
Delhi University PG Courses List: Explore Your Master’s Degree Options

Delhi University PG courses list

Delhi University PG courses list. Delhi University a premier university in India offers many courses, and diploma courses. Students can get admission to these courses through an entrance test conducted by NTA. The test is CUET PG. Delhi University was organizing its test earlier which was known as DUET but it has adopted the CUET PG score for PG admission.

Also Read :- CUET PG 2025 Application Form

The list of courses has been provided below. Candidates desirous of taking admission to these course can check the eligibility requirement

Delhi University PG courses list

Eligibility According to Course



B.Ed Special Education (Visual Impairment)

  • Women Candidates with at least 50 per cent either in Bachelor’s Degree or in the Master’s Degree in Science/Social Science/  humanities. Women Candidate with Bachelor’s in Engineering or Technology with specialization in Science and Mathematics with 55 per cent or any other qualification equivalent.
  • Relaxation and Concession for SC,ST, OBC candidates

Bachelor of education  (B. Ed.)

  • Bachelor’s degree/ Or Master’s degree in Science/Social Science/ Humanities/ Commerce or any other qualification equivalent
  • Bachelor in Engineering or technology with specialization in Science and Mathematics or any other qualification equivalent.
  • Percentage- 55 per cent
  • Master’s Degree II Division and above from DU with
  • Percentage-50 per cent
  • Master’s Degree II Division with 50 per cent and above from other University
  • Bachelor’s Degree (HonsBachelor’s Degree (Hons) and above from Other University
  • with 50 per cent and above from DU

Bachelor of library and Information Science

  • Master’s Degree II Division and above from DU with 50 per cent • Master’s Degree II Division with 50 per cent and above from any other University
  • Bachelor’s Degree (Hons) with 50 per cent or above from DU
  • Bachelor’s Degree with 50 per cent or above from DU
  • Bachelor’s Degree with 50% from other Universities,

Note- Seats for the above merit categories will be allotted equally to candidates in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences (Pure and applied). The criteria for selection within each of these areas will again be in the order of merit

B.Ed Special Education (Mental Retardation)

  • Admission-Entrance Test
  • Women candidates with at least 50 per cent either in Graduation or in the PG degree in Sciences/Social Sciences/Humanities Programme
  • Relaxation and Concession for SC, ST, and OBC candidates

B.Ed Special Education (Visual Impairment)

  • Admission-Entrance Test
  • Women Candidates with at least 50 per cent either in Bachelor’s Degree or in the Master’s Degree in Science/Social Science/humanities.
  • Women Candidate with Bachelor’s in Engineering or Technology with specialization in Science and Mathematics with 55 per cent or any other qualification equivalent.
  • Relaxation and Concession for SC,ST, OBC candidates

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)

Admission-Through Entrance Test

Bachelor’s degree/ Or Master’s degree in Science/Social Science/Humanities/Commerce or any other qualification equivalent.

  • Bachelor in Engineering or technology with specialization in Science and Mathematics or any other qualification equivalent.
  • Percentage- 55 per cent
  • Master’s Degree II Division and above from DU with
  • Percentage-50 per cent
  • Master’s Degree II Division with 50 per cent and above from other University
  • Bachelor’s Degree (HonsBachelor’s Degree (Hons) and above from Other University
  • with 50 per cent and above from DU

Bachelor of Library and Information Science

Admission-Through Merit-based

Master’s Degree II Division and above from DU with 50 per cent

  • Master’s Degree II Division with 50 per cent and above from any other University
  • Bachelor’s Degree (Hons) with 50 per cent or above from DU
  • Bachelor’s Degree with 50 per cent or above from DU
  • Bachelor’s Degree with 50% from other Universities,
    Note- Seats for the above merit categories will be allotted equally to candidates in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences (Pure and applied). The criteria for selection within each of these areas will again be in the order of merit

Bachelor of Physical Education ( BP.Ed)

Candidate has to upload all required documents as demanded by University including the sports document, medical certificate

Admission-Entrance Test

Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with 50 % marks and having at least participation in the Inter-College/Inter-Zonal/District/ School competition in sports and games as recognized by the AIU/IOA/SGFI/Govt. of India

  • Bachelor’s degree in physical education with 45 % marks
  • Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with 45% marks and studied physical education as a compulsory elective subject
  • Bachelor’s degree with 45% marks and having participated in National/Inter University/ State Competition or secured 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in Inter College/Inter-Zonal/District/ School competition in sports games as recognized by the AIU/IOA/SGFI/ Govt. of India
  • Bachelor’s degree with participation in international competition or secured 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in National/Inter University competition in sports and games as recognized by respective federations /AIU/IOA/SGFI/ Govt. of India
  • Graduation with 45% marks and at least 3 years of teaching experience (for the deputed in-service candidates) i.e. trained physical education teachers/coaches)
    Bachelor’s Degree with 50% from other Universities


Admission-Entrance Test

Test Graduate/PG Degree from DU or any other Indian or Foreign University whose examination is recognized as equivalent by the University of Delhi


Admission-Entrance Test

A three-year/five-year LL.B. Degree from the University of Delhi or any other Indian or Foreign University recognized as equivalent by the University of Delhi

Comparative Indian Literature

Entrance Category

BA examination of DU or an examination recognized as equivalent with at least three papers in any Indian Language or English Percentage- 60 per cent

