
Few Facts about JEE Main 2024

Few Facts about JEE Main 2024

Few Facts about JEE Main 2024. The application process for JEE Main 2024 has started from 1 November and will close on 30 November 2023. There are a few things a student must know while applying for the JEE Main application.

The candidate can apply for multiple sessions i.e., January and April Session 2024. However, the student cannot apply for a second session till the window for a second session opens. You can apply now for the January session only with a single application form.

Few Facts about JEE Main 2024

The whole process of JEE Main 2024 is online.

Chemistry is not mandatory for applying for JEE Main 2024

JEE (Main) 2024 is held for two papers which are mentioned below

Paper 1 is for Undergraduate Engineering Programs (B.E/B.Tech.) at NITs, IIITs, other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs), and Institutions/Universities funded/recognized by participating State Governments. JEE (Main) is also an eligibility test for JEE (Advanced), which is conducted for admission to IITs.

Paper 2 is for admission to B. Arch and B. Planning courses in the country


It has been decided to provide choices in one section of each subject of Paper 1 and Part-I of Paper 2A and 2B to cater to the decision of different Boards across the country regarding the reduction of the syllabus. However, the total number of questions to be attempted will remain the same (Physics – 25, Chemistry – 25, and Mathematics – 25), wherever applicable

Pen and Paper mode

Though the whole process of conducting the exam is CBT Mode the following paper will be conducted in pen and paper mode.

Paper 2A (B. Arch): Mathematics (Part-I) and Aptitude Test (Part-II) in “Computer Based Test (CBT)” mode only and Drawing Test (Part-III) in pen and paper (offline) mode, to be attempted on drawing sheet of A4 size.

Time Allowed for exam

  • 3 hours for Non-Pwds Candidates
  • 4 hours for PWD candidates

State code of eligibility

If a candidate has passed the Class 12 (or equivalent) qualifying examination from one State but appeared for improvement from another State, the candidate’s State code of eligibility will be from where the candidate first passed the Class 12 (or equivalent) examination and NOT the State from where the candidate has appeared for improvement. Candidates passed/appearing for Class 12 from NIOS should select the State of Eligibility according to the State in which the study Centre is located. For Indian nationals passing the Class 12 (or equivalent) examination from Nepal/Bhutan, the State code of eligibility will be determined based on a permanent address in India as given in the passport of the candidate.

Is it mandatory to have 75% marks in 12 for admission in Engineering Colleges?

This 75% mark is applicable only for the eligibility for Admission to NITs, IIITs, and CFTIs participating through the Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB): or they should be in the top 20 percentile in Class 12 examination conducted by respective Boards. For SC / ST candidates, the qualifying marks should be 65% in the Class 12 examination.

Jee Main 2024 will be conducted in 13 languages. English Hindi and Urdu are common all over India. Other languages are meant for specific states or regions that are mentioned below

LanguageExamination Centre
EnglishAll Examination Centres
English and HindiAll Examination Centres in India
English and AssameseAssam Centre only
English and BengaliWest Bengal, Tripura, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands
English and Gujaratin Gujarat, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
English and KannadaKarnataka only
English and MalayalamKerala and Lakshadweep
English and OdiaOdisha
English and PunjabiPunjab, Chandigarh, and Delhi/New Delhi (including Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Gurugram, Meerut, Noida/Greater Noida)
English and TamilTamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands
English and TeluguAndhra Pradesh and Telangana
English and UrduAll Examination Centres in India

BE or B. Tech what is the difference?

As you know BE stands for Bachelor of Engineering and B.Tech stands for Bachelor of Technology. The difference between these two terms is that BE (Bachelor of Engineering) focuses more on knowledge while BTech is skill-oriented.

Where do the two differ?

BE- Industry visits and internships are essential but not mandatory

BTech-Industrial visits and internships are compulsory

BE-Focus is on understanding the fundamental and theoretical knowledge

BTech- focus is more on the practical part

Overall the duration of both the programme is the same i.e., 4 Years. Both impart similar concepts. Both have similar career growth

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