HP Board Date sheets 10 and 12 The exam will start on 1 March 2024 for class 12 students. The first paper is English subject. The last paper will be conducted on 28 March 2024. The last paper is about public administration.
The exam for 10 standards will start from 2 March and the first paper is mathematics. The last paper will be conducted on 21 March and will be conducted for Urdu/Tamil/Telugu/Sanskrit
Class 10 Date Sheet-HP Board Date sheets 10 and 12 released

10 Class Do’s and Don’t
Question papers of English, Mathematics, Hindi, Social science, Science and Technology and Sanskrit subjects will be made available in three series A and C series whereas question papers of Mathematics will be made available in six series only. It will be made available only to the students who need it
It is mandatory for the students who are appearing in the subjects to write the series given in the question paper allotted to them in Capital Letters in the prescribed block on the main page of the answer sheet/OMR Sheet
At 8.45 AM the question papers and answer sheet will be distributed. Candidates will be given OMR based answer book to write their details only after reading the even-numbered paper for 15 minutes counting the pages of the answer book and finding it correct.
HP Board Date sheets 10 and 12 released
Exam Timing-Sharp 9 AM
Question Papers of the subjects marked with* will not be made available by the board and the schools should get the question papers of these subjects prepared by the teacher of the concerned subjects and conduct the exam.
Class 12 Date Sheet
You can check the other details from here