  • BA (H) exam of DU or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with at least three papers in any Indian language or English
    Percentage-55 per cent
  • MA in Indian Language with 50 per cent marks
    Any Graduate with 55 per cent marks, he has to clear the departmental aptitude test
    Merit Category
  • BA ( Hons) in any Indian language or English or comparative literature of DU
    B.A. (Hons.) in any Indian Language or English or Comparative Literature of the University of Delhi

M.A. Bengali

  • B.A. (Hons) Examination in any subject (Arts or Social sciences) of the university of Delhi or an Examination recognized as equivalent thereto with at least one paper in Bengali as a subsidiary subject at the graduate level.
  • 40% marks in aggregate and 45% marks in the subject
  • M.A. ( in any subject) examination of the University of Delhi or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with atleast two papers in Bengali the graduate level.
  • 50% marks in aggregate and 55% marks in the subject
  • Merit Category
  • B.A. (Hons.) Bengali Examination of the University of Delhi or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto.
  • Percentage- 45 per cent
  • B.A. Examination of the University of Delhi with at least two papers in Bengali
  • 45% marks in aggregate and 50% Marks in the Subject or equivalent grade

M.A. Buddhist Studies


  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in any subject from a recognized university.
  • Percentage-40% marks in the aggregate or equivalent grade

M.A. Hindi

B.A. (Hons.) Examination in Hindi from the University of Delhi with 40 per cent

  • B.A. (Programme) B.A. (Pass) B.Com. (Pass) B.Com. from Delhi University or from another University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to the University of Delhi (with atleast 2 papers in Hindi)
  • Percentage-45% marks or above in aggregate and 50% marks in Hindi or equivalent grade

M.A. Sanskrit (Language and Literature) from Delhi University or from other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to the University of Delhi.

Percentage-50% marks or above in M.A. and 50% marks in Hindi in B.A. or equivalent grade

M.A. in any of the following: English, Modern Indian Language (other than Hindi), Linguistics, Sociology, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Political Science, Buddhist Studies, Journalism/Mass communication.

Percentage-50% marks or above in Post graduation and 50% marks in Hindi in Graduation or equivalent grade

Graduation in any subject from Delhi University or from another University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to the University of Delhi (With at least 1 paper in Hindi).

Percentage-55% marks or above in aggregate and 50% marks in Hindi or equivalent grade

Graduation in any subject from Delhi University or from other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to the University of Delhi (Indian and Foreigner)

Percentage-One Year Advance Diploma In Hindi from Delhi University with 65% Marks or equivalent grade

Merit Category

B.A. (Hons) Hindi from the University of Delhi.

Percentage-65% marks for General Category 58.5% for OBC or equivalent grade & admission of SC/ST/PwD/CW category candidates

M.A. History

  • B.A. (Hons.) Examination in History from the University of Delhi and other Universities with 50 per cent
  • B.A.(Hons) Examination in History from Universities other Unversity of Delhi with 60 per cent
  • B.A. (Prog) Examination with History from the University of Delhi with 55 per cent.
  • B.A. (Prog) Examination without History from the University of Delhi with 60 per cent
  • B.A. (Prog/Pass) from other than the University of Delhi with 60 per cent
  • B.Com (Pass/Hons)/ B.Sc.(General/Hons) from the University of Delhi and other than the University of Delhi with 60 per cent
  • Master’s Degree other than History from Delhi University
  • Percentage-60% marks and above in M.Sc/M.Com or with 55% marks or above in MA Humanities and Social Sciences or equivalent grade
  • B.A (Hons) in any subject other than History from Delhi University with 55 per cent
  • B.A (Hons) in any subject other than History from other than the University of Delhi with 60 per cent
  • Merit-Based
  • B.A. (Hons) Examination in History with 60 per cent.

Note-There will be only one common entrance examination for regular candidates (Both North Campus and South Campus), School of Open Learning and Non-Collegiate Women Education Board. The entrance examination will be of two hours. It will consist of multiple choice questions and the maximum marks will be 100. Candidates should note that the medium of instruction in M.A. is English.

M.A. Hispanic


Bachelor’s Degree plus Advanced Diploma in the language concerned/B.A. Programme in the language concerned/at least B2 level of Common European Framework or any other equivalent qualification considered equivalent thereto. Candidates in this category have to qualify in the Entrance Examination

Percentage- 40 per cent

Merit Category

B.A. (Hons.) in Spanish from the University of Delhi with 60 per cent

M.A. Environmental Studies

Entrance Category

Any undergraduate (B.Sc./ B.A.Sc. (H)/B.A. and B.Com Hons./Pass Course), (3 years course after 10+2) from the University of Delhi or any other University whose Examination is recognized as equivalent and fulfill other conditions of eligibility but having at least one of these subjects (Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Maths / Geography / Economics) at 10+2 level.


