
Haryana CET Civil Engineering Syllabus 2025 for Group C & D Posts

Haryana CET Civil Engineering Syllabus 2025

Here is a suggested syllabus for Haryana CET (Common Eligibility Test) for Civil Engineering jobs under Group C & D 2025. The syllabus may different according to the  so candidates can check all syllabus of Group C and D post here post wise.

Also Read :- Haryana CET 2025

Group C Including Post is  Building Materials and Construction Techniques, Surveying and Leveling, Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures Concrete Technology and Design of Concrete Structures, Steel Structures and Design of Steel Structures, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering (Highways and Bridges), Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control, Building Codes and Standards etc. 

Haryana CET Civil Engineering Syllabus 2025

Group D Including Post –  Basic Civil Engineering,  Building Drawing and Estimating, Building Services (Plumbing, Sanitation, and Electrical), Construction Management and Safety, Quantity Surveying and Contract Management, Civil Engineering Materials and Testing, Road and Highway Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering, Basic Computer Applications in Civil Engineering.

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Civil Engineering Jobs (Level of Exam- Diploma in Civil Engineering)

Marks Weightage for Haryana Civil engineering Jobs in Group -1

Topics Marks Weightage
General awareness, Reasoning, Mathematics, Science, History including Haryana related history, current affairs, literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc.-20% 
Computer terminology, Fundamentals, word software, excel software, Power point, internet, web browsing, Communication, emails, downloading and uploading data on websites etc.10%
Subject related Syllabus 70% 
Total 100%
Subjects Topics 
FLUID MECHANICSIntroduction Properties of Fluids  Hydrostatic Pressure Measurement of Pressure Fundamentals of Fluid Flo
STRUCTURAL MECHANICSProperties of Materials Simple Stresses and Strains  Shear Force and Bending Moment Moment of Inertia  Bending Stresses in Beams Combined Direct and Bending Stresses Shear Stresses in Beams  Slope and Deflection Columns Analysis of Trusses:
 SURVEYINGIntroduction Chain surveying Compass surveying: Levelling Plane Table Surveying  Contouring Theodolite Surveying Tacho-metric surveying  Curves Introduction to the use of Modern Surveying equipment and techniques  Minor Instruments
) CONSTRUCTION MATERIALSBuilding Stones Bricks and Tiles Cement: Lime  Timber and Wood Based Products Paints and Varnishes Metals Miscellaneous Materials
BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONIntroduction: Foundations: 3. Walls Masonry  Arches and Lintels Doors, Windows and Ventilators Damp Proofing and Water Proofing  Floors  Roofs  Stairs  Anti-Termite Measures (As per IS 6313 –I – III) Building Planning  Building Services  Elementary idea of interior decoration, wall panelling, false ceiling, flooring etc.
CONCRETE TECHNOLOGYIntroduction Ingredients of Concrete Water Cement Ratio Workability Properties of Concrete Proportioning for Normal Concrete Introduction to Admixtures (chemicals and minerals) for improving performance of concrete 8. Special Concretes9. Concreting Operations:
WATER SUPPLY AND WASTE WATER ENGINEERINGIntroduction  Quantity of Water  Quality of Water Water Treatment (brief introduction Conveyance of Water  Laying out Pipes Building Water Supply Introduction Sewerage System  Laying and Construction of Sewers Sewage characteristics Natural Methods of Sewerage Disposal  Sewage Treatment  Building Drainage.
IRRIGATION ENGINEERINGIntroduction Water Requirement of Crops  Hydrological Cycle Catchment Area and Run-off Methods of Irrigation Canals  Tube Well Irrigation  Dams 8. Canal Head Works and Regulatory Works 9. Cross Drainage Works 10. Definitions Hydraulic Structures11. River Training Works 12. Water Logging and Drainage and Ground Water Re-charge
HIGHWAY ENGINEERINGIntroduction  Road Geometrics  Highway Surveys and Plan  Road Materials  Road Pavements  Hill Roads  Road Drainage Road Maintenance Road Construction Equipment
SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERINGIntroduction Physical Properties of Soils Classification and Identification of Soils  Flow of Water Through Soils Effective Stress: (Concept only) Deformation of Soils  Shear Strength Characteristics of Soils Compaction Soil Exploration Bearing Capacity of soil  Foundation Engineering
) ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATIONDefinition, Scope and Importance of Environmental Education  Basics of ecology, biodiversity, eco system and sustainable development Sources of pollution – natural and manmade, causes, effects and control measures of pollution (air, water, noise, soil, radioactive and nuclear) and their units of measurement Solid waste management – Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial waste  Mining and deforestation – Causes, effects and control measures  Environmental Legislation – Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 and Environmental Protection Act 1986, Role and Function of State Pollution Control Board, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Role of Non-conventional Energy  Resources (Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Bio Energy, Hydro Energy) Current Issues in Environmental Pollution – Global Warming, Green House Effect, Depletion of Ozone Layer, Recycling of Material, Environmental Ethics, Rain Water Harvesting, Maintenance of Groundwater, Acid Rain, Carbon Credits.
EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONElements of Engineering Seismology Seismic Behaviour of Traditionally-Built Constructions of India Special construction method, tips and precautions to be observed while planning, designing and construction of earthquake resistant building.  Introduction to IS: 4326, IS: 13828, IS: 1893(Part 1), 154326 and IS: 13920 (latest edition)  Seismic Provision of Strengthening and Retrofitting Measures for Traditionally- Built Constructions, Brick and RCC Structures Provision of reinforcement detailing in masonry and RC constructions  Disaster Management: Disaster rescue, psychology of rescue, rescue workers, rescue plan, rescue by steps, rescue equipment, safety in rescue operations, debris clearance and causality management.
REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGSNeed for Maintenance Agencies Causing Deterioration (Sources, Causes, Effects)  Investigation and Diagnosis of Defects  Defects and their root causes Materials for Repair, maintenance and protection Remedial Measures for Building Defects

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