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ESIC Medical College Assistant Professor Recruitment apply

ESIC Medical College Assistant Professor Recruitment apply

ESIC Medical College Assistant Professor Recruitment apply

 ESIC Medical College Assistant professor Recruitment-ESIC will engage the Assistant Professors for ESIC PGIMSRS AND ESIC medical colleges.The selection will be made on the basis of interview.

Last Date to apply-31 January 2025

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40 year and is relaxable for Reserved categories candidates

Application Fee

Rs.500 and reserved category candidates and female, ex servicemen are exempted

A Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque of Rs. 500/-in favour of ‘ ESI Fund Account No. II’, drawn on any scheduled bank payable at Faridabad has to be submitted along with the Application Form.The name and address of the candidates should be written on the reverse side of the Demand Draft/Banker’s cheque.

Community Medicine34621631 
Emergency Medicine002103 
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (FMT)011013 
General Medicine621422246 
General Surgery631811240 
Ophthalmology (Eye)101013 
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)103116 
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PMR)112015 
Radiodiagnosis (Radiology)214119 
Respiratory Medicine101114 
Transfusion Medicine (Blood Bank)111014 

ESIC Medical College Assistant Professor Recruitment


Candidate have Master of Medicine (MD) or Master of Surgery (MS) or Diplomate of National Board (D NB) equated to Master of Medicine (MD) or Mas ter of Surgery (MS) in the concerned subject, a nd

They have at least three years’ teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Re gistrar or Assistant Professor or Lecturer in the concerned Specialty or Super-specialty in a rec ognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post graduate degree.

For Dentistry: – A candidate have master of Dental Surgery (M DS) or equivalent in the respective subject or al lied discipline and at least three years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Dem onstrator or Registrar or Assistant Professor or Lecturer in the concerned Specialty or Super-s pecialty in a recognized teaching institution after acquiring the Master of Dental Surgery (MDS).

D) For  Non-Medical  Candidates:  –  A  post graduate qualification i.e., Master’s degree and Doctorate degree in the concerned subject from a recognized University in the respective subjec t in reference of Anatomy, Physiology and Bioch emistry or as prescribed by the National Medica l Commission in the “Teachers Eligibility Qualifi cations in Medical Institutions Regulations, 202 2” as amended from time to time and at least th ree years teaching experience as Senior Resid ent or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar or Ass istant Professor or Lecturer in the concerned Sp ecialty or Super-Specialty in a recognized teach ing institution after obtaining Ph.D.


The selection of Assistant Professor will be made on the basis of interview which will be conducted by the Selection Board. The venue will be intimated at the right time. The category-wise minimum level of suitability in interviews will be UR/EWS-50 marks, OBC-45 marks, SC/ST/PwBD-40 marks, out of the total marks of interview being 100

How to apply?

Candidate has to fill the application and send it with self attested copies at The Regional Director,

ESI Corporation, Panchdeep Bhawan, Sector-16, (Near Laxmi Narayan Mandir) Faridabad-121002, Haryana

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