  • B.Tech./B.E. Degree from any University/ Institution recognized by UGC/AICTEE
  • Percentage-55 per cent or above

M.A( Karnataka Music) Vocal/Instrumental

45 per cent in aggregate or equivalent CGPA grade
B.A.(Hons) Karnataka Music Exam or an exam recognized as equivalent to B.A (Hons) Karanatak music exam of DU

  • B.A. (Hons.) Karnatak Music Examination of the University of Delhi. Applicants who have completed their graduation with either Vocal music or Instrumental music in Karnatak Music will have to apply in the same category in M.A. for the Entrance Tests and Admission. 50 Percent
  • B.A. (Pass/Prog.) Examination of the University of Delhi with Karnatak Music as one of the elective subjects with 45 per cent
  • An undergraduate degree in any subject from the University of Delhi, and also have passed any one of the following Diploma courses – • Sangeet Shiromani Diploma Course (Karnatak Music) of the University of Delhi
    • Diploma in Music of the Madras University / Andhra University / Banaras Hindu University • Sangeet Bhushanam (Isai Kalai Mani, 6 yrs.) Examination of Annamalai University/Swati Tirunal Academy, Trivandrum
    • Sangeet Vidwan (Isai Kalai Mani, 6 yrs.) title of the Central Kalashetra, Adyar, Madras
    • Diploma in Music, Potti Sriramulu Telugu University (6 yrs.)
    • Diploma in Music, Padmavati Mahila University, Tirupati (6 yrs.) Applicants who have done their Diploma in either Vocal music or Instrumental music in Karnatak Music will have to apply in the same category in M.A. for the Entrance Tests and Admission. All the applicants have to COMPULSORILY APPEAR in the Practical Entrance Test (Audition)
  • Percentage-40 per cent

M.A. (Hindustani Music) Vocal/Instrumental

Entrance Test

50% marks in aggregate or equivalent CGPA grade Graduation in relevant field DU students 50 per cent in aggregate with graduation in same field


  • B.A. (Hons.) Hindustani Music Examination of the University of Delhi. Applicants who have completed their graduation with either Vocal music or Instrumental music in Hindustani Music will have to apply in the same category in M.A. for the Entrance Tests and Admission

M.A. Percussion Music (Tabla/Pakhawaj)


B.A. (Hons.) Hindustani Music – Percussion (Tabla/ Pakhawaj) Examination or an examination recognised as equivalent thereto. Applicants who have completed their graduation with either Tabla or Pakhawaj in Hindustani Music will have to apply in the same category in M.A. for the Entrance Tests and Admission with 50 per cent
B.A. (Pass/Prog.) with Hindustani music – Percussion (Tabla/Pakhawaj) as one of the elective subjects from the University of Delhi, or an Examination recognised as equivalent thereto. Applicants who have completed their graduation with either Tabla or Pakhawaj in Hindustani Music will have to apply in the same category in M.A. for the Entrance Tests and Admission with 50 per cent
An undergraduate degree in any subject recognized by the UGC, and from any university /institute/centre recognized by the UGC, and also having passed any one of the following Diploma Courses – • Sangeet Visharad (6 yrs.) • Vid (6 yrs.)
• Sangeet Prabhakar (6 yrs.) Applicants who have done their Diploma in either Tabla or Pakhawaj in Hindustani Music will have to apply in the same category in M.A. for the Entrance Tests and Admission with 45 per cent.
Applicants who have an Honours/ Masters course in any subject, and wish to pursue Master in Hindustani Music – Percussion (Tabla/Pakhawaj), must have studied at least two papers of Hindustani Music – Percussion (Tabla/Pakhawaj) in their undergraduate programme. The applicants will have to apply in the same category in M.A. for the Entrance Tests and Admission, i.e. either Tabla or Pakhawaj of Hindustani Music – Percussion, as the papers which they studied in their undergraduate with 50 per cent

  • B.A. (Hons.) Hindustani Music – Percussion (Tabla/ Pakhawaj) Examination or an examination recognised as equivalent thereto. Applicants who have completed their graduation with either Tabla or Pakhawaj in Hindustani Music will have to apply in the same category in M.A. for the Entrance Tests and Admission. with 50 per cent
    B.A. (Pass/Prog.) with Hindustani music – Percussion (Tabla/Pakhawaj) as one of the elective subjects from the University of Delhi. Applicants who have completed their graduation with either Tabla or Pakhawaj in Hindustani Music will have to apply in the same category in M.A. for the Entrance Tests and Admission with 50 per cent
    An undergraduate degree in any subject recognized by the UGC, and from any university /institute/centre recognized by the UGC, and also having passed any one of the following Diploma Courses: • Sangeet Visharad (6 yrs.) • Vid (6 yrs.)
    • Sangeet Prabhakar (6 yrs.) Applicants who have done their Diploma in either Tabla or Pakhawaj in Hindustani Music, will have to apply in the same category in M.A. for the Entrance Tests and Admission with 45 per cent

MA Arabic

Entrance Test

  • BA passed from DU or an examination recognized as equivalent and also Maulvi Fazil Arabic of the University/Board recognized for this purpose/Hons. examination in Arabic Language and have been awarded the degree under Clause 8 (d) of the Punjab University with 50 % Marks
  • Merit-based
  • Graduation in the same field with 45 per cent marks

