Gujarat TET The tet exam is conducted to determine the eligibility of PRT and TGT in government schools of Gujarat. The application form will open soon and candidates will be able to apply for Teacher Eligibility Test for Paper I and II, respectively, to get awarded with TET certificate. Candidates stay tuned to official website or we will send you notification regarding opening of application form. Once notification is released officially, a direct link to apply will be also activated inside the table below.
Paper I

Paper II
Exam Conducting Authority
State Examination Board Gandhinagar
Expected schedule of opening of application process will begin in the August September 2024
Gujarat TET Eligibility Criteria 2024
Educational Qualification:
Paper I – A candidate has passed the Intermediate exam, and he or she has pursued a two-year Diploma in Elementary Education, or four-year Diploma in Elementary Education.
Paper II – Candidate must have pursued a Bachelor’s degree, and he or she completed either two-year DElEd, two-year BEd, four-year B.El.Ed, four-year BSc.BEd, or four-year BA.BEd.
Age Limit:
Paper I: A candidate must have turned at least 18 years.
Paper II: One’s age must not be below 21 years.
Gujarat TET Application Fee
Rs 250 for Reserved category
Gujarat TET Exam Pattern 2024
pattern details for Gujarat Teacher Eligibility Test 2024 for Paper I and II is
available below.Paper I (Classes 1 to 5)- Mode of Exam: Offline
- Duration: 90 Minutes
- Total Questions: 150
- Maximum Marks: 150
- Marking Scheme: Each question carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking.
- SectionChild Development and Pedagogy (Disability Oriented): 30 questions
- Language I (Gujarati): 30 questions
- · Language II (English): 30 questions
Mathematics: 30 questionEnvironmental Studies: 30 questions
Medium of Question Paper English & Gujrati
- Paper II (Classes 6 to 8)
- Mode of Exam: Offline
- Duration 120 Minutes
- Total Questions: 150
- Maximum Marks: 150
- Marking Scheme: Each question carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking.
- Sections:
- Child Development and Pedagogy (Disability Oriented): 25 questions
- Language I (Gujarati): 25 questions
- Language II (English): 25 questions
- Mathematics and Science OR Social Studies: 75 questions
- Medium of Question Paper: English & Gujarati
Gujarat TET Admit Card 2024
The admit card is released online by the authority and no personal admit is sent through courier or post. Candidates will be able to download their admit card by entering their user id and password created at the time or registeration.
Gujarat TET Exam Date 2024
The exam dates forTeacher Eligibility Test 2024 for Paper I and II is not yet disclosed officially by the State Examination Board, Gandhinagar. It is estimated that if the notification brochure is made public officially by the July or August 2024.
Gujarat TET Syllabus- CDP
- Child development
- The Role of Heredity and Environment
- Meaning and Concept of Learning and its process
- Factors Affecting Learning
- Theories of Learning and its Implication
- Personality
- Intelligence
- Understanding Diverse Learners
- Learning Difficulties, Adjustment
- Teaching-Learning Process
- Meaning and Purposes of Assessment
- Action Research
- The Right to Education Act of 2009
- How Children Learn and Think
- Motivation and Implications for Learning
- Individual Differences
- Inclusive Education
- Fundamentals of SEN-Differential learning, SEN Spectrum, Universal Design Learning, Multiple Intelligence
- Child learning and development
- Content development and planning, especially in SEN
- Student assessment and remediation, especially in SEN
- Tools and technology for SEN
Gujarat TET Syllabus- Language 1 (Gujrati)
- Principle of Language Teaching
- Evaluating Language Comprehension and proficiency
- Challenges of Teaching Language in a Diverse Classroom
- Role of Listening and Speaking Functions and Language and How Children use it as tool
- Language Skill
- Listing and Writing and Speaking
- Remedial Teaching
- Language difficulties errors and disorders
- Learning and Acquisition
Gujarat TET Syllabus- Language 2 (English)
- Language Skill
- Learning and Acquisition
- Language Skill, Remedial Teaching
- Evaluating Language Comprehension and Proficiency
- Teaching Learning Materials – Textbook
- Role of Listening and Speaking Functions and Language and How Children use it as Tool