of Poultry Feeding, Housing, Management and Health Care. The programme also aims to develop human resource in the area of Poultry Farming. The knowledge imparted shall facilitate better management of poultry in scientific lines which in turn will improve their productivity.

Certificate Programme in Rural Development (CRD)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,800


Bachelor’s Degree.

The aim of CRD is to acquaint learners with the basic aspects of rural development in India 

Certificate in French Language (CFL)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 6,600
Minimum Age: 18 Years


Adults who have successfully completed 10+2 or its equivalent.
Note: Registration fee is Rs 200

The Programme is based upon UGC model and the Common European Framework of Reference for languages formulated under EU for all European Languages. The SLM manual is a study guide, with exercises, a glossary and phonetics as additional material to help the learner.

Certificate in Arabic Language (CAL)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,800


 Adults who have successfully completed 10+2 or 18 years of age.
Note: Registration fee is Rs 200

This program aims at acquainting the beginners with essential rudiments of the Arabic Language and gradually and systematically inculcates in them an ability to speak, write and read the language with a certain degree of accuracy and confidence.

Certificate in Russian Language (CRUL)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,500


10+2, Minimum 18 years of age

Medium of Instruction: Russian and English

he objective of the programme is to introduce learners to the basics of Russian grammar and phonetics so that they can read, write, listen and speak Russian in an accurate manner.

Certificate in Spanish Language & Culture (CSLC)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 4,500


CSLC programme is meant for young adults, working people, research scholars and everyone above the age of 18 who has successfully completed 10+2 or equivalent with knowledge of English who wants to learn Spanish and have no prior knowledge of this language.

Medium of Instruction: Spanish and English

The curriculum of this programme has been designed in alignment with the Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC) and is based on the principles set by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) formulated by the Council of Europe. It is expected that those taking part in this programme will achieve the A1 level of communicative competence.

Certificate in Korean Language & Culture (CKLC)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,500
Minimum Age: 18 Years


10+2, Minimum 18 years of age.

The objective of the programme is to introduce learners to the basics of Korean grammar and phonetics so that they can read, write, listen and speak Korean in an accurate manner

Certificate in Japanese Language (CJL)

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 3 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,400
Minimum Age: 18 Years


  • 10+2, Minimum 18 years of age.

The objective of the programme is to introduce learners to the basics of Japanese grammar and phonetics so that they can read, write, listen and speak Japanese in an accurate manner

Certificate in Sericulture (CIS)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs.4,200


  • 10th pass out or
  • Non-10th pass-out having 2 years’ experience in the field of Sericulture.

The experience certificate should be from the extension officials of the Department of Sericulture/Agriculture/Extension/ Recognized NGOs/Industry

  • prepare the rural youth/farmers to accept sericulture as profit-making enterprise;
  • impart knowledge and technical skills in various aspects of Sericulture; and
  • create awareness about the opportunities and employment in Sericulture.

Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice System (CSWCJS)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,500


 A person who has successfully completed graduation in any discipline is eligible for enrolment in the Certificate Programme in Social Work and Criminal Justice System.

 To develop a cadre of trained para-social workers to render humanitarian services in the criminal justice system;

ii) To provide knowledge base and skills training to learners alongwith practical experiences to render social and legal services in correctional settings across the country;

Certificate in Tribal Studies (CTRBS)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,000


A person who has successfully completed 10+2 is eligible for enrolment in the Certificate Programme in Tribal Studies.

The programme hope to provide employment of learners in the tribal development departments in NGOs or other institutions and help individuals working in the social and welfare service sector targeted for the tribals to acquire professional education and will enable them to be trained, educated 

Certificate Programme in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs.1,800


10th pass/Working nursery, primary or elementary teachers
passed AMT under Associate Studentship Scheme

This program consists of two courses of 8 credits each. Both the courses are built around detailed examples of ways of communicating mathematical concepts/processes/skills to children up to the age of 10. Thus, the programme is aimed at pre-primary and primary school teachers, as well as parents of young children.

The programme also requires the learner to undertake a project worth 2 credits.

Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,400


B.P.P. from IGNOU or 10+2 or its equivalent

Medium of Instructions: English and Hindi

these programmes have been developed keeping in mind people who in future intend to make their career in some branch of tourism, or are already working in tourism-related areas at various levels.

Certificate in Tourism Studies (Online) (CTSOL)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,400


10+2 or its equivalent

Fee Structure for Indian Student: INR(Rs.)
: 1,800.00/- for Full Programme

Fee Structure for International Students

For SAARC Students in INR(Rs.): 4,000.00/- Full Programme
For NON SAARC Students in US($) 300.00/- for Full Programme

One may go for employment in the Travel and Tourism Industry (travel agency, hotel, tour operator, etc.) or start own business in the area. In order to pursue academic excellence, one may take up further studies and go for a Bachelor’s, Master’s and/or PhD in Tourism Studies.

Certificate in Urdu Language (CUL)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,200



Fee Structure: Rs. 1200+ Rs. 200 Registration fee

The aim is to improve accuracy and promote fluency in the students. There will be a CD will be included in the course material to help the student with listening comprehension, speaking skills, using cultural vocabulary and pronunciation. Each course has eight (8) credits

Certificate in Vedic Ganit (CVG)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,000


10+2 or its equivalent

Fee structure : Rs. 2000/- + Rs. 200/- Registration fee

To get knowledge of mathematical calculation as propounded in Vedas
2. To develop the ability to quickly solve difficult and complex mathematical calculations in a simple, interesting and accurate manner.
3. To make mathematics accessible and interesting through Vedic mathematics.

Certificate in Communication and IT Skills (CCITSK)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,400


10+2 with English as a compulsory subject

The course has been designed keeping in mind the BPO industry and other forms of industry. The Communication Skills course covers areas of listening, reading, writing, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and speaking. All the units will have reading, writing, listening, grammar, pronunciation (Accent, Syllabus stress, Consonants, vowels, intonation).

The IT Skills course covers areas like MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel and MS Access. 

Certificate in Fashion Design (CFDE)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,000


10+2 (Senior Secondary)

Develop basic knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of fashion design.

·        Develop an understanding of the fashion industry in India and across the globe.

·        Impart skills in digital technology in CAD.

·        Develop knowledge and understanding of pattern-making skills and sewing techniques.

·        Develop entrepreneurship and communication skills.

Certificate in Solid Waste Management (CSWM)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 3,600



Indira Gandhi National Open University offers certificate programs in waste management. This program provides an overview of the state of solid waste management covering key elements of the waste management system such as environmental, social, financial and institutional aspects. Learners will be able to understand the challenges of waste management and learn about appropriate and sustainable solutions including appropriate waste management policy issues.

Certificate in Water Harvesting and Management (CWHM)

Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 2,400
Minimum Age: 18 Years


10+2 Senior secondary pass-outs


The programme aims to:

  • sensitizing and educating learners on the augmentation and utilization of water resources;
  • imparting knowledge, skills and expertise to understand water harvesting techniques;   


  • enabling learners to act as trainers and organizers at household and community levels for efficient water management in terms of its usage and also for water conservation.

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