M.A. Persian

  • B.A. (Pass)/B.Com. (Pass)/ (B.Sc.l(Genl.), Fazil-e- Tibbo-Jarahat. (B.I.M.S. Unani). Examination of the University of Delhi or an Examination recognized as equivalent thereto, with at least 2 papers in Persian at the Degree level examination with 40 percent
    B.A. (Pass)/B.Com. (Pass)/ B. Sc. (Genl.) Feazil-e-Jarahat (B.I.M.S. Unani) Examination of the University of Delhi or an Examination recognized as equivalent thereto and also Munshi Fazil in Persian or an Oriental Examination in Persian from a University/ Board recognized as equivalent to Munshi Fazil. With 40 per cent
    Munshi Fazil in Persian or an Oriental Examination in Persian recognized as equivalent thereto and also B.A. (English) only with 40 percent
    M.A./M.Com. / M.Sc . Examination of the University of Delhi or an Examination recognized as equivalent thereto with 50 percent
  • B.A. (Hons.) Examination of the University of Delhi or an Examination recognized as equivalent thereto in Persian with 40 per cent
    B.A. (Hons) of the University of Delhi in a subject other than Persian with atleast two papers in Persian with 40 per cent
  • B.A.(Hons.)/B.A. (Pass)/ B.Com.(Hons.)/B.Com (Pass)/B.Sc. (genl./Hons.)/Fazil-e-Tibbo-Jarahat(B.I.M.S. Unani) with Advanced Diploma Courses in Modern Persian from the Delhi University with 40 per cent.

East Asian Studies

Entrance only

Bachelor’s Degrees from any recognized University in India or an equivalent Degree from a Foreign University are eligible to apply for the course.

MA Economics

Admission-Entrance Test

Any Graduate/PG degree in any discipline from DU or any Indian University recognized by University of Delhi with 60 per cent marks


  • For DU students- Any Graduate/Post-Graduate degree in any discipline from DU with 60 per cent marks

MA English

  • DU graduate in English percentage 45
    Graduation from any other university with 50 per cent


DU students with 60 per cent in the same field

MA Applied Psychology

For Entrance

B.A(Hons.)/B.A. (Pass)/B.A. (Prog.) Examination in Psychology of the University of Delhi and other Universities recognized by the University of Delhi with 55 per cent
Post Graduation from the University of Delhi and other Universities recognized by the University of Delhi with 55 per cent

  • Graduation from the University of Delhi and other Universities recognized by the University of Delhi with 60% marks or above in aggregate or equivalent grade
    Merit Category

B.A. (Hons.) Psychology and Applied Psychology from the University of Delhi 60 percent

M.A. French/MA Italian/MA German

Entrance test

Bachelor’s Degree plus Advanced Diploma in the language concerned/B.A. Programme in the language concerned/at least B2 level of Common European Framework or any other equivalent qualification considered equivalent thereto. Candidates in this category have to qualify in the Entrance Examination with 40 percent


B.A. (Hons.) in French/German/Italian from the University of Delhi with 60 per cent.

MA Japanese

Admission-Entrance Based

Bachelor’s Degree from any recognised University in India or a Foreign University with 40 per cent
Bachelor’s Degree in the Japanese Language from any recognised University in India or a foreign University with a minimum of 15 years of education with 50 per cent

M.A. Philosophy


Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized Indian University with 50 per cent.


B.A. (Hons.) in Philosophy from the University of Delhi with 50 per cent.

M.A. Political Science


All the candidates with B.A.Hons. /B.A. Program/B.A .Pass /B.A. Degree from the University of Delhi or any other University recognized as equivalent to the University of Delhi with 50 per cent.

All other graduates (Science/commerce/Engineering etc.) from the University of Delhi or any other University recognized as equivalent to the University of Delhi with 60 per cent.


B.A (Hons.) in Political Science from the University of Delhi with 60 per cent

M.A. Psychology


B.A. (Hons.)/B.A./(Pass)/B.A. Programme Examination in Psychology of Delhi University and other Universities recognized by Delhi University with 55 per cent.

Graduation from Delhi University or other Universities recognized by Delhi University with 60 per cent

Post-Graduate from Delhi University or other Universities recognized by Delhi University with 55 percent


B.A. (Hons.) Psychology and Applied Psychology from Delhi University with 60 per cent

MA Punjabi


B.A. (Hons.)/ B.Sc.(Hons.) Examination of Delhi University or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with Punjabi as a subsidiary/concurrent subject
B.Sc.(General) B.Com.(Pass/Prog.) of Delhi University or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with Punjabi as a subsidiary/concurrent subject.
M.A./M.Com./M .Sc./LLB./ B.Ed. examination of Delhi University or an Examination recognized as equivalent thereto with sufficient knowledge of the Punjabi language, literature and culture
B.A. (Hons.) Examination in any modern Indian Language or classical language with sufficient knowledge of Punjabi language, literature and culture or with Gyani examination
B.A. (Hons.) Examination in Punjabi of the University of Delhi or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto
B.a. (Pass/Prog.) and B.Com(Pass/Prog.) and B.Com of the University of Delhi or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with atleast 2 papers in Punjab
Percentage-40 per cent

B.A. (Hons.) Examination in Punjabi of the University of Delhi with 40 per cent.

M.A. Russian Studies

Graduation in Russian Language & Literature

Graduation in any other subject plus Advanced Diploma Course in Russian/Intensive (Full time) Advanced Diploma course in Russian of the University of Delhi or an Equivalent course thereto.

