
Haryana CET Computer Engineering Syllabus 2025 for Group C & D Posts

Haryana CET Computer Engineering Syllabus 2025

Here is a suggested syllabus for HSSC Haryana CET (Common Eligibility Test) for Computer Engineering Jobs under Group C & D 2025. The syllabus may different according to the so candidates can check all syllabus of Group C and D post here post wise.

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Also Read :- Haryana CET Mechanical Engineering Syllabus 2025 for Group C & D Posts

Group C Including Post – Building Materials and Construction Techniques, Surveying and Leveling, Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures Concrete Technology and Design of Concrete Structures, Steel Structures and Design of Steel Structures, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering (Highways and Bridges), Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control, Building Codes and Standards etc. 

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Group D Including Post –  Basic Civil Engineering,  Building Drawing and Estimating, Building Services (Plumbing, Sanitation, and Electrical), Construction Management and Safety, Quantity Surveying and Contract Management, Civil Engineering Materials and Testing, Road and Highway Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering, Basic Computer Applications in Civil Engineering.

Haryana CET Marks Weightage for Computer Engineering Jobs 

Subjects Marks Weightage 
General awareness, Reasoning, Mathematics, Science, History including Haryana related history, current affairs, literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc.20%
Computer terminology, Fundamentals, word software, excel software, Power point, internet, web browsing, Communication, emails, downloading and uploading data on websites etc. 10%
Subject related syllabus70%
Total 100%

Haryana CET Syllabus 2025 for Computer Engineering Jobs (Level- Matric+ Dip. in Computer Engineering)

Subjects Topics 
PROGRAMMING IN CAlgorithm and Programming Development  Program Structure  Control Structures  Pointers  Functions  Arrays and Strings  Structures and Unions
OPERATING SYSTEMSOverview of Operating Systems Process Management (Principles and Brief Concept)  Deadlocks (Principles and Brief Concept)  Memory Management Function (Principles and Brief Concept) I/O Management Functions (Principles and Brief Concept) File Management (Principles and Brief Concept)  Linux Operating System. 
DIGITALELECTRONICSIntroduction  Number System  Codes and Parity  Logic Gates and Families  Logic Simplification  Arithmetic circuits  Decoders, Multiplexers,  De-Multiplexers and Encoder  Latches and flip flops  Counters  Shift Register  A/D and D/A Converters Semiconductor Memories.
) MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONSIntroduction to Multimedia Systems  Content and Project Planning, Designing and development Using Image Processing Tools  Multimedia Authoring Tools
DATA COMMUNICATIONIntroduction Data and Signals  Digital and Analog Transmission  Multiplexing – FDM, WDM, TDM, Transmission media  Error Detection and Correction.
 DATA STRUCTURES USING CFundamental Notations  Arrays  Linked Lists  Stacks, Queues and Recursion  Trees  Sorting and Searching
OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING JAVAIntroduction and Features  Language Constructs  Classes and Objects  Inheritance  Polymorphism  Abstract class & Interface  Exception Handling
COMPUTER ORGANIZATIONHardware organization of computer system Memory organization  I/O organization Architecture of multi-processor systems
MICROPROCESSORS AND PERIPHERAL DEVICESEvolution of Microprocessor  Architecture of a Microprocessor (With reference to 8085 microprocessor) Instruction Timing and Cycles  Programming (with respect to 8085 microprocessor)  Memories and I/O interfacing  Interrupts  Data Transfer Techniques  Peripheral devices  Architecture of 8086 Microprocessor. 
DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIntroduction Database System Concepts and Architecture  Data Modeling using E.R. Model (Entity Relationship Model)  Relational Model Normalization  Database Access and Security  MYSQL/SQL (Structured Query Language)
SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGIntroduction to Software Engineering  Software Life Cycle Models  Software Planning  Requirement Analysis and Specification  Software Design and Implementation, Software Testing
COMPUTER NETWORKSNetworks Basics  Networking Models  TCP/IP Addressing  Network Architecture  Network Connectivity  Network Administration  Introduction to Wireless Networks Cloud Computing
COMPUTER PROGRAMMING USING PYTHONIntroduction  Basic Python Syntax  Language Components  Collections  Functions  Modules  Exceptions  Input and Output  Classes in Python  Regular Expressions
NETWORK SECURITYIntroduction  Securing Data over Internet  Virus, Worms and Trojans  Firewalls  Intrusion Detection System (IDS)/IPS  Handling Cyber Assets- Configuration policy as per standards, Disposable policy  Virtual Private Network (VPN) Disaster and Recovery
MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENTIntroduction to Mobile Computing, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth  Introduction to GSM, SMS, GPRS, Mobile OS  Introduction to ANDROID  Views  Location Based Service and SQLite

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