
DU Raise Promotion Passing Criteria to 63% for UG Students


Delhi University (DU) has implemented the passing criteria to be promoted to the next academic year. Now students have secure 63 percent instead of 50 per cent in UG courses said officials..

But students who are representing DU in sports, extracurricular activities, the National Cadet Corps, and National Service Scheme, among others, can be exempted from the criteria. It is subject to approval from their college’s competent authority.

Why this step taken official said that the step was taken to overcome the shortcoming in implementation of the National Education Policy Undergraduate Curriculum Framework (NEP-UGCF) 2022, officials said.


Professor Ratna Bali, Dean (Academics) said, “We have brought the changes in promotion rules so that students who have earned adequate credits in the first semester don’t go missing from classrooms in the second semester because every semester requires a certain amount of learning.”

In the older rules a student was able to promoted from first year to second year provided they cleared 50% of the exams of first and second semesters combined. The students had to clear seven papers and obtain a total of 22 credits to get promoted,” an officials said.

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