Percentage-Pass percentage

M.A. Sanskrit

B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit from a recognized University with 45 per cent
B.A. (Pass)/B.A. (Programme) or BA (Hons.) in Hindi of the University of Delhi or any recognized university with at least two papers of Sanskrit with 50 per cent.
Acharya/Shastri (Sanskrit) examination of recognized University/Deemed University with 50 per cent
B.A. (H) Examination in any subject of the Delhi University of an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with Sanskrit as a subsidiary/concurrent subject
Percentage- Minimum 50% for General Category and 45% for OBC in Hons. And minimum of 60% for general 54% for OBC in Sanskrit Subsidiary/Concurrent Subject & admission
M.A. examination in any arts and Humanities (except Sanskrit) from the University of Delhi with 50 per cent and 45 per cent for reserved category
Master’s degree in any subject from a recognized University with a Diploma in Sanskrit from the University of Delhi
Percentage- Minimum 50% for General & 45% for OBC in aggregate and 50% for General & 45% for OBC in Sanskrit Diploma and admission of SC/ST/PwD category candidates
Bachelor’s degree of any recognized University and a Diploma in Sanskrit from Delhi University
Percentage- Minimum 50% for General & 45% for OBC in aggregate and 50% for general & 45% for OBC in Sanskrit Diploma and admission of SC/ST/PwD category
B.A. (Program) Sanskrit of the University of Delhi or any recognized university with at least two papers in Sanskrit
Percentage- 50% marks in aggregate for General and EWS category and 45% for OBC & admission of SC/ST/PwBD category

B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit from the University of Delhi

With minimum of 60% marks for General Category, 54% for OBC and admissions of SC/ST/PwD category candidates will be done as per University rules or equivalent grade

M.A. Social Work

Admission-Purely through Entrance Test

Bachelor’s Degree or it’s equivalent (under the 10+2+3 year) in any discipline from a recognized university with 55 per cent

B.A. (Honours) in Social Work from a recognized University with 50 per cent

M.A. Sociology

Admission-Entrance Test

Any Graduate / Postgraduate Degree in any subject from the University of Delhi or any Indian University recognized by the University of Delhi

Appearing Candidate-Candidates appearing in the final year examination of the Bachelor degree are a 50% or more marks in aggregate or equivalent grade also eligible to apply subject to the qualification listed above


B.A. (Hons.) Sociology examination of the University of Delhi with 55 per cent.

M.A. Tamil

B.A or B.Sc. or B.Com from Delhi University of an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with at least two papers in Tamil with 45 per cent.
Master’s Degree of the University of Delhi or a degree recognized as equivalent thereto in any subject with 50 per cent.

B.A. (Hons.) or B.A. (Pass) Examination in Tamil of the University of Delhi or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with 45 percent.
B.A. (Hons.) Examination in any subject (Arts or Social Science) of the University of Delhi or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with at least one paper in Tamil as a subsidiary at the graduate level with 40 per cent
M.A. Urdu
Hons. Examination in a Modern Indian language or classical language and have been awarded the Degree of B.A. Under clause 8(d) Punjabi University with 45 per cent.
B.A.(Pass)/B.A. (Prog.) examination of the University of Delhi or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with at least two papers in Urdu consisting of 100 marks in each with 45 per cent
B.A. (Hons.) examination in Urdu of the University of Delhi or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with 45 per cent.
B.A. Hons./B.Com. (P)/B.Com. (Hons.) examination of the University of Delhi or an examination thereto with at least two papers in Urdu consisting of 100 marks in each with 45 per cent.

B.A. (Hons.) examination in Urdu of the University of Delhi with 50 per cent.

M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics


Bachelor’s degree in any subject and has studied at least 3 courses each of one-year duration or 6 courses each of one-semester duration in Mathematics
Percentage-50% marks in aggregate for General, 45% marks for OBC and 40% marks for SC/ST

B.A. (Hons)/B.Sc. (Hons) Examination in Mathematics at Delhi University
Percentage-60% marks in aggregate for General, 54% marks for OBC and 40% marks for SC/ST categories or equivalent CGPA
M.A./M.Sc. Statistics
Entrance Based

Bachelor’s degree in any subject and has studied at least 3 courses each of one-year duration or 6 courses each of one-semester duration in Statistics under 10+2+3 scheme of examination with 50 per cent.

Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics (Hons.) or Computer Science (Hons.) with at least one paper in Statistics under the 10+2+3 scheme of examination of the University of Delhi or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto with 50 per cent.


B.Sc. (Hons.) Examination in Statistics of the University of Delhi under the 10+2+3 scheme of examination

Percentage- 60% marks in aggregate and 60% marks in a paper of statistics or equivalent CGPA


Entrance Based

Any bachelor’s degree from the University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to that of the University of Delhi with at least one paper in Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, Operational Research) under annual mode/at least two papers in Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, Operational Research) in semester mode with 60 per cent



B.Com (Hons.) or B.A. (Hons.) Economics from the University of Delhi or any other University recognized equivalent thereto
Percentage- 50% marks in aggregate for General Category, 45% for OBC Category, 45% for Sports, CW and PWD Category, Minimum passing marks for SC & ST Category
B.Com or B.Com. (Program)/ B.Com (Pass) from the University of Delhi or any other University recognized equivalent thereto
Percentage- 55% marks in aggregate for General Category, 49.5% for OBC Category 50% for Sports, CW and PWD Category, and Minimum passing marks for SC & ST Category.
B.M.S./B.B.S./B.B.A.(F.I.A.)/B.F.I.A. and B.B.E.* from University of Delhi or any other University recognized equivalent thereto.
Percentage- 60% marks in aggregate for General Category, 54% for OBC Category, 55% for Sports, CW and PWD Category, and Minimum passing marks for SC & ST Category.

