
HP TET 2024: Check Schedule, Admit card, Answer key

HP TET 2024

HP TET 2024 The application process has been over and the exam will be conducted from June 22 to July 2

The validity of the HP TET will be life time and candidate re attempt as many as they wish to improve their score

HP TET Admit Card Schedule

HP TET Admit Card will be released 4 days before the exam date

HP TET 2024

Candidates must carry in the examination Centre

  1. Admit card.
  2. Aadhar Card or any Photo Identity proof.
  3. A simple transparent Blue/Black Ball point pen.

vi. Additional photograph, to be pasted on the attendance sheet.

v. Sugar tablets/fruits (like banana/apple/orange) in case the candidate is diabetic

HP TET Answer Key Schedule

A provision Answer key will be released after the last day of the written exam on the official website of HP Board


SL.Name of ExaminationDate of ExamTimingDuration
1JBT TET22-06-202410.00AM To 12.30 PM2.30 Hours
2Shastri TET22-06-202402.00 PM To 04.30 PM2.30 Hours
3TGT(Non-Medical) TET23-06-202410.00AM To 12.30 PM2.30 Hours
4Language Teacher TET23-06-202402.00 PM To 04.30 PM2.30 Hours
5TGT (Arts) TET30-06-202410.00AM To 12.30 PM2.30 Hours
6TGT (Medical) TET30-06-202402.00 PM To 04.30 PM2.30 Hours
7Punjabi TET02-07-202410.00 AM To 12.30 PM2.30 Hours
8Urdu TET02-07-202402.00 PM To 04.30 PM2.30 Hours


There shall be one question paper in four different series having questions of multiple- choice/objective type, carrying 150 questions of one mark each to be attempted within 150 minutes. There shall be 60% minimum qualifying marks.( Relaxation upto 5% for SC/ST/OBC & PHH categories in qualifying marks). There shall be no negative marking. A candidate shall have to choose the correct answer and shade against the appropriate choice in the OMR response sheet with blue/blackball point pen adhering to the instructions provided. As the answers will be given with blue/black ball point pen by darkening the appropriate circle, the candidates will have no option to change the answers once given. Therefore, before darkening the circle, correct option/answer may be ensured


The question booklet will be set and supplied in bi-lingual i.e. English & Hindi (Except Language subjects)


Sections of the question papers for TGTsSection  I   and   II    common  for   TGT(Arts),  TGT(NM)  and TGT(Medical)
Section-I Q. 1-30 Child psychology and development, pedagogy, teaching learning processes.
Section-II Q. 31-60 General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environmental Studies.
Section-III and IV for TGT(Arts)
Section-III Q. 61-90 English Literature & Grammar.
Section-IV Q.91-150 Social Studies
Section-III and IV for TGT(NM)
Section-III Q. 61-90 Mathematics
Section-IV Q. 91-150 Physics and Chemistry
Section-III and IV for TGT(Medical)
Section-III Q.61-120 Botany and Zoology
Section-IV Q. 121-150 Chemistry

HP TET Examination Centre

Revenue Sub-DivisionCodeRevenue Sub-DivisionCode
Chamba4Sunder Nagar40
Killar(Pangi)7Rampur Bushehar43
Salooni9Shimla (Rural)45
Barsar10Shimla (Urban)46
Nadaun13Paonta Sahib49
Kalpa at ReckongPeo24Una60
Nichar at Bhawanagar25Dharampur61
Pooh (ADM)26Fathepur62
Joginder Nagar35Dheera71
Standard of TGT TETTest items on child psychology, development, pedagogy and teaching learning processes will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group 11 to 14 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of good facilitator of learning. The questions in the other sections will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the State for classes VI to VIII, but their difficulty standard as well as linkages could be up-to 10+2 level of H.P. Board of School Education.
Structure and Standard of TET for ShastriSection-I Q. 1-120 based on Shastri degree course
Section-II Q.121-150 General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environmental Studies
Structure and Standard of TET for L.T.Section–I Q. 1-120 Hindi Course of Graduation level.
Section–II Q.121-150 General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environmental Studies.
Standard of L.T.TET will be of Hindi Course of Graduation level of HP University
Structure and Standard of TET for JBTSection-I (Q. 1- 30) – Child Development and Pedagogy, teaching learning processes.
Section-II (Q. 31-60) English literature & grammar
Section-III (Q.61-90) Hindi literature & grammar
Section-IV (Q.91-120) Mathematics
Section-V (Q.121-150) Social Sciences, Environmental Studies and General awareness & current affairs including Himachal Pradesh.
Structure of TET for Punjabi Language TeacherNumber of question and weightage-150 question carrying one mark each
Duration-2 hour 30 minutes
Type of questions-Multiple choice variety with four alternative out of which only one is correct
Negative Marking-No
Sections of the question papers- Section-1 Q. 1 to 120 based on Punjabi course of Graduation. Section-II Q.121 to 150 General awareness including Himachal Pradesh current affairs & Environmental studies.
Standard of TET-Punjabi Course of Graduation level of Patiala University
Structure of TET for Urdu Language TeacherNumber of question and weightage-150 question carrying one mark each
Duration-2 hour 30 minutes
Type of questions- Multiple choice variety with four alternative out of which only one is correct.
 Negative Marking-No
Sections of the question papers- Section-1  Q. 1 to 120 based on Urdu course of Graduation Section-II Q.121 to 150 General awareness including Himachal Pradesh current affairs & Environmental studies.
Standard of TET-Urdu Course of Graduation level of J&K. University
The test items on child psychology, development, pedagogy and teaching learning processes will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group 06 to 11 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of good facilitator of learning. The question in the other sections will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the State for classes I to V, but their difficulty standard as well as linkages could be upto 10+2 level of HP Board of School Education.

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