
Haryana CET Mechanical Engineering Syllabus 2025 for Group C & D Posts

Haryana CET Mechanical Engineering Syllabus 2025

Here is a suggested syllabus for Haryana CET (Common Eligibility Test) for Mechanical Engineering Jobs under Group C & D 2025. The syllabus may different according to the so candidates can check all syllabus of Group C and D post here post wise.

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Also Read :- Haryana CET Electrical Engineering Syllabus 2025 for Group C & D Posts

Group C Including Post – Building Materials and Construction Techniques, Surveying and Leveling, Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures Concrete Technology and Design of Concrete Structures, Steel Structures and Design of Steel Structures, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering (Highways and Bridges), Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control, Building Codes and Standards etc. 

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Group D Including Post –  Basic Civil Engineering,  Building Drawing and Estimating, Building Services (Plumbing, Sanitation, and Electrical), Construction Management and Safety, Quantity Surveying and Contract Management, Civil Engineering Materials and Testing, Road and Highway Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering, Basic Computer Applications in Civil Engineering.

Haryana CET Marks Weightage for Mechanical Engineering Jobs

Subjects Marks Weightage 
General awareness, Reasoning, Mathematics, Science, History including Haryana related history, current affairs, literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc. 20%
Computer terminology, Fundamentals, word software, excel software, Power point, internet, web browsing, Communication, emails, downloading and uploading data on websites etc10%
Subjects related Syllabus 70% 
Total 100 %

Haryana CET Syllabus 2025 – Mechanical Engineering Jobs (Level- Matric+ Dip in Mech. Engineering)

Subjects Topics 
STRENGTH OF MATERIALSStresses and Strains Resilience  Moment of Inertia  Bending Moment and Shearing Force  Bending stresses  Columns Torsion  Springs
THERMODYNAMICSFundamental Concepts Laws of Perfect Gases  Thermodynamic Processes on Gases  Laws of Thermodynamics  Ideal and Real Gases Properties of Steam  Steam Generators  Air Compressors  Introduction to Heat Transfer
BASICS OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERINGApplication and Advantage of Electricity Basic Electrical Quantities  Electromagnetic Induction  Transmission and Distribution System  Domestic Installation  Electric Motors and Pumps  Electrical Safety  Basic Electronics
WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGYWelding  Pattern Making  Moulding and Casting Metal Forming Processes  Plastic processing  Cutting Tools and Cutting Materials Lathe  Drilling  Boring Shaping, Planning and Slotting  Broaching  Jigs and Fixtures  Cutting Fluids and Lubricants
MATERIALS AND METALLURGYIntroduction  Crystallography  Metals and Alloys  Theory of Heat Treatment  Engineering Plastics  Advanced Materials  Miscellaneous Materials
HYDRAULICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINESIntroduction  Pressure and its Measurement  Flow of Fluids  Flow through Pipes  Flow through Orifices Hydraulic Machines  Water Turbines and Pumps
I.C. ENGINESIC Engines  Fuel Supply in Petrol Engine  Fuel System of Diesel Engine Ignition System of IC Engines Cooling and Lubrication  Testing of IC Engines
MACHINE DESIGN AND DRAWINGIntroduction  Design Failure Design of Shaft  Design of Key  Design of Screwed Joints  Cams  Gears
THEORY OF MACHINESSimple Mechanisms Power Transmission  Flywheel  Governor  Balancing  Vibrations
REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONINGFundamentals of Refrigeration Vapour Compression System Refrigerants  Vapour Absorption System Refrigeration Equipment include Compressor – Function, various types of compressors, Condenser – Function, various types of condensers, Evaporator – Function, types of evaporators, Expansion Valve – Function, various types such as capillary tube, thermostatic expansion valve, low side and high side float valves, application of various expansion valves, Safety Devices Thermostat, overload protector LP, HP cut out switch. AIR CONDITIONING  Psychrometry Definition, importance, specific humidity, relative humidity, degree of saturation, DBT, WBT, DPT, sensible heat, latent heat, Total enthalpy of air. Psychrometry chart and various processes of psychrometry Air-Conditioner Study of window air-conditioning, split type air conditioning, concept of central air- condition, automobile air-conditioning. 
ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATIONDefinition, Scope and Importance of Environmental Education Basics of ecology, biodiversity, eco system and sustainable development  Sources of pollution – natural and manmade, causes, effects and control measures of pollution (air, water, noise, soil, radioactive and nuclear) and their units of measurement  Solid waste management – Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial waste  Mining and deforestation – Causes, effects and control measures  Environmental Legislation – Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 and Environmental Protection Act 1986, Role and Function of State Pollution Control Board, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)  Role of Non-conventional Energy Resources (Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Bio Energy, Hydro Energy)  Current Issues in Environmental Pollution – Global Warming, Green House Effect, Depletion of Ozone Layer, Recycling of Material, Environmental Ethics, Rain Water Harvesting, Maintenance of Groundwater, Acid Rain, Carbon Credits.
CNC MACHINES AND AUTOMATIONIntroduction to NC, CNC & DNC, their advantages, disadvantages and applications. Basic components of CNC machines, Machine Control Unit, input devices, selection of components to be machined on CNC machines, Axis identification  Construction and Tooling System Devices  Part Programming  Problems in CNC Machines  Automation and NC system Robot Technology  Introduction to robot technology, basic robot motion and its applications
AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERINGIntroduction  Power System  Transmission System Steering System  Braking system  Suspension System Auto Electrical System
INSPECTION AND QUALITY CONTROLInspection  Measurement and Gauging  Statistical Quality Control Modern Quality Concepts  Instrumentation Measurement of mechanical quantities
INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGProductivity Work Study Method Study  Motion Analysis  Work Measurement  Wages and Incentive Schemes  Production Planning and Control  Estimating and Costing
ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENTSECTION – A ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Introduction, Market Survey and Opportunity Identification, Project report Preparation. SECTION –B MANAGEMENT – Introduction to Management, Leadership and Motivation, Management Scope in Different Areas, Miscellaneous Topics.

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