B.Com. (Hons.) from the University of Delhi
Percentage- 65% marks in aggregate for General Category 58.5% for OBC Category 60% for Sports, CW and PWD Category Minimum passing marks for SC & ST category
B.Com. or B.Com (Program)/B.Com.(Pass) from the University of Delhi.
Percentage- 70% marks in aggregate for General Category, 63% for OBC Category, 65% for Sports, CW and PWD Category, Minimum passing marks for SC &ST category. (Percentage not rounded off) (In the case of grade, a percentage is not rounded off)

M.Sc Biophysics


Bachelor’s degree under 10+2+3 pattern of education in Physical, Biological, Agricultural, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences or equivalent with 55 per cent.

4-years B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech. of Pharmacy/Engineering/Technology with 55 per cent.

M.B.B.S./B.D.S. or equivalent with 55 per cent.

M.Sc. (Mathematics Education)

Through Entrance

The applicant must have passed an undergraduate degree with at least 2 full-fledged papers in mathematics at the undergraduate level. The students appearing in the final year of the undergraduate degree program (result awaited) can also apply and appear in the entrance test subject to the condition that they shall fulfill the eligibility criteria before the commencement of classes with Pass Percentage

M.Sc. Anthropology


B.Sc. (Hons.) Anthropology (3 Years Course after (10+2) from the University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized by the University of Delhi as equivalent and fulfilling other conditions of eligibility with 55 per cent
B.Sc. /B.A. in Anthropology from any other University whose examination is recognized by the University of Delhi as equivalent and fulfilling other conditions of eligibility with 55 per cent.
B.Sc.(Hons.) / B.Sc. (General) B.A. (Hons.)/B.A. (Pass) with Anthropology as one of the subjects from any other University whose examination is recongnized by the University of Delhi as equivalent and fulfilling other conditions of eligibility with 55 per cent.
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Life Sciences, Biomedical, Zoology and Health Sciences/Geology or B.A. (Hons.) in Sociology/Psychology/Social Work with 55 per cent

B.Sc. (Hons.) Anthropology (3Years Course after 10+2) from Delhi University only with 60 per cent.

M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry
Through Entrance

B.Sc. (general) or B.Sc. (Honours) or an equivalent undergraduate degree in any branch of life sciences with 60% or above marks in qualifying exam


B.Sc. (Hons.) in Biochemistry from the University of Delhi after(10+2+3) with 60 per cent.

M.Sc. Botany

Entrance Category

B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany/B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Sciences (3 years Courses after 10+2) from the University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to University of Delhi fulfilling other eligibility conditions with 55 per cent.

B.Sc. Programme Life Science / B.Sc.( Genl ./ Prog ) / B.Sc. (Pass) / B.Sc. Life Science (3 Years course after 10+2) from the University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to the University of Delhi fulfilling other conditions of eligibility with 55 per cent

Merit Category

B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Sciences (3Years Course after 10+2) from University of Delhi only with 60 per cent.

M.Sc. Chemistry

Entrance Category

B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry (3Years Course after 10+2) from the University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to the University of Delhi fulfilling other eligibility conditions. Candidate must have passed 10+2 (Senior Secondary) or equivalent examination recognized by the University of Delhi with Mathematics as one of the regular subjects and B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry examination with at least two papers of Mathematics with 55 per cent.

B.Sc. (Genl.)/B.Sc. (Pass)/B.Sc. (Prog.) (3 years course after 10+2) from the University of Delhi or any other University whose examinations are recognized as equivalent to Delhi University fulfilling other eligibility conditions. Candidate must have passed 10+2 (Senior Secondary) or equivalent examination recognized by the University of Delhi with Mathematics as one of the regular subjects and B.Sc. (Genl.)/B.Sc. (Prog.)/ B.Sc. Pass examination with at least two papers of Mathematics with 55 per cent

Merit Category

B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry from the University of Delhi only with at least two papers in Mathematics with 60 per cent

M.Sc. Computer Science
Entrance Category

B.Sc. (Honours) in Computer Science (10+2+3 scheme) and B.Tech. Computer Science (10+2+4 scheme) from the University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to that of the University of Delhi with 60 per cent.
Any Bachelor’s Degree (10+2+3) from the University of Delhi with at least six papers in Computer Science and two papers in Mathematics under the Semester system / at least three papers in Computer Science and one paper in Mathematics under the Annual Examination System or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to that of University of Delhi
Percentage- 60% marks in aggregate with 60% marks in Computer Science and Mathematics separately or the equivalent of CGPA as per University norms wherever it is applicable.
Merit Category

B.Sc. (H) Computer Science (10+2+3 Scheme) from the University of Delhi with 60 percent.

M.Sc. Development Communication & Extension


B.Sc. (Hons.) in Home Science/B.Sc. (Pass) in Home Science: after (10+2) from University of Delhi or any other University whose Examination is recognized by the University of Delhi as equivalent fulfilling other conditions of eligibility. Should have passed any three subjects in the following areas. Communication and Extension/Gender and Development/Media Systems/Mass Communication/ Sustainable Development/Training and Development/ Extension Programme Design and Management/Development Communication and Journalism/Training and Development.

Percentage-55 per cent

Merit Category

B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science: Communication and Extension (3 year Course after 10+2) from University of Delhi only with 60 per cent.

M.Sc. Electronics


B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics Course from University of Delhi with 50 per cent
B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics Course from other Universities with 50 per cent.
B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation from the University of Delhi with 50 per cent
B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation from other Universities with 50 percent
B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics from the University of Delhi with 50 per cent
B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics from other Universities with 50 per cent
B.Sc. (Genl.) Physics, Maths, and Electronics from the University of Delhi with 60 per cent.
B.Sc. (Genl.) Physics, Maths, Electronics from ot Universities with 60 per cent.
B.Sc. (Hons.) with at least 4 courses/ 4 Generic Elective Courses in Electronics
Percentage- 24 credits or more as per CBCS guidelines of the University of Delhi
Merit Category

B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics Course from the University of Delhi with 60 per cent.

M.Sc. Environmental Studies

Entrance Category

M.Sc.: Any undergraduate B.Sc./B.A. Sc. (Hons.) / B.Sc. Programme/ B.Sc. General (3 Year Course after 10+2) from the University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent fulfilling other conditions of eligibility, but having at least one of these subjects Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Maths at 10+2 Level. Or B.Tech./B.E. Degree from any University/Institution recognized by UGC/AICTE with 55 per cent.

M.Sc. Fabric & Apparel Science

Entrance Category

B.Sc. (Hons.) in Home Science/B.Sc. (Pass) in Home Science: after (10+2) from the University of Delhi or any other University whose Examination is recognized by the University of Delhi as equivalent fulfilling other eligibility conditions.
Should have passed any three subjects in the following areas. Fundamentals of Fabric and Apparel Science/Fabric Science/Indian Textile Heritage/Apparel Construction/Applied Textile Design/Dyeing and Printing/Design Concepts/Fashion Design Development/Fashion Studies with 55 per cent.
Merit Category

B.Sc. (Hons.) in Home Science: Fabric and Apparel Science (3 years course after 10+2) from Delhi University only.

Percentage- 60% or above marks in aggregate or equivalent grades in HomeScience (Hons.) with specialisation in Fabric and Apparel Science

M.Sc. Food & Nutrition

B.Sc. (Hons.) in Home Science/B.Sc. (Pass) in Home Science/B.Sc. (Hons.) in Food Technology: (after 10+2)/ PGDDPHN (1 year), from the University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized by the University of Delhi as equivalent fulfil other eligibility conditions.
Should have passed Nutritional Biochemistry and any two subjects in the following areas: Food & Nutrition/Nutrition through the life cycle/Public Nutrition/Food Science and Processing/Diet therapy /Microbiology with 55 per cent
Merit Category

B.Sc. (Hons.) in Home Science: Food and Nutrition (3 year Course after 10+2) from University of Delhi only with 60 per cent.

M.Sc Forensic Science

Admission- Through Entrance Test

B.Sc (Hons)/B.Sc in any branch of Science
55 per cent or above
M.Sc Genetics
Admission-Through Entrance

B.Sc (general) or B.Sc.(Hons) or an equivalent UG degree in any branch of life science/physical sciences/Chemical Sciences/Mathematical Sciences/Medical Sciences/Pharmacology/any branch of biology/paramedical sciences.
60 per cent (for equivalent CGPA) marks in their main subject ( For Hons Stream) or in aggregate (B.Sc General) or other equivalent UG Degree

M.Sc Geology

Entrance Category

B.Sc (Hons) Geology ( 3 or 4 years course after 10+2) from DU or any other University whose examination is recognized equivalent to the University of Delhi as equivalent and fulfils other eligibility conditions.
Percentage- 55 per cent or above
Merit-based Admission

B.Sc(Hons) Geology (3-year course after 10+2) from the University of Delhi only.
Percentage-60 per cent
M.SC. Human Development and Childhood Studies
B.Sc (Hons) in Home Science/B.Sc(pass) in home science after 10+2 from DU or any other university equivalent. Candidate should have passed any three subjects in the following areas-:
Introduction to Human Development/Socio-culture Dimension of family in India/Foundation of Human Development Theories and Principles/Gender Empowerment and Justice/Human Development Lifespan/Child Rights and Social Action
Percentage- 55 per cent

B.Sc (Hons) in Home Science/Human Development (3 years course after 10+2) from DU only
M.Sc Informatics
Admission Through-Entrance Test

Bachelor’s Degree under 10+2+3 Scheme (B.Sc/B.Sc (H)/B.Appl.Sc/in Physical Science or Chemical Sciences or Electronic Sciences or Mathematical Sciences or Computer Sciences and any combination of subjects with atleast two from these disciplines,BCA (with 10+2 in PCM) and BIT (with 10+2 in PCM)
B.E/B.Tech degree in any discipline
Percentage- 50 per cent

M.Sc. Microbiology

Admission-Entrance test

B.Sc(Gen) or B.Sc (Honours) or an equivalent UG degree in any branch of life Sciences/Medical Sciences/any branch of Biology
Percentage-60 per cent


B.Sc (Hons) in Microbiology from DU after 10+2+3

M.Sc Physics

Entrance Category

B.Sc (Hons) Physics (3 years course after 10+2) from DU or any other University equivalent to it.
Any Bachelor of Science or Engineering/Technology from a recognized institution, has obtained at least 24 credits in Physics course at the UG level with at least 6 credits in Mathematics/Mathematical Physics/Engineering Mathematics.
Percentage- 55 per cent

Merit Category

B.Sc ( Hons) Physics from DU only

M.Sc Plant Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology


Bachelor in biological chemical or physical sciences.

Percentage-The candidate should have a minimum of 60 per cent marks ( or equivalent CGPS Score) in B.Sc in plant sciences/any other area of Biological Sciences/Biotechnology.

M.Sc Resource Management and Design Application

B.Sc(Hons) in home science/B.Sc (pass) in home science after 10+2) from DU or any other University whose examination is recognized by DU as equivalent. Should have passed any three subjects in the following areas-:
Resource Management/Family Finance and Consumer Studies/Housing and Space Design/Economic in Design Development/Interior Design and Decoration/Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management/Resources and Sustainable Development/Human Resource Management.
Percentage-55 per cent
Merit-Based Category

B.Sc ( Hons) in Home Science Resource Management ( 3 years after 10+2 ) from DU Only.
M.Sc Zoology
Entrance Category

B.Sc ( Hons) Zoology/B.Sc (Hons) Biological Science(3 years after 10+2) from DU or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to DU.
Percentage- 50 per cent or above marks in aggregate and 50 per cent or above marks in Zoology or equivalent grade points.
B.Sc. (Prog/General)/ B.Sc. (Pass) /B.Sc. Life Science (3-year course after 10+2) from the University of Delhi or any other University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to the University of Delhi fulfilling other eligibility conditions.
Percentage-55% or above marks in aggregate or equivalent grade points.
Merit Category

B.Sc(Hons) Zoology/Applied Zoology ( 3 years course after 10+2) from DU Only
M.Sc-PhD Combined Degree (Biomedical Research, ACBR0
Admission-Entrance only

Bachelor’s Degree in Science in any relevant subject from DU or any other university whose examination is recognized by DU as equivalent.
Percentage-55 per cent


M.Tech Microwave Electronics

M.Sc Electronics or M.Sc Physics with specialization in Electronics from DU or an equivalent examination of other Universities.

B.Tech./B.E. Electrical/ Electronics/ Electronics and Communication/ Instrumentation Engineering from the University of Delhi or an equivalent examination of other Universities
Percentage-60 per cent

Master of Library Science and Information Science (M.LI.Sc)

B.L.I.SC course from University or any other recognized University
A percentage of 50 per cent and above marks in aggregate or equivalent grade and relaxation will be given for SC/ST/PH
Merit Category

B.L.I.SC from the University of Delhi
Percentage- 60 per cent or above marks for General Category and relaxation for SC/ST/PH

Master of Education (M.Ed)

Admission-Through Entrance Only

D.El.ED or any other equivalent elementary teacher education programme with UG Degree
Percentage-50 per cent

Master of Journalism

Admission-Entrance Test

Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University
Percentage-50 per cent
Master of Operational Research
Admission-Entrance Category

Any Master’s degree exam of DU or an examination recognized as equivalent with at least two papers in Mathematics/Computer Science/Statistics/Operational Research at graduation/higher level
Any Bachelor’s degree examination under the 10+2+3 scheme of examination of DU or an examination recognized as equivalent with at least two papers in Mathematics/Computer Science/Operational Research/Statistics
Percentage-55 per cent

Master of Physical Education

Admission-Through Entrance

Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) or equivalent
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Health and Physical Education
Percentage-50 per cent
Note- All candidates have to appear in the entrance test and upload of sports proficiency and have to upload a Medical certificate.

Master of Physiotherapy

college/institute/university within India with not less than 4 ½ years duration (including 6 months of internship)

Percentage-55 per cent for the General category for SC/ST/OBC/-NC/Orthopedically Disabled) in their university exams.

Candidates who have completed a 3 ½ years course and an additional bridge course of one year will be considered equivalent to 4 ½ years course

AN UG physiotherapy qualification (B.SC (PT)/ BPT etc.,) of 3 ½ years duration from a recognized college/institute/university plus at least 10 years of work experience

Note- Registration with the Delhi Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy is mandatory.

Successful completion of UG physiotherapy Degree (B.Sc.PT/BPT) from a recognized

Post Graduate Diploma Security and Law (PGDCSL)

Bachelor’s or above in Science or Technology with the following papers

Programming, Networking, Database Management, Operating Systems and Data Structure

Admission-Through Merit and Personal Interviews


Admit Card

Admit card is issued online only.

Syllabus for the Test

The Syllabus for the Entrance Test for each Postgraduate Course is the corresponding B.A./B.Com./ B.Sc. (or equivalent) syllabus of the University of Delhi and/or is available on the respective Department‘s website.

Document required in Exam Centre

Candidates MUST bring the following to the Test Centre on the day of the examination:

    • Print copy of Admit Card
    • One passport-size photograph (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form) for pasting on the specific space in the Attendance Sheet at the Centre during the Examination.
    • Any one of the authorized Govt. photo ID